Wednesday, September 25, 2024



Parliamentary Finance: Iraq Is Experiencing Good And Stable Economic Conditions, 25 SEPT

 Money and business  Economy News - Follow-up  The Parliamentary Finance Committee downplayed concerns about the decline in oil prices on the economic reality, stressing that Iraq's financial and economic conditions are good, and that revenues exceed the size of concerns resulting from the possibility of a decline in global oil prices.

Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, MP Jamal Kojer, said in an interview with “Al-Sabah” followed by “Al-Eqtisad News”, that “oil prices have not fallen to worrying levels, and therefore we are now in a stable economic situation with a financial surplus, and therefore we cannot talk about a crisis unless oil prices fall to less than $70.”

The member of the Finance Committee stressed that "Iraq has gone through many economic and oil crises in the past, but the financial situation has remained stable and there is no fear of a current crisis."

“According to the Financial Management Law, the 2024 budget was supposed to be submitted after the middle of October, but there is still a delay in the expected schedules, which may be submitted in the first quarter of next year,” Koger continued. The MP pointed out that “the majority of the 2023 budget has already been disbursed, with 9 trillion dinars disbursed two months ago, while the 2024 budget has not yet been disbursed due to changes in governors and attempts to introduce new projects.”

The member of the Finance Committee added, "As for liquidity, the government has guaranteed the liquidity of salaries, but there is a shortage in the liquidity of projects. However, the projects that have been started will continue, including bridge projects."



  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  

FIREFLY:The television is running that report again along with commercials in this report about how we are reviewing the deletion of the zeros.  It's on the news.  It's been on the news all day.  The same report over and over again. 

 FRANK:  Because that is exactly what they are about to do.


 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   

 FIREFLY:Mr Sammy says they are way ahead of what they are telling us but they can't tell you everything.  It's all for safety of our speculators... 

 FRANK:  There are many things happening right now that are extremely good for our investment.  It may seem like it's so far away but it's actually right in front of us.  It's not a mirage and you are already touching it.

 FIREFLY: The crooks are also talking on TV.  Every time a commercial comes out...They're saying changing the rate will be a disaster.   

FRANK:   The crooks are Iran/parliament...The only reason they're saying this is because they know very well the rate is about to change.  It's no secret.  Sudani is preparing the whole Middle East and all his people for the change this year.

Evening News with MarkZ. 09/25/2024



Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 09/25/2024

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 09/25/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning everyone! We're running out of days in September... just saying.. let's go!!

Member: Another Wednesday - last one in September.. do we get the Budget posted to the Gazette? Do we get a rate today? Ah.. so many questions! Inquiring minds want to know!

MZ: Nader dropped a video earlier this morning “Treasury supports CBI of Iraq” I think this is important.  The US Treasury is supporting the Central Bank of Iraq. Why is this important? Over the last few weeks articles states Iraq has full control of its money …and now the US Treasury is saying the CBI is doing a great job….Troops are getting moved out….and they are openly talking about their project to delete the zeros. Imo opinions things are warm and fuzzy in Iraq even if we do not know the timing yet. 

Member: A rumor:   They said that the navy was not to leave Iraq till the deal was signed.... They ship has left the station....

Member: JEFF RAHM said the Navy left Iraq after stating they wouldn't leave until the US was paid. 

MZ: I have not heard that

Member: PPN also said US Navy was leaving Iraq. Maybe this is it!!!

Member: JEFF RAHM on FEARLESS FLOYD confirms that the US Navy left Iraq - Trump saying wouldn't leave until US was paid. USN possibly on Oct 01, insider info- CITI Bank -talking RV internally

Member: Also  Moon is due on the 29th, Oct. 1st Banks no longer except US Treasury Bonds as Collateral, US Ports Striking, Congress on a month break, Venezulean President Declared Christmas in October

MZ: On the bond side …overnight and into this morning they have been notified they will be going the first of next week and into the month of October. I verified this with bond holders that do not have an NDA. Bondholders now are NOT under an NDA. This makes me think that those previously under NDA’s have gone and are going now…..with full dollars over the weekend. I am very excited with this sudden bond news that started yesterday. Maybe this finally is it. 

MZ: No news on specific currencies ….and nothing specific on CMKX yet. But I will keep digging.

Member: With no NDA’s maybe all those bond people next week will be shotgun starting with the rest of us????  A lot of big things looking to happen on Oct 1st which is Tuesday . 

MZ: That’s what I thought….That we would go at the same time as our non-nda frinds…..Glad you caught that. 

Member: I believe if we don’t RV this week or weekend- we will go on Oct 1st…or very soon after…with the government shutdown coming.

MZ: That is exactly my thoughts…I could be wrong but that is exactly my thoughts. 

Member: And with currency auctions in Iraq ending  soon….we will see the RV… 

MZ: Yes……many things appear to be coming together. I found 3 possible fiscal years in Iraq ….Part of Iraqs fiscal year ends along with the US governments on September 31st…part of iraqs fiscal year goes by the calendar year on December 31st. Another portion of it starts July 1st for some agencies in Iraq. So it is crazy trying to figure out the fiscal year in Iraq. 

Member: Remember after we exchange- for safety do not go around bragging to everyone…..keeps lips zipped

MZ: Yes…do not rush out buying fancy and cars , jets and mansions immediately….If you do….I would say you are foolish and will paint a target on you and your families backs. You may be in danger of family who wants handouts, thieves, ect…… smart and take your time.

Member: I wouldn’t be surprised that everything (the collapse) will happen so fast that no one will notice or care who’s had a sudden windfall.

Member: We may want to say to everyone- “I told you so”  but better to keep a low profile and just enjoy our new lives. 

Member: If our new money will be gold backed….what happens with all the change we have in jars?

MZ: I am told our coins won’t change. We will get new notes…but coins will not change. 

Member: Can you talk about the rate changes bankers were seeing yesterday?

MZ: Most of what my bankers saw yesterday –they think is a little low. Could be a place holder rate or a test rate or in-country rate?…but they are once again starting to see rates that are close to what we expect. 

Member: I am still hoping and praying our exchange will not be taxed

Member: mark has said repeatedly no taxes …but if so he bought more currency to cover it

Member: I see retirement for us all in the near future……halleluia

Member: Another hurricane on the way…..Everyone stay safe in the path of the incoming storm's

Member: Every enjoy your day and God Bless. 

MarkZ New Discord link:

Andy Schectman from Miles Franklin joins the stream today …Listen to the replay for his opinions and information 



 🚨The Iraq Dinar Rate Change🚨

(receipts)👇🏾 *Iraq 2024 Budget is Currently Suspended Unconstitutional, Now Going Through An Appeal Per Federal Court-Delaying It on Purpose(Scripted) Along With {“World Wars”In The Middle East & Financial Events…Stock Markets/Fake Fiat} [waiting on Israel/US to attack Iran Nuclear Plant]. *The Budget #4782 Is Still Not Printed On The Gazette(that’s great news). We Want It On The Gazette 📰 After The Dinar Rate Changes. *WTO Final Steps Meeting in Nov Towards Full Ascension By End Of Yr. *U.S Troops Will Begin Withdrawing From Iraq This September. (Trump Mentioned They Wont Leave Iraq Until They Get Paid In Full-Hmmm). *BRICS Summit Scheduled This Oct. Iraq Will Be Part/Joining of BRICS. (TRADABLE CURRENCY NEEDED). *The Iraq General Population & Housing Census Scheduled To Be Conducted In October(After 27yrs). Head Count Needed For Financial Disbursement From The HCL-AFTER RATE CHANGES. *U.S. Treasury Dept Took Over Iraq Central Bank(CBI) To Get This Monetary Reforms Done & Over😳 The U.S. Wants To Get Paid Now!!! *Possibility Of Trading Oil With Iraq Dinars. *Court Rules XRP Not Being A Security Which They’re Also ISO-20022 Compliant & Paired with the IQD. *Iraq Will Remove The Three Zeros Due To Historic Low Inflation, Political & Economic Stability-(iraq is very stable)-New Dinar Lower Currency Notes incoming. *Iraq Banking System is Basel lll Compliant. Iraq Dinar Currency Has Been ReClassified From C to A&B. Stated Directly From The CBI (in other words Iraq banking system is world class TOP NOTCH). *CBI Governor Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq Had Meetings With The Federal Reserve/U.S. Treasury Department This Week To Resolve Final Issues Including Lifting Sanctions On Iraq Banks (i wonder why). *Iraq Has Been Removed From The Grey List of Money Laundering. *The Ministry Of Education/Council Of Minister Has Set September 22 as The Date For The Start Of The 2024-2025 Academic Year(aligning w/middle year fiscal budget). *Baghdad International Airport Was Just Reopened To The Citizens On Aug 17th. After An Unspecified Duration Of Being Closed (why now). *Iraq Has Accomplished These Following Steps For Its Reforms In Order To Reinstate The Dinar: -Economic Stability✅ -Political & Security Environment✅ -Effective Implementation✅ -International Support✅ *The Central Bank of Iraq Will Cancel The Dollar Transfer Platform By The End Of This Year(no more $ auction-no more corruption stealing). 🚨**Iraq Central Bank(CBI) Gave Their Outlets/Partners Instructions On How To Advance Train Their Employees On Foreign Currency Exchange Procedures. 🚨**(History)-The Central Bank Of Iraq Introduced The New Iraq Dinar Currency In October 15, 2003 {the rate changed in september 03} & The Currency Exchange LASTED For ONLY (3) Months Until Jan 15 2004. *Most Likely, You’ll Have 90 Days From The Day The Rate Changes To Exchange Your Iraq Dinar Currency(imo). *The Late Dr Shabibi Governor of Iraq Central Bank From 2003-2012, Stated That Iraq Can Only Change The Currency Rate In The Beginning Or The Middle Of The Year. (that is Iraq financial MIDDLE of the Yr)🤔 *Iraq Internal Financial Budget Runs From {April-March}-jeff🫡🫡 🚨**Therefore, Iraq Financial MIDDLE Of The Year Would Be OCTOBER.🧐 *New Middle Yr Financial Budget Period is {October}. Therefore, Iraq Budget Would Need To Be Constitutionally Active With A New Exchange Rate To Be Implemented BEFORE Oct. *The Month of September Is a Highly Known Historical Possibility of Rate Changes. *Al-Sudani Openly Stated To The Citizens Of Iraq, That They Will Receive Their Purchasing Power(“ratechange”) In 2024, Swearing On Allah Himself. 🚨(PREDICTION)🚨 {imo} *It’s All Lining Up For Us Dinar Investors To Finally Be Financially Blessed This Year in 2024 Rate Change Anywhere Between {Mid September-Mid October 2024}‼️ -


  Texas Snake SEPT 27 In discussion with several folks this evening all appear to conclude we should remain very alert to this Monday. M...