Saturday, October 26, 2024

Integrity Commission hints at foreign banks’ “domination” of currency sales window, moves to limit their powers, 25 OCT

Integrity Commission hints at foreign banks’ “domination” of currency sales window, moves to limit their powers

Vian Dakhil, a member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, made a veiled reference on Thursday to the “domination” of foreign bank branches over the Central Bank of Iraq’s foreign currency buying and selling window.

“The committee is currently discussing the issue of financial and monetary policy in the Central Bank,” Dakhil stated. “Especially after information indicating the dominance of some branches of foreign banks and Iraqi banks over the Iraqi currency market and the window for buying and selling foreign currency,”

She stated, “The Parliamentary Integrity Committee is working on legislating a law that limits the authority of foreign banks and their branches and Iraqi banks with foreign capital,” implying that “this limits the huge profits that these banks obtain from Iraq.”

“There are some foreign banks and foreign capitals that control money transfers in Iraq, and unfortunately, all Iraqi money goes to another country,” Dakhil stated.

Due to “corruption” in the country’s currency auction, experts in Iraq say there could be “currency leakage” outside of Iraq.

The administration of the Central Bank intends to gradually end the dollar auction before ending it completely.


 Militia Man 

 Article quote:  "It must be noted here that the availability of foreign exchange reserves for the central bank exceeded $100 billion and a gold reserve exceeding 143 tons confirms the Iraqi dinar will recover and that it is strong."  

They're reiterating what Sudani has said numerous times, the dinar will be stronger than the dollar

...1310 is not strong in comparison to the dollar.   It's .0007643.  That is very cheap.  That's sub-penny...

It's going to change IMO.


Parliamentary Integrity Commission reveals government move to recover looted funds, 26 OCT

 Parliamentary Integrity Commission reveals government move to recover looted funds

Hamid Al-Shiblawi, a member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, revealed today, Thursday, a government plan to recover stolen and corrupt money outside the country.

“There is coordination between the oversight institutions and Parliament to uncover major corruption files,” Al-Shablawi stated to

“His committee is in the process of legislating a number of laws that will help the government’s oversight body combat corruption and recover stolen funds,” he added.

“His committee had previously begun opening numerous files by the Parliamentary Integrity Committee concerning all state institutions and ministries,” he said.

“There is a government move to recover the corrupt and looted money inside and outside the country,” Al-Shablawi said.



First of all, a lot of sovereign whales have been paid in Zurich, and they have all gone home to start paying their members. They have leaders in their platforms to disperse their money. They had meetings yesterday. 

The private contractors have seen their letters of confirmation that they will get paid this coming week. That is a million percent confirmed. 

The biggest news is that the biggest Whale in the RV got paid and went home to start the process to help humanity. This news came out two hours ago, he is a good friend of mine, and when that news came through, I started crying.  This means a lot of all humanity, and I also, will be jumping in with them to help with their humanitarian projects. 

I will be flying out soon, but cannot tell you where. When I get the green light, you will not hear from me again, but the opera will come before that happens.

The Opera will go live on the PPN channel. They now have their own channel, in case the evil ones try to ban the channel, and the opera will be transmitted live and Carpathia will say her speech on that platform. I will send you the link so we all can celebrate, and we will unmute the chosen one room to celebrate,

We might be hours away from celebrating!!

 The Precatorias is ready to bless those on that platform.  

We will have an October Christmas!!!

 There a friend of mine in Miami, and nearly every person there at his voting place was voting for Trump.  If this election is stolen, he said it will be civil war, and America will not be taken.   

God Bless you It is coming through and happening, and hopefully today, the opera will come out!!!

We should be getting news from the Admiral as well!

God Bless you all, Wolverine (Transcribed by Carpathia) 

A NOTE FROM CARPATHIA: My dearest Chosen Ones, together we have faced difficult, trying times. Each challenge has given us an opportunity to reflect deeply within ourselves enabling us to be stronger than we ever thought possible.  We are all capable of facing all that comes our way head-on, overcoming each stumbling block, as we have done, one step at a time.   

We have grown incredibly resilient, especially when our path was unclear, but we trusted our inner self, knowing that good things were coming our way.   

We have always bounced back when we felt we could no longer find the strength to rise after many disappointments, and now in a few more steps we will be closer than ever to our goal. 

And today our dear friend Wolverine brings us the most encouraging news ever, even though we are not yet in the arms of our final victory, we are still victorious, because we have endured and believed in ourselves to make it to this moment in time.   

Your success is a strength we call “perseverance” and soon each of you will be deemed worthy to gather the great success that is soon to be yours.

Believe in your value for the new world we are about to enter needs the gift of your loving and giving hearts!

REINALDO JC: "The Iraqi Govt already has the NEW Dinar rate" @DINARREVAL...

Iraq to Complete First Phase of Grand Faw Port in 2025, 26 OCT

Iraq to Complete First Phase of Grand Faw Port in 2025

The Grand Faw Port’s first phase will be finished by next year, according to the Ministry of Transport in Iraq.

The project is a part of the larger Development Road initiative, and it is making steady progress. The development of the road is 84% complete, and the designs for the railway line and the soil surveys for the Development Road are both 100% complete.

Five berths make up the first phase of the port, which is nearly finished. With completion rates of 98% and 96% for the two main bridges, significant progress has also been made on the connecting roads and bridges.

The next step is to finish the designs and put the project up for bids from major global businesses.

After The Electronic Platform Stopped...An Answer To Questions From Iraqi Circles About The New Dollar Mechanism, 5 jan

  After The Electronic Platform Stopped...An Answer To Questions From Iraqi Circles About The New Dollar Mechanism Economy   2025-01-02 | 4,...