Wednesday, September 11, 2024


DINAR REVALATION REPORT: Sudani’s Confirmation of Dinar Revaluation Plan: Iraq, September 2024, 11 SEPT

 Sudani’s Confirmation of Dinar Revaluation Plan: Iraq, September 2024

As of September 10, 2024, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani of Iraq has confirmed plans for a revaluation of the Iraqi dinar, aiming to strengthen the national currency.  This move comes amidst economic challenges and fluctuations in the dinar's value, which have impacted markets and purchasing power in the country.

Background: Changes in Central Bank Leadership

In response to the dinar's value drop, Sudani replaced the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Mukheef, with Muhsen al-Allaq.  This change was made with the intention of stabilizing the currency and addressing the economic issues affecting the Iraqi population.

Revaluation Plans and Public Announcement

The revaluation plan, which Sudani has confirmed, involves measures to increase the value of the Iraqi dinar. To ensure transparency and manage the process, the government has taken steps to prepare the public for the revaluation. This includes the installation of TV screens for currency swap announcements, aiming to provide clear and direct information to the Iraqi people.

Economic Impact and Public Reaction

The fluctuating value of the dinar has affected the Iraqi economy, leading to concerns among the population about purchasing power.  With the revaluation plan, the government hopes to restore confidence and stabilize the economy. However, public reaction to the revaluation is mixed, with some expressing hope for economic improvement and others skeptical about the effectiveness of such measures.

Future Outlook

The success of the revaluation plan will depend on various factors, including the stability of the global economy and the effectiveness of the Central Bank's monetary policies. As of September 10, 2024, the Iraqi government remains committed to implementing measures that will strengthen the dinar and improve the country's economic situation. 

In conclusion, Sudani's confirmation of the dinar revaluation plan and the steps taken to prepare for a currency swap mark a significant development in Iraq's economic landscape. The government's efforts to strengthen the dinar reflect a broader strategy to address economic challenges and improve the financial well-being of the Iraqi people.



Sudani confirms plans to add value to the Iraqi Dinar, with updates on currency revaluation and Forex integration.


  • 🚀 Sudani’s confirmation of Dinar revaluation plan.
  • 📺 Installation of TV screens for currency swap announcement.
  • 📆 Expected currency swap timing post-US elections.
  • 💬 Financial Advisor emphasizes currency value enhancement.
  • 🏦 Major banks involved in Dinar exchange confirmed.
  • 📉 Iraq’s inflation rates remain stable amidst regional pressures.

Key Insights

  • 📈 Sudani’s administration aims to boost Dinar’s value, indicating potential economic growth and stability.
  • 🖥️ The installation of TV screens suggests preparation for a significant currency exchange communication, enhancing transparency.
  • ⏳ The anticipated timing of the currency swap aligns with broader economic reforms, hinting at strategic planning.
  • 🗣️ Emphasis on enhancing currency value by officials reflects a commitment to stabilize the economy and improve citizen welfare.
  • 🏦 Selection of major banks for Dinar transactions points to organized and controlled currency exchange processes.
  • 📊 Iraq’s effective inflation management demonstrates sound economic policies that could support Dinar’s revaluation.
  • 🌍 Upcoming international conferences signal potential global partnerships that may bolster Iraq’s economic reforms and currency strength.

Iraq's $17B Development Road: A Game Changer?

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Impact of Road Projects on the Value of the Iraqi Dinar in 2024, 11 SEPT

 Impact of Road Projects on the Value of the Iraqi Dinar in 2024

The development of road projects in Iraq has far-reaching implications for the country's economy and, by extension, the value of the Iraqi dinar. Road infrastructure improvements are crucial for enhancing trade, fostering economic growth, and reducing logistical bottlenecks. 

Enhancing Trade and Economic Activity

Road projects facilitate the movement of goods and services, thus promoting domestic and cross-border trade. Improved connectivity can attract foreign investment and boost local businesses, leading to an increase in GDP and, subsequently, a stronger currency. 

Reducing Costs and Increasing Efficiency

Well-maintained roads reduce transportation costs and improve the efficiency of supply chains. Lower costs can translate into higher profit margins for businesses and potentially lower prices for consumers, which may contribute to a more stable and attractive economic environment for investment. 

Boosting Employment and Income Generation

Construction and maintenance of roads create jobs, increasing employment opportunities and generating income for the local population. Higher incomes lead to increased consumer spending, which can stimulate the economy and potentially strengthen the dinar. 

Enhancing Government Revenues

Improved road infrastructure can lead to increased government revenues through taxes on goods and services, as well as from tolls on major routes. Higher revenues can contribute to a more stable fiscal position, which is favorable for the dinar's value. 

Attracting Foreign Direct Investment

Road projects that improve connectivity and reduce logistical challenges can attract foreign direct investment (FDI). Increased FDI can lead to capital inflows, which can support the dinar's exchange rate. 

In summary, the development of road projects in Iraq can significantly contribute to the enhancement of the value of the Iraqi dinar by stimulating economic growth, increasing efficiency, generating employment, boosting government revenues, and attracting foreign investment.



Iraq’s Development Road Project aims to enhance trade and economic growth, potentially increasing the value of the Iraqi dinar for investors.


  • 🚧 Development Road Project designs completed.
  • 🌐 Project connects Iraq to Turkey, UAE, and Qatar.
  • 🚄 Rail network to have initial capacity of 3.5 million tons.
  • 📈 Expected to boost Iraq’s GDP and dinar value.
  • 🤝 Regional and European countries eager to invest.
  • 🏗️ Job and investment opportunities will arise.
  • 🛣️ Aims to compete with Egypt’s Suez Canal.

Key Insights

  • 🌍 The Development Road Project is set to transform Iraq into a key transportation hub, significantly enhancing trade routes between Asia and Europe.
  • 💰 By increasing Iraq’s GDP through this project, the Iraqi dinar’s value may rise, offering investors greater opportunities in the currency market.
  • 🔗 The quadripartite agreement among Iraq, Turkey, UAE, and Qatar signifies strong regional cooperation, crucial for the project’s success.
  • 🚧 The integration of cutting-edge technology and AI into the project highlights Iraq’s commitment to modernizing its infrastructure and economy.
  • 📦 The capacity increase for rail transport will facilitate the movement of goods, making Iraq a competitive player in global trade.
  • 🏗️ The anticipated job creation and investment influx will invigorate Iraq’s economy, fostering long-term sustainability and growth.
  • ⚖️ As Iraq becomes an international transport hub, the potential need to increase the dinar’s value could create favorable conditions for investors.

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  Fnu Lnu    I do not buy this "Education Program" nor do I buy the "Adjusting of the Parallel Market".  The education i...