💢Aries Sun99, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire, provides an insightful bank story which confirms new developments. 9.27.24
💢Aries Sun99: Good Evening Ginger! I am currently a member of the Liberty Lounge and the GLL World Changers channels. Thank you so much for your dedication in educating us and spreading God’s love across the cosmos.
I have a bank story to share.
I currently use Chase as my primary bank for most of my transactions.
I’m in New England (NE USA for those who are not in America). Two weeks ago, I went to withdraw money from the Chase closest to my job. I didn’t have my debit card on me and was told at the counter that I needed to have TWO forms of ID to withdraw cash.
Since I had run out on my lunch break, I only had my passport with me. The agent and I went through such a lengthy process to verify my identity, including sending push notifications to my phone to show that it’s my account. Despite all of this, they told me that I couldn’t withdraw funds unless I had BOTH my passport and/or Driver’s license (other bank card, etc)
Fast forward to today, I went to the Chase closer to my home to withdraw my rent.
As I approached the counter, I gave the Agent my passport and driver’s license. She then responded to me that she only needed my passport. This is where it threw me off.
I mentioned to her that two weeks prior I had gone to another branch and the system would literally not allow me to withdraw without two forms of ID.
She responded - “It must’ve been the OLD system. Some branches are still in the process of switching over to the NEW system. I just need a national ID (passport) to prove your identity.”
At the time, I didn’t think much of it as I was with my overstimulated toddler, but once I left I realized this is what you’ve been preparing us for!
I hope this can serve as confirmation or even an informational story for folks. Thank you!