Wednesday, December 4, 2024

MAJEED: Iraq is done & Ready to roll the new rate tomorrow GOLDEN AGE IS COMING!! @DINARREVALUATION




Political analyst Qasim Al-Tamimi believes that the American side will use the power cards it possesses against Iraq in order to find a pretext for the continued presence of its forces on Iraqi soil.

Al-Tamimi told Al-Maalouma, “The security of the Zionist entity is a priority for Washington, as the deployment of its bases in the eastern Syrian Euphrates, Al-Tanf, Anbar and Kurdistan was not random, but rather came in a deliberate manner to provide protection for the usurping entity.”

He added, “Despite America’s failure to use these bases to protect the Zionist entity from the resistance’s missiles, it uses them as a center for its intelligence and espionage operations and to carry out assassinations inside and outside Iraq.”

He explained that “the American side will seek to find pretexts for the continued presence of its forces on Iraqi soil, by using some cards that Washington considers a factor of strength for it against Baghdad, especially what is related to the dollar and oil revenues, With the aim of achieving its goal of continuing its presence on Iraqi soil.” 

MNT GOAT: " Al-Alaq has told us he strongly supports the dinar of the past and will bring it back to its “glory days”, 4 DEC


☹ In another article today titled “WARNING AGAINST CANCELING THE ELECTRONIC PLATFORM: IT MAY END THE BANKING SYSTEM IN IRAQ“ we see this example of not understanding the “unconventional” financial reform strategy of Al-Alaq. 

The researcher and specialist in financial and banking affairs, Mustafa Hantoush, says that the Central Bank of Iraq, by not finding real solutions for transfers and moving towards stopping the (fitr) platform and handing over the Iraqi dollar to (4) correspondent banks owned by investors and banks.

He claims, the Central Bank of Iraq is failing in one of   the most important banking policies, which is the policy of achieving competition in the banking sector and preserving banking sovereignty.

 Therefore, we demand that the Central Bank come up with specific solutions, including extending the work of the (Fitr) platform  in coordination with the new administration of the United States of America.”

He continued by saying, “It is necessary to guarantee the Iraqi banks to open an account for them in the correspondent banks in dollars (Citibank/JP Morgan) as the countries of the region have done.”

 He pointed out that “it is also necessary to determine and announce the mechanism for   cooperation   and auditing with Ernst & Young regarding transfers in currencies other than the dollar (euro – yuan – lira – dirham).”

What I have to say about this article, with opinions by Hantoush, is that he does not understand the necessity to get the IQD reinstated and do it as soon as possible to allow the movement ahead in the economic reforms part of the reform and reconstruction of Iraq. Al-Alaq remembers the 2012-2013 attempt and so understands the necessity. He is taking flack now from these economic experts in moving ahead with this plan for the end of the year. 

Could Al-Alq wait even longer until more agreements are made with many more of the correspondent banks, as Hantoush suggests? Yes, Al-Alaq could but he is moving ahead and he has told the citizens this new FITR platform and I quote announced the Central Bank’s success in implementing the transition plan for foreign transfers, in line with international practices and standards”   

So, what is this dream of Al-Alaq? We read article after article years ago when Al-Alaq has told us he strongly supports the dinar of the past and will bring it back to its “glory days”. This is the ultimate goal of all these financial reforms and “pillars” Iraq keeps talking about. They are all just a means to the end. The end is the reinstatement, a by-product of all this hard work of financial reforms.

The VISION of the CBI
The coming Era of Gold: 

Let us research and then sit back, relax during this holiday season of Christmas that has begun. God through His profits also keeps telling us there is going to be a wealth transfer.

 Does this mean our RV or is this just the tip of the iceberg of what He has planned for this nation? 

If you recall Kim Clement also talks about California and gold in many of his prophecies in the same tone. What does God mean by all this talk of gold. Now more recent prophecies talk about a shaking of California in both a literal and metaphorical sense. They say sometime in July. What does God mean by these words? 

This is going to be an interesting summer of 2025.

Could it be that a huge vain of gold is about to be exposed by an earthquake in California and this gold is the catalyst that brings the U.S. back to the gold standard, along with ways to resolve the national debt issue? 

I am not telling just asking…. Who knows the answers to these questions. But I will say that if you are patient enough you will hear and then see the outcome of these prophecies. God does not just jabber for nothing and chat with prophets for nothing… 

Instead, He talks to his prophets and every word is of importance sooner or later. Remember too He told His prophets that “in the coming period the U.S. would see prosperity and abundance like NEVER before the history of the nation”. 

Oh…. what the heck does this mean? How will He bring all this about? If you are paying attention (and I hope you are) you can see just the very beginning signs, the seeds being talked about of what is to come in this area that God talked about so many times and continues to tell us. I firmly believe it will be the Trump administration and those that follow this administration that will bring in this new era.

Just one more note. Didn’t Kim Clement in his “Hypnotic November” prophecy, tell us about a December surprise. What can this surprise be? Is it the dinar RV or something else of great abundance and gifts? I still have the video below posted once again in this Newsletter. You might want to replay it again or watch it for the first time. 

The important part, I believe, is to keep praying and to let God know that you are trying to understand and want to know. He wants us to know His great glory. He wants us to affirm that it is Him who brings all things good to us. Pray and tell the Lord that you will appreciate anything that He may bring and you welcome all that He is offering to us.





(Mnt Goat-Of course the author is wrong in this opinion. Yes there is still a need. This is not me saying this, instead it is the constitution of the countless articles we have read over the years, especially more recent ones. 

The Oil and Gas Law referendum is REQUIRED by the Iraqi constitution and they can not just disregard it, if they want to. They must pass the law in parliament.)

Political conflicts are escalating in Iraq, casting a shadow over the two-decade-old oil and gas law, disrupting efforts to regulate the exploitation of oil wealth and its distribution between the region and the central government.

In this context, the member of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Ghiath Al-Surji, explained today, Wednesday, the reasons for not legislating the oil and gas law, noting that the need to legislate such a law has disappeared, especially after the issuance of judicial decisions regarding the oil and exports file.

Since the first session of the Iraqi Council of Representatives in 2005, the draft oil and gas law has remained in the drawers, as disagreements prevent its approval in its final form. Despite the passage of more than two decades since the fall of the former Iraqi regime in 2003, the most important law concerning the restructuring of the Iraqi economy has not actually seen the light of day, and the concerned parties, whether the federal government, the Kurdistan Regional Government, or the oil-producing provinces, have not reached a final agreement.

Al-Surji said in a statement followed by “Al-Alam Al-Jadeed”, “The region was waiting for the legislation of the oil and gas law to resolve all the problems related to this wealth between Baghdad and Erbil, but today the situation is different after the issuance of a judicial decision by the Paris Court to stop the export of oil from Kurdistan to Türkiye.”

He added, “The international judicial decision, in addition to the Federal Court decision, stipulated that the oil would be owned by everyone, meaning that the authority over this wealth would be in the hands of the federal government in Baghdad.”

He explained that “the judicial decision two years ago obliged the region not to export oil to Turkey and made the authority over it under the supervision of Baghdad, so the issue of oil and gas and the legislation of the law related to it will be unnecessary, especially since the judicial decision made the oil revenues under the authority and supervision of Baghdad.”

This disruption raises fears of continued disputes that threaten the stability of the Iraqi economy and keep the oil wealth file in the circle of political tensions.

On November 18, the acting Minister of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Regional Government, Kamal Mohammed, set the beginning of next year as the date for resuming oil exports from Kurdistan via the Turkish port of Ceyhan.

On November 15, MP Ali Al-Mashkoor, a member of the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee, attributed the delay in approving the Oil and Gas Law to points of contention behind which the Kurdistan Region stands.

On November 5, the Iraqi Council of Ministers approved a proposal to amend Article (12/Second/C) of the Triennial Budget Law No. (13 of 2023), which stipulates the delivery of oil from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq to the state-owned Oil Marketing Company (SOMO).

It is noteworthy that the Oil and Gas Law has undergone 11 amendments and has never reached Parliament.

(Mnt Goat -This statement is NOT true. I have an article telling us that the Oil and Gas law did its first reading in parliament and kicked back to the Al-Sadani’s cabinet for revisions. This is where it now lies awaiting agreements on those changes so they can resend back to parliament for a second reading.)

Iraq’s oil and gas law, which has been awaiting legislation since 2005 , stipulates that responsibility for managing the country’s oil fields should be vested in a national oil company, overseen by a federal council specializing in this matter.

The Kurdistan Oil Law stipulates that the Ministry of Oil in the region or whoever it authorizes shall assume responsibility for organizing and supervising oil operations as well as all activities related to them, including marketing oil, as well as negotiating and concluding agreements and implementing all licenses, including oil contracts concluded by the regional government. The Iraqi government also has the right to participate in the management of fields discovered before 2005, but fields discovered after that are subject to the regional government.

On February 21, the Federal Supreme Court ruled that the federal government would be responsible for paying the salaries of Erbil government civil servants, with the amount paid at source in Baghdad deducted from the KRG’s share, and the KRG must submit monthly accounts detailing each salary paid. This is effectively a stricter reset of the original “budget payments for oil revenues” deal agreed between the KRG and the federal government in November 2014.

There are no government statistics on oil exported from the Kurdistan Region, but the Iraqi Oil Ministry published an analysis in May 2023, saying the regional government had committed “legal and procedural violations” in selling oil that caused significant losses.

The financial returns of the regional government constitute no more than 80 percent on average after deducting the production costs (the cost of producing a barrel of oil), while the financial returns of the first and second licensing rounds (held by Baghdad) constitute from 94.5 percent to 96.5 percent, and the cost of production is equivalent to (4) times the production costs in the licensing rounds of the federal Ministry of Oil. According to the Ministry of Oil

Iraq exports an average of 3.3 million barrels of crude oil per day, and black gold constitutes more than 90 percent of the Iraqi treasury’s resources.

In August 2023, the government formed a committee to draft the oil and gas law and present it to the government for voting and then passing it to the House of Representatives. The committee included the Minister of Oil, the Minister of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Region, the Director General of SOMO, and senior staff in the Federal Ministry of Oil, in addition to the producing governorates such as Basra, Dhi Qar, Maysan, and Kirkuk.

For years, the points of contention between Baghdad and Erbil have not been resolved, but Al-Sudani recently revealed that an agreement had been reached with Erbil on these points, in addition to including in his ministerial program the resolution of these items, most notably the enactment of the Oil and Gas Law and the implementation of Article 140 regarding the disputed areas.

In mid-February 2022, the Federal Court issued a decision declaring the Kurdistan Region’s oil and gas law unconstitutional, and prevented it from exporting oil for its own benefit, with the export to be through Baghdad exclusively, based on a lawsuit filed by the federal Ministry of Oil.

MAJEED: " So they have to fulfill what they promised within two weeks" , 4 DEC


The council of ministers decided to cancel the working hours of next Tuesday for the celebration of victory day Last Monday Iraq said : we will complete everything in the monetary system & launching system for soft loans for investors within two weeks. The monetary reform is done 100% Launching system four soft loans for investors needs a new rate because these loans will come from 2025 budget So they have to fulfill what they promised within two weeks


Historic Dinar Revaluation Confirmed by Trump! 🎉 @DINARREVALUATION #iraqidinar #iraqidinarinvestor


Tomorrow.. End of the US “exemption” for exporting Iranian gas to Iraq, and Baghdad faces a difficult test, 6 MARCH

  Tomorrow.. End of the US “exemption” for exporting Iranian gas to Iraq, and Baghdad faces a difficult test Shafaq News/ The American websi...