Friday, September 6, 2024

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Baghdad and Washington: Partners in the Fight Against Terrorism, 6 SEPT

 Baghdad and Washington: Partners in the Fight Against Terrorism

In the ongoing global struggle against terrorism, Baghdad and Washington have underscored the critical role of information exchange in their joint efforts. Recognizing the complex and evolving nature of terrorist threats, both nations have committed to sharing intelligence and coordinating strategies to combat extremist groups effectively.

A Shared Commitment to Counterterrorism

The Importance of Information Sharing

The United States and Iraq have come to realize that the fight against terrorism cannot be won by military might alone.  Information sharing is a vital component of counterterrorism efforts, enabling both countries to anticipate and respond to threats more effectively.

Strengthening Intelligence Cooperation

Washington and Baghdad have been working to enhance their intelligence cooperation, focusing on the exchange of data related to terrorist networks, financing, and recruitment.   This collaboration allows for a more coordinated approach to dismantling terrorist cells and preventing attacks.

Collaborative Military Operations

The partnership extends to joint military operations, where both nations have engaged in coordinated efforts to target and eliminate terrorist strongholds. These operations have been crucial in weakening terrorist organizations and disrupting their activities.

The Role of Information Exchange

Enhancing Counterterrorism Strategies

By sharing information, the United States and Iraq are better equipped to develop and implement effective counterterrorism strategies.   This collaboration allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the terrorist landscape and enables tailored responses to specific threats.

Preventing Terrorist Activities

Information exchange plays a pivotal role in preventing terrorist attacks.  By identifying potential threats early, both nations can take preemptive measures to neutralize them before they materialize.

Building Resilience Against Terrorism

The partnership between Baghdad and Washington in the fight against terrorism also aims to build resilience in both countries.  By strengthening their defenses and sharing best practices, they can better withstand terrorist attacks and minimize their impact.


The commitment of Baghdad and Washington to exchange information and continue the war against terrorism reflects a shared understanding of the global nature of the threat. By working together, both nations are better positioned to protect their citizens, disrupt terrorist networks, and contribute to global peace and security.

Baghdad and Washington stress the importance of exchanging information and continuing the war against terrorism, 6 SEPT

 Mawazine News – Baghdad

National Security Advisor Qassem Al-Araji and the US ambassador in Baghdad stressed on Thursday the importance of exchanging information and continuing the war against terrorism.
A statement from the National Security Advisory and received by Mawazin News said that “Al-Araji received the US Ambassador in Baghdad Elina Romanowski to discuss the development of relations and the continuation of cooperation between the two countries at the strategic level after the end of the international coalition’s mission in Iraq.”
He added that “the meeting stressed the importance of continuing the war against terrorism and continuing meetings, dialogues and exchange of information to ensure the common interests of the two countries.”




Mark discusses recent developments with 13 Iraqi banks ready for international currency exchanges, hinting at a potential shift towards financial freedom.


  • 📈 13 banks in Iraq are now set for foreign currency exchanges.
  • 🌍 They operate as if part of the World Trade Organization.
  • ✍️ Mark sees positive signs for imminent change.
  • 🙏 Mark encourages debt freedom and self-sufficiency.
  • 📧 Mark offers strategies for financial independence.

Key Insights

  • 📊 International Integration: The readiness of 13 banks for foreign currency exchange indicates Iraq’s movement towards global financial integration, suggesting a shift in economic strategies.
  • 🌐 WTO Implications: Acting as if part of the WTO hints at potential policy changes that could foster a more open and competitive market in Iraq, benefiting local and foreign investors alike.
  • 🔮 Mark’s confidence reflects a broader sentiment in his community, suggesting a collective belief in upcoming changes that may lead to financial empowerment.
  • 💪 Debt Freedom: Mark’s focus on preparing individuals for financial independence highlights the importance of self-sufficiency and reducing reliance on restrictive financial programs.
  • 📨 Strategic Guidance: Mark’s offer of personalized strategies underscores the importance of informed decision-making in achieving financial goals in a changing economic landscape.

IMF's Bold Move: Halting Transfers & New Procedures Explained!

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Economist Discusses New Procedures After Halting Transfers, 5 SEPT

Economist Discusses New Procedures After Halting Transfers

In a recent press conference on September 5, 2024, an economist from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) addressed the public regarding new procedures implemented after the decision to halt certain transfers.  This halt was deemed necessary due to unforeseen economic conditions and the need to reassess financial strategies.

Overview of New Procedures

The new procedures are designed to ensure financial stability and responsible fiscal management. The economist emphasized that the IMF is closely monitoring global economic indicators and adjusting its policies accordingly. 

This includes: 

Enhanced Monitoring: The IMF will intensify its surveillance of economic trends and member countries’ fiscal health.

arge;"> Strategic Reallocation: Resources that were previously allocated to halted transfers will be redistributed to support critical economic sectors.

 Policy Adjustments: The IMF will collaborate with member countries to develop and implement policies that promote sustainable economic growth.

Impact on Global Economy

The changes are expected to have a significant impact on the global economy. By halting transfers and reallocating resources, the IMF aims to strengthen economic resilience and foster a more stable financial environment. This could potentially lead to improved credit ratings for some countries and increased investor confidence. 

Response from Economists and Analysts

Economists and financial analysts have responded with a mix of caution and optimism. While some are concerned about the immediate effects on economies dependent on IMF transfers, others see the move as a proactive step towards long-term economic stability.

The new procedures outlined by the IMF economist reflect a strategic approach to managing global financial challenges. By focusing on enhanced monitoring, strategic reallocation, and policy adjustments, the IMF is taking steps to ensure that the global economy remains on a path to stability and prosperity.


The IMF's decision to halt transfers and introduce new procedures is a significant development in the global financial landscape. It underscores the organization's commitment to responsible fiscal management and its proactive role in addressing economic challenges. As the world continues to navigate through evolving economic conditions, the IMF's actions will be closely watched by economists, policymakers, and financial markets alike.

An economist talks about new procedures after stopping transfers, 6 SEPT

An economist talks about new procedures after stopping transfers

Mawazine News _ Baghdad
“The statements and interviews conducted by the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alak in New York over three days with US Treasury officials, gave a new boost and confidence to the Iraqi banking system,” economic expert Osama Al-Tamimimi said.

Al-Tamimi described the advanced steps to join the global banking system in terms of expanding experience and international banking relations, which will increase knowledge in control procedures for external transfers and direct sales of the dollar.

The economist explained: “Thus, it will lead to the development of systems in line with international and local standards and the development of the system of covering foreign trade and protecting the banking and financial sector from money laundering and terrorist financing.”

He went on to say: “The Central Bank of Iraq will stop dealings in the future with foreign correspondent banks and reduce dependence on them, after developing the Iraqi banking relations network, gaining the necessary experience and reducing the commissions achieved due to external coverage transactions and the end of work.
The electronic platform gradually in order to transfers and replace them with direct banking relations between Iraqi banks and the international correspondent bank network, as well as stabilizing the exchange rate in the local market.

Bruce’s Big Call, 6 SEPT

  Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 9-3--24  REPLAY LINK  Intel Begins 1:04:04

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday September 2nd and you’re listening to the Big Call - Thanks everybody for tuning in all over the globe, wherever you're listening from, and we thank you for being here for quite some time now. We're in our 13th year, and we just are just, we're just kind of like the Energizer bunny - We just keep on going. And whereas we don't expect to be here much longer, with a live call – here we are tonight - let's do this. Let's go ahead and pray the call in. All right, guys, let's talk about where we stand in the Intel stage right now. Boy, last couple days, especially today, was really interesting because we were fairly quiet most of the day. A lot of the people that we go to or that we know of that are even tier three bond holders, were not getting their phone calls answered and they weren't getting calls callbacks to them either. And that's unusual. Some of these guys are players, and it's always interesting when people like that don't get called back, or don't get through when they're trying to call a person. This is because of the this is because of the NDAs that people are under, especially people tied to the bank and redemption centers, pay masters or the bond holders. All of that stuff is getting tighter and tighter now, every once in a while, we get a nice burst of information from one or two sources. And this was a little different today, a little bit of a challenge. So previously to today, we were in the understanding as of yesterday, which was Monday, which was a holiday, right? It was Labor Day here in the United States. But what we were getting was that we would get notified either of these two scenarios, either notified today and start exchanges Wednesday, which is tomorrow, or get notified Wednesday and start exchanges Wednesday. Well, we didn't get notifications today, so the second half of that notified Wednesday morning and starting exchanges on Wednesday is in play. It's in play. It doesn't mean it's absolute, but it is the other information that we did receive yesterday. Now as far as today is concerned, bondholders are in some here's a scenario. In some cases, in some cases, they have received emails from three different banks, and those three banks are telling them they can look into their accounts and see the funds in those accounts. But if they if they needed one more email, which some of them do, that I'm aware of, they need one more email from a specific bank. Then until they receive that email from that bank, they can't gain access to any of their funds until that happens. So they are on hold in a shotgun start like we are on hold for our shotgun, start until we get a toll free number to call to get our appointments set. So I'm looking forward to something happening tomorrow, hopefully that'll take place. Other side of it, we talked last time, I believe it was due, was last Thursday, about AI being used for the call centers that we dial when we do get the 800 numbers - And so here's kind of how I'm hearing that it's going to go. So if we get an AI voice, we're all used to that now. Anyway, we enter in the information that the voice asks for, and then when we get our zip code entered and all that, when we get enough information, we will be transferred to a live, real person at the redemption center that is closest based on our zip code. So when you put your zip code in, put it in either based on where you go or based on where you work, or based on where you plan to exchange. Okay, put that zip code in so that it'll direct you to that redemption center that is closest to your zip code. Okay, that you have entered That's a nice little added piece we got. And of course, I would much rather talk to a live person at the redemption center where I plan to go, because it's very possible that same person will be greeting you at the redemption center and helping you with your redemption of zim and your exchange of currencies. If you have bonds other than the Zim bond, which we talked about as being redeemed, if you have sheet bonds, bring those let them know when you call to set your appointment at the redemption center level. Or they may ask you this. The AI person may ask you that as well, have sheet bonds. If that applies to you, let them know, because they're going to allow a little bit more time for your appointment. Because that's fact and its very important that you let them know exactly what you have so that they will allow enough time your full appointment. They want us in and out, overall average, in 25 to 35 minutes. I think some people it's going to be a real challenge, but most of us this is probably can get in and out in 2535 minutes, and then, and that's quite a few steps That is lot of steps. When I went to set up a certain bank, I think it took us an hour and a half set up one account. So I don't know about the world, with everything we've got, how we can get in and out of there in 25 to 35 minutes, but we'll see they have been practiced and practiced on doing these and working with the do that we machine. And I think it's going to be fun. It will be fun at some level. We will learn, and it'll be a fun experience, open. And I think you'll be hopefully thrilled with what happens when you walk out of the redemption center. Redemption center not bank, because we know that our rates are going to be much higher on certain currencies at redemption center, for example, no zim will be redeemed at any bank only the redemption centers with the toll free number, they will offer you a contract rate which is quite high on the dinar. They will offer you that, and that's a positive win/win - win for the bank or for the redemption center that is backed by Wells Fargo, and also for you and also for the country. So it's a win and win for everybody. But don't forget that. Let's see what else tonight. I'll tell you. I think everything is pointing toward this going still this week, and it's only Tuesday. I'm hoping tomorrow's our day to get everything done, everything meaning, get our numbers - set our appointments - start exchanges, and we're out of there. Now this is really going to be good. Shall I touch on the Med beds? Med beds are primarily ready to go in anywhere from five to seven days after we exchange, depending on your situation, they are giving precedent preferential treatment - Let's call it - to Zim holders that have projects that plan to go two or 300 years to completion - or longer, and they also have and people that are in dire need, people that are really in bad shape, and they need that bed to get completely restored. You let them know, if that's you, you let them know that when you go into the redemption center to an elkia, stroke battle. Let me know that you are one of those people. Beyond that, is there anything else? I think, you know guys, it's been a long ride. We don't know if we're in our let me give you a little bit more information. Some of you may have experienced things at your bank that are unusual or somehow wrong. What's going on with bank? Some deposites are not giving you full access to your deposit, as you are used to, the quantum financial system is fully connected, but some banks are kind of wrestling with it a little bit. So I've heard of a couple things happening – I heard that. Wells, as far as I've heard, something's happening at Chase - I can't verify that as being real, but I know that the banks are doing their best. Now I will say this. We have heard in the last few days that several banks have had major arrests going on in their banking system across the country. I don’t know if It's just a couple of different banks, or all the banks, but they're, they have signs up that they're hiring branch managers, wealth managers, tellers, all of that, new people, new blood. So that's very interesting to me, especially at this time when everything should be set, redemption centers are fully staffed and so on, and we're looking forward to getting in and working with these redemption centers and getting everything that we need done, and if we need to Come back to set up additional accounts for our trust or our LLCs. In my case, we can do that. We can come back and do that maybe a few days later. So that's what I wanted to share with you guys tonight. so let's pray the call out, Well, good night everybody. Thank you Sue. Thank you Bob. Thank you. GCK, thank you Pastor Scott and Jeannie, and also, much healing to you, continuing healing, Pastor Scott and also thank you satellite team getting the call out around the globe with the Starlink satellite system. Thank you for that, and appreciate everything you're doing. Thank you big call universe for listening. Thank you for tuning in. I appreciate you. We appreciate you. God bless you all, everybody.

Is the decline in oil prices related to the rise in exchange rates? An "important" clarification from Al-Alaq, 18 SEPT

  The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, announced today, Wednesday, that all transfers are subject to auditing processes, w...