Thursday, October 3, 2024



  Question: "Are the new [Iraqi bank cards] based on the new exchange rate?"



 They [Iraq/CBI] are no longer under the umbrella for the US Treasury nor are they under any sanctions.  

That's nice! 



  I strongly believe we need Alaq to finish what he's doing [In New York and Washington], come Baghdad and bring the REER - Real Effective Exchange Rate to Iraq. 

 We believe this is the next step because of what Sudani told the Iraqi citizens. 

 IMO the commercials are the next thing that they're going to show them.  IMO the commercials are already produced...They will be released to the public. When Sudani said the monetary reform is coming to an end...that's a big hint...That's what we in intel call a big clue. 


 All the executive levels of the banks in Iraq are going to sit down with the governor of the CBI Alaq and receive instructions on the new currency next week.  


  They got stability and security. Sudani has been bragging about it...Lift the three zeros has to do with the value, then not with the value, back and forth, back and forth, it has to do with the value and then, no it doesn't have to do with the value.  The articles are contradicting. 

 They are lies.  They are misleading with a purpose.  


Article: "Two conditions to achieve it .. Al-Sudani's advisor rules out removing 3 zeros from the currency"

  These articles, this misleading, is intentional right now...Contradicting statements are found throughout all of these statements, all of these articles...The 25 note has to become a 25k note

 There isn't even a 25 note...When did Iraq last have a 25 note?  Never.



[Iraqi bank friend Aki update] 

Question:  You're asking us why we are not talking to you about these [lower note] commercials.  Can you tell us more about them

 AKI:  Yes, they are coming out.  This is the media campaign we told you about.  It's getting faster and faster and louder and louder.  

The purpose is to show the citizens the new lower notes and more information. 

 These commercials are coming out at any time now...Nothing is in the way to block this next step.  It is a massive media campaign.  

[[Iraqi bank friend Aki update]

New York is to remove the red tape that the United Nations is still holding on the banks of Iraq that are not participating in the monetary reform.  

These sanctioned banks may stay sanctioned or be shut down completely. 

 It really doesn't matter to the monetary reform process but this is something that is needed to be done.


Iraq's 2025 budget: Will the government deliver on its promises amid growing crises?, 3 OCT

  Iraq's 2025 budget: Will the government deliver on its promises amid growing crises?

As the date for discussing the 2025 budget schedules in Iraq approaches, many questions are being raised about the government’s ability to meet its financial obligations amidst the growing crises. The Parliamentary Finance Committee, headed by its member Mohammed Nouri, confirmed that employees’ salaries are fully secured until the end of this year, but can these statements be relied upon in light of the current economic situation?

Despite the committee’s assurance that there is no delay in paying salaries, many question the government’s ability to address the delay in funding provincial allocations and ongoing projects. Development projects in Iraq have become underfunded, hampering efforts to develop infrastructure and improve basic services.

Moreover, reports indicate that the Iraqi government is facing significant challenges in balancing its financial obligations with dealing with economic variables, such as oil prices and inflation. While the Finance Committee hopes to launch project packages in the coming days, the question remains: Will these measures solve the current crises or will they worsen over time?

Responding to citizens’ needs and achieving sustainable development requires a comprehensive plan that goes beyond merely approving annual budgets. At a time when the Iraqi street is demanding improved services and job opportunities, the Finance Committee and the government appear to be in a race against time to ensure the country’s financial stability.

The situation remains as it is: statements confirming commitment, but the facts on the ground indicate otherwise. The government will have to face pressure from the street and increasing demands in the coming period, especially with the approach of elections and growing frustration among citizens. Will the government be able to strike a balance between pledges and reality? The coming days will reveal that.   link


 Militia Man 

 If you do the math on it, if you drop the three zeros from the exchange rate of the nominal value of the currency. 

 If the exchange rate is $1 divided by 1310 gets you .0007643 or real close, which is far less than a penny.

  If you drop the three zeros off the exchange rate you've done a big service.  You've created value to that currency because if you drop three zeros from the exchange rate that is .76...They can then add the Real Effective Exchange Rate based off the non-oil revenue streams...

 Alaq says we're going to enhance the confidence in the dinar...Remember what Sudani said.  He warned the citizens twice at least, to be careful with your dinar.  Don't get rid of it.  It's going to be stronger.  Openly, the two big guys, Iraq prime minister and Iraq Central Bank governor has told the citizens...we're going to bring value.


Banking Advisor: Government Committed to Opening New Horizons for Partnership with Investors, 3 OCT

  Banking Advisor: Government Committed to Opening New Horizons for Partnership with Investors

Wissam Al-Mulla the Prime Minister's representative and advisor for banking affairs, Saleh Mahoud, confirmed today, Tuesday, the government's commitment to supporting the Securities Commission and opening new horizons for partnership with investors, calling on the legislative authority to accelerate the issuance of the necessary legislation to meet the requirements of the modern market and enhance the investment environment in Iraq.

"It is a great honor to represent Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani in this event organized by the Securities Commission," Mahoud said at the World Investor Day conference, which was attended by the Iraqi News Agency (INA) correspondent. "This conference represents a vital platform to strengthen ties between the government and investors and highlights investment opportunities available in Iraq,"
he added. "The world today lives in an era characterized by rapid economic changes, which requires activating the role of the securities sector as a major tool to stimulate economic growth," he added, adding that "the Iraqi government headed by Mohammed Shia al-Sudani is fully aware of the importance of this sector as a lever for growth and attracting local and international investments."

He pointed out that "global experiences have proven that investments are not only an engine for growth, but also a means to develop infrastructure, create jobs, and enhance transparency and efficiency in resource management," considering that "the Securities Commission is a vital partner in achieving these goals, as it works to regulate markets and enhance their protection.

" Mahoud stressed "the importance of cooperation between the public and private sectors," emphasizing that "the success of investments depends on investment partnerships that contribute to mitigating risks and increasing confidence."
He explained that "there is an urgent need to accelerate the issuance of the necessary legislation to update the legal system to suit the requirements of the modern market, as there must be clear mechanisms to protect investors and facilitate investment procedures, which contributes to improving the business climate in the country."

He pointed out, "the importance of strengthening corporate governance, as building a strong governance system is vital to ensuring transparency," stressing, "Investors must feel that their money is protected and that there are effective mechanisms to monitor performance."
Mahoud called for "focusing on education and awareness, as building human capacities and developing skills in the financial sector contribute to creating an attractive investment environment," stressing, "the importance of holding training programs and workshops targeting investors, bankers and government agencies."

He stressed, "the commitment of the Iraqi government and Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani to providing support to the Securities Commission and opening new horizons for cooperation and partnership with investors," considering that "this conference is an important step towards building a prosperous and sustainable Iraqi economy."  link



   Protesters...are Iranian...they infiltrate Iraq because of what's going on.  They want money.  They don't want to lose Iraq so they try to protest and they try to create chaos, they try to slow things down.  They want to retard the process.  It's not working.  I don't think it's going to work...

  Question:  "Can you please share some details about why you stated that those in California will have to know what they are doing [when the time comes to exchange]?"  Because you got a bad government there...

They go with policies that are illogical let alone indecent...Yeah, California taxes are going to be insane.

Washington embassy: Tuesday’s attack targeted a US diplomatic facility in Baghdad, 3 OCT

 Shafak News / The US Embassy in Baghdad issued, on Tuesday evening, a clarification about the attack that targeted its interests, indicatin...