Friday, September 6, 2024

The Quantum Financial System (QFS) BY BEN FULFORD, 6 SEPT

 Thurs. 5 Sept. 2024 The Quantum Financial System (QFS), Ben Fulford:

  • This is the Great Financial Shift leading to a new Quantum Financial System that can only contain true asset-backed currency. An asset-backed digital currency qualifies as a “currency.”
  • All currencies will be “Asset Backed” in each country. This could be gold, silver, platinum, oil, precious metals or any other major asset that the country has.
  • Only two crypto currencies will be backed by gold – XRP and XLM!
  • All others, not backed by assets, will disappear by the end of 2024.
  • Quantum software and computers make the system the most secure on the planet and impossible to hack.
  • All banking transactions will eventually be conducted in QFS.
  • Banks as we know them will change dramatically.
  • QFS will hold all money in “Digital Form”, although it will still be asset-backed.
  • All money transfers (moves) will contain at least 50 movement records, which will be stored in milliseconds simultaneously on six main surface server farms.
  • All cash movements are kept in permanent records. So there is NO f***d or criminal activity that cannot be traced.
  • All people will have a “digital wallet” account with QFS rather than with a bank.
  • This digital wallet is 100% secure.
  • You can use your “Debit Card” directly from this account.
  • You can transfer money with 100% security to any bank account, country, citizen anywhere in the world.
  • We will receive “Q” phones (Quantum Phones) and “Q” computers to ensure 100% security worldwide.


Thurs. 5 Sept. 2024 Bruce

 “The Dinar is trading on the Forex, but the rate is not exchanging yet. My sources say R&R payments will be paid the first ten days of September.

 The amounts will be shown in our new accounts on the Quantum Financial System when we go in to redeem. 

Bond Holders can already see their money in their accounts, but they do not have access to it yet. My sources say that the days of Sept. 6, 7 and 8 will be important dates for us.”
  • ----


 [via WiserNow]  

 Sunday night...five o'clock Eastern...after the Forex...opens back up for trading... we're going to see all new rates on all currencies...

They should see all brand new rates Sunday night period.  Now – we would see them, probably Tuesday since Monday is a holiday. ...we don't have this absolute,

  but my belief is we can get notified on Monday which is is labor day here in the United States  - and then set our appointments and start on Tuesday...I'm just believing that we are finally at the end.

Thurs. 29 Aug. Bruce

  • On Thurs. 29 Aug. 2024 there were solid but lower bank screen rates on the Redemption Center gray screens.
  • On Thurs. 29 Aug. 2024 the Global Financial System was fully implemented and ready to go.
  • All the banks have been totally integrated.
  • The Dinar rate was three times higher at a Redemption Center than it was at a bank.
  • The Dong rate was twice as high at the Redemption Center than it was at a bank.
  • Zim has to be redeemed at a Redemption Center, not a bank.
  • Tier4b should be notified to set appointments on Mon. 1 Sept.
  • Mortgages and credit card debt elimination was starting Wed, Thurs, Fri, 4,5,6 Sept. and will run to Sun. 15 Sept.
  • R&R should kick in the first week of September.
  • Global arrests are taking place right now.
  • The Forex comes up Sun. at 5pm EST with the new rates.
  • If you are a Zim Holder the Redemption Center will give you a coupon for a Q phone.



[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  

 FIREFLY: Saleh on TV right now and he just told us that the project to delete the zeros is ruled out at this present time...Then he turns around and says we need to reduce the amount in the budget from trillions to billions and then ends the conference talk by saying many have called for the removal of the three zeros which would increase the dinar...We are both in shock and stunned because he said one thing and then he said another thing. 

 FRANK:  What he's telling you is exactly doesn't make any sense...This is B.S.  It is a lie...Trust me, nothing is stopping the purchasing power that is coming to you Iraqi citizens.  Nothing...China did the same thing back in the 90s...They came out with a full page article in their newspaper saying there were not sign to increase the value.  3 days later they increased the value. This may be the same scenario.  A diversion for speculators.



 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] 

  FIREFLYAlaq in the United States of America means very little for us in the sense   of a rate change.  It is more for the banks to try to get their situation straightened out and no more sanctions.  

FRANK:  I agree to a certain point but I also disagree to another point.  

IMO this meeting in New York may not release a new exchange rate but it is definitely part of the monetary reform. 

  This meeting will accomplish steps that are necessary to release the new exchange rate.   

Your banks have to be stable and secure and free from the corruption of parliament and they must be ready for the new exchange rate.  That's what they're doing. 

Coffee with MarkZ. 09/06/2024



  [via PDK] 

 A lot of good news out there…over the top good news…Lots of chatter looking at tomorrow…but, we don’t know when it’s going…if half the rumors are right about it has started...we are in great shape... I am still hearing from lots of sources that things are well underway and we should soon be seeing dollars

But I cannot pin anyone down that they have physical dollars. I’m hearing it...The problem is I have not been able to verify them. 

 Community Comment:  if they’re under NDA’s, you’ll never get verification-imo.  

MarkZ: And that is a possibility. But for me I’m going to back up a little, stay clam and find out what is real or not.

 I am getting many reports...that payments have started. Reports that payments are rolling out to groups... 

But I am staying calm because I have not been able to prove it yet. But I am looking for proof that this is accurate.  I am hearing this from many different sources….

  IF this is accurate…in the next day or two-you and I should find out when we can go in and exchange our currency - IF THIS IS ACCURATE.  ...I am getting blown up with contacts saying they have let things go...I have heard this from a number of sources... STAY CALM….I am really trying to stay calm as well.



 Article:   "Two conditions to achieve it .. Al-Sudani's advisor rules out removing 3 zeros from the currency"

  This is what's happening right now.  This is called diversion tactics...slight of hand.  This was done with China and it was done with Kuwait...This is part of the monetary reform.  To put out disinformation that is a deterrent, maybe, that is putting

speculators at bay.  


I pray that this dream will come true for the both of us. 

 It is very close.

  There's no doubt about it. 

 All the indications are pointing that it's very close.  I just hope we get some good news when Alaq [returns from] New York...


 The new lower notes and the new exchange rate will revolutionize the whole Middle East, let alone the whole world...The monetary reform is the linchpin.  It's the trigger.  It's the button that will be pushed to change financial structures around the world ...We investors of the dinar have a backup for a backup in order to survive this global financial change... 


 Article:  "Iraq and America to resume negotiations on the banking sector next Monday" 



  I don't care about the WTO and HCL because it only waits for one thing, the new exchange rate.  The only mechanism that everyone is waiting for is the new exchange rate.  

That is the simple fact.  This fact is real because Sudani is constantly reinforcing that constantly coming out on TV and talking to you [Iraqi citizens] about you're going to get purchasing power.

We found out the 3 zero notes are going to coexist with the lower notes for 10 years.

  Do you understand the power behind that?  

That means we're going to be able to participate in not only the float but the Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER)


 The goal is what?  Retrieve those [Three zero notes].  


As soon as we raise the value, give them purchasing power, as soon as we drop the 3 zeros, they're going to bring in all that 80 something percent [still in Iraqi mattresses]...The monetary reform plan is brilliant...It is moving at a very fast pace.



"Then Saleh talking about oil being sold in dinars instead of dollars." 

 Economist back on tv saying it’s time to drop the zeros."

---It sounds like there's a couple of interesting economic discussions happening in Iraq right now!

  1. Saleh and Oil Sales in Dinars: Saleh's suggestion to sell oil in dinars instead of dollars could be aimed at strengthening the Iraqi dinar and reducing dependence on the US dollar. This move could potentially stabilize the local economy and improve national financial sovereignty. However, it would also require significant adjustments in international trade agreements and currency exchange systems.

  2. Dropping Zeros from the Dinar: The economist's call to drop zeros from the dinar is a common monetary policy strategy known as "currency redenomination." This involves introducing a new unit of currency that is worth a thousand or more times the old unit. It's often done to simplify transactions and improve the currency’s image after periods of high inflation or economic instability. For Iraq, this could be a step towards stabilizing the currency and restoring confidence in its value.

Both of these measures reflect efforts to address economic challenges and enhance the stability of Iraq's financial system. The success of these strategies will depend on how they are implemented and their impact on the broader economy.


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 TNT Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 TNT Update  “Banks got memos  yesterday Tues. 17 Sept.  telling them to get ready and be there this morning because ...