It’s election day in the USA today and if you have not already voted, please go vote! Today I will not get into the importance of voting and especially this election. I will instead take it for granted you are all mature, responsible adults and can think for yourself.
You can make a difference but only if you show your support for the candidate that addresses the ongoing issues facing the nation. Here are a few of the main issues today to think about when voting. Please don’t let the mainstream FAKE news media distract you from thinking. You do have a mind and can think on your own.
- Do you like these endless wars?
- Do you like open borders?
- Do you like higher prices for your insurance, gas, groceries and for just about everything?
- Do you like the coverups by the government when they commit their own political crimes against you or candidates that try to “fix” these problems and bring them to justice?
- Do you like the corruption in the FBI and CIA?
- Do you want your county to remain a sovereign nation or do you want it to be part of the “new world order” (global government)?
- Do you want a country run by YOU the people or by crooked politicians?
Folks, even in the Iraqi dinar investment community for getting straight and reliable intel about this future revaluation is hard. We see these charlatans lying to us over and over again. Yes, it’s all about the Benjamins! It’s everywhere and where has society gone? Morals and Values seem not to matter anymore. Can we change this around and bring Christ back into our lives? Maybe, just maybe, this is at the root of the problem? They say God doesn’t matter anymore…… really?
Let’s get on with today’s news…
No, the RV has not yet happened! We are now getting past the U.S. elections and so I plan to call my CBI contact again tomorrow post-election and get the current scoop to go forward. Folks, the US elections are finally here. Will the crooked administration change? What change in policies towards Iraq will a new administration bring us? What will be the aftermath. We know that the elections of 2008 in electing the 44th president Barrack Obama, was pivotal to our investment and we witnessed first-hand the major changes towards the handling of Iraq’s financial system. This is no doubt why we are still here waiting. I only hope everyone realizes this and will stop all this stupid over speculative conclusions and stupid intel guru talk.
I want to start off by bringing the Dr Shabibi plan for the currency reform again to you once again….I know, I know you are getting sick of hearing it, me too! ☹ But this is important if you really, truly, sincerely want to know any the timing of the RV. Yes, we all want it now, we wanted it years ago and so what caused the holdup? Are we now going to see it soon?
The fact is the only holdup came from the era of the Obama administration when it changed the U.S. policy towards Iraq from the G.W. Bush policy and the inclusion of Iraq as a main stake in the global financial reform. It was then tied as a linchpin for readjusting fairness in the global currency rates for many countries across the board. The way the policy for changed towards the Iraqi financial system actually happened at about 2011 and was manifested in the conspiracy by the then prime minister, Nori al-Maliki to stop the already moving forward/planned Project to Delete the Zeros in late 2012 and the Reinstatement in early 2013 by Dr Shabibi.
It is important to understand that while under the tutelage of Dr. Shabibi as the director of the CBI, that in his plan he felt the financial reforms could come later and if the reinstatement didn’t happen sooner than later, there would be grave consequences and a long wait for it. He called it an “unprecedented opportunity” in his 2015 interview with the news media. In retrospect he was correct.
So, was this Obama change of policy towards Iraq in 2011 better or worse for Iraq? Here we are 11 years later and still no revaluation or reinstatement. I guess it all matters what side of the fence you are on. Are you an investor or a citizen of Iraq? Are you part of the crooked early exchangers in the Obama administration or the average Joe that bought the dinar and is still waiting?
But since the Dr Shabibi 2015 interview, we learned of other opportunities too for the RV and the other obstacles that came into play when the time came to delay it and delay it. I will not get into them again today. If you have been following my news all along you read it all.
However, here we are again into yet another opportunity. But this time I view this as a more solid approach and so maybe the Obama change in direction was correct after all? By why did the politicians, friends and their relatives exchange already and so this is mainly what really gets my goat about the double standards of politicians who use their influence to better themselves at the expense of others. ☹ I prefer to embrace the original Dr Shabibi plan. I can see it could have worked and all could have prospered all these years, not just the crooked politicians. Many of us investors have since passed away, including my brother who was someone like your friends or relatives that will NEVER benefit and enjoy this wealth. So yes, this corruption hit home for me too.
Many of my readers still doubt the Dr. Shabibi plan is in play. The Obama delay is due to idea that the reforms must come first, then the reinstatement later. But Dr Shabibi proved his plan too would have worked. It would have saved the Iraqi people billions and billions in stolen funds. So, we must think. Was the change in policy by Obama intentional much more to save Iraq but also to pander to his friends in Iran as this is where the bulk of these stolen funds went. Remember when I say nothing is coincidental. So, the second approach by the Obama administration is not the same plan as the Dr Shabibi plan. It is just an approach. But it is the process that we should dwell on. The Dr Shabibi process to get to the reinstatement part of his plan is what is important. It still remains intact and is being followed. Why do so many doubt me that it is? Let’s look at the evidence today. I am sure there is much more too, but this Newsletter today would be a book not a news brief. Get it? lol…. lol…. lol….