Dec 1 Bonds will be live and can’t be auctioned without the new rate …Impossible
IQD has no value imagine them reducing 2% interest rate… just imagine the disaster to the economy Rate will change from today - Dec 1.
Dec 1 Bonds will be live and can’t be auctioned without the new rate …Impossible
IQD has no value imagine them reducing 2% interest rate… just imagine the disaster to the economy Rate will change from today - Dec 1.
A lot of people "called it". A lot of people got egg on their faces. Everybody get's it wrong from time to time and everybody has to take their turn.
There are gurus out there with egos the size of a planet...who just can't hold their hands out and say, 'Oops, I got it wrong'...
There was a slim chance, a slim chance, it could have gone but that chance depended on B320 which has to do with the bond auction
These are not the normal auctions these are the bond investment auctions which they were given 14 days to get onboard with...They would conclude the 26th...
The purpose of those bonds was largely to give back IMO to the invest, get their chunky dinars out, get some more of them off the streets and they could invest in their country.
What it would mean is they get a nice interest rate when they matured in a very short time and it also meant they get the big lovely bonus of extra purchasing power when the RV occurred. They are due to complete [today 11/26/2024]
[Chase Bank Story]
FRANK: Does this wealth manager know you have dinars?
BANK STORY PERSON: She does now! ...I'm talking to the wealth manager and she wants to know what the investment is about. I said it's about foreign currency. She said, what type? I said the Iraqi dinar and she said immediately, we don't support that at this time.
I was thinking in the back of my mind, Frank is right because when I spoke to her months ago she said, I don't know anything about that...Now it's, 'we don't support it at this time.' I thought I was being kind of clever because I wanted her to realize how serious I was and I said to her.
You know Iraq is about to announce a new exchange rate and I'm looking for someone to take care of me...I looked at Wells Fargo...U.S. Bank and now I'm looking at you...I have Iraqi dinar and I'm looking to exchange. She said, well it has to be registered with a country and we don't support it at this time but how much do you have.
I didn't tell her [exactly] how much, a 'healthy amount' and then she says to me, well, I want to get you in touch with a private banker.
FRANK: Isn't it amazing how their song changed as you were listening to her? What did she offer after that?
BANK STORY PERSON: She said she's going to put me in touch with a private banker. Now the next step is to wait for the private banker to call.
Article: "Iraq announces population census results at over 45 million amid slight increase in males"
Quote: "Al-Sudani pointed out that the number of males reached 22 million, 784 thousand, and 62 people, representing 50.1 percent, while the number of females reached 22 million, 623 thousand, and 833 people, representing 49.8 percent...families headed by women are 11.33 percent, and those headed by men are 88.67 percent...
The number of housing units in Iraq reached 8 million, 37 thousand, and 221 units...the percentage of floors is 92.1 percent, the percentage of apartments is 6.6 percent, and the percentage of mud floors is 4 percent...
The percentage of the population under working age, less than 15 years, is 36.1 percent...the percentage of the population over working age, 65 years and over, is 3.7 percent."