Some of my followers asked me if the auctions and RV can go together.
Sure they can as the timeline set for auctions is expiring and they said so on record that 95% of work done.
But it has to be announced and rate has to be changed on CBI of now it stays the same so unless you see rate change on CBi or an announcement we cannot be sure of any particular date as it would be speculation.
Unless I see auctions end for couple of days and there is an announcement regarding it from CBI it is all speculation.
CBI statements are vague. Never gave exact date .earlier it was by the end of year. With in 2 weeks is their last statement. We are close to that happening but guessing is futile.
With out the end of auctions they will not be able to have direct access to the dollars in NYFED account. It's a process not a sudden event.
Waiting is tough as so many people are going through financial hardships especially during holidays . We are in the end game.