Monday, August 19, 2024

Zimbabwe's Gold ZiG The Future of Globa 2024 08 02

Cabinet approves ‘new’ bank lending strategy, 19 AUGUST

 Economy News – Baghdad

The Iraqi government on Sunday approved a “new” bank lending strategy to attract domestic and foreign investors and finance nearly 100,000 projects.

The Prime Minister’s Information Office said, in a statement seen by “Economy News”, that “Al-Sudani chaired, today, Sunday, the thirty-fourth regular session of the Council of Ministers, in which the latest developments in the country were discussed, and a number of economic and service issues were discussed, as well as the topics on the agenda and the necessary decisions were taken on them.”

He added that “the Council of Ministers approved the national strategy for bank lending prepared by the Central Bank of Iraq, including the recommendations and programs proven therein, within the framework of the government’s vision of economic reform, and the revitalization of the investment and development movement in the country.”

The statement continued, “The strategy aims to stimulate the growth of the Iraqi private sector by improving the business environment, attracting domestic and foreign investors, increasing the credit granted to it from non-oil GDP by 2029, as well as increasing credit for small enterprises from non-oil GDP, and financing nearly 100,000 projects.”

Views 106

Added 2024/08/18 – 9:02 PM



[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] 

 FIREFLY: Saleh...was talking about...raising the value of the currency.  He talked about it for 45 minutes. 

 FRANK:  These are the people we want to listen to.  They're the ones that Sudani is sending out to them...Everyday seems to be filled with monetary reform education to you Iraqi citizens.  Don't you love it because this is what is supposed to be happening right now.  They are preparing you for what they're going to give you, what they promised you.  You are so close to receiving everything that they were talking to you about.. .

FIREFLY: We see Saleh again on TV.  This is the second time he talks to us now about the float.  He's saying the float can be adventurous.  We intend to have it fixed.  Ours will be fixed or managed float.  That is what's best at this time for Iraq and our currency He went and talked about how...we went from 11,000 ATMs to over 55, gas stations alone...

 FRANK:  Ever since the United States Treasury showed up last week they just cannot stop talking to you every day on the television about the success of the monetary lower notes...the new exchange rate...Now it's gone way deeper into the float.

Dr. Shabibi's Master Plan: The Untold Story of the Iraqi Dinar



FRANK26: "FOR THE REFORMS!!!".........F26

Al-Sudani announces readiness to launch the "largest" electricity production project in Iraq



Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani announced on Thursday that his government is ready to launch the "largest" electricity production in Iraq at a rate of 10,000 megawatts.

Al-Sudani said in a speech during the ceremony to launch the executive works of the projects of three power stations in Karbala Governorate, that this project is a strategic project in electrical energy, which will be implemented according to a new economic model and a new vision that will be announced to the private sector, after it has been studied by a team of consultants specializing in electricity.

He stressed that the stability of energy sources is an encouraging factor for investment and development, and pushes for the development of sources of income by activating all other economic sectors, in addition to the ongoing work to improve the transportation and distribution sector, to deliver electricity service in a sustainable manner to the citizen, without it being a burden on the state and its financial budget.

Al-Sudani also pointed out that the combined cycle projects and solar energy projects are part of the government's plans to reform the electricity system, indicating that the launch of the solar energy project in Karbala and Babylon will continue with the rest of the governorates, which is happening for the first time in Iraq.

He stressed the importance of supporting the private sector, which represents a support for the government in facing crises, emphasizing the special nature of Karbala Governorate, which is visited by millions of visitors throughout the year from inside and outside Iraq.

The three projects launched by Al-Sudani in Karbala are: the combined cycle of the Karbala gas station with a capacity of (132 megawatts), the Karbala investment solar energy station with a capacity of (300 megawatts), and the Karbala secondary transformer station, 400 KV, with a capacity of (1500 megawatts).

It is worth noting that the three station projects will achieve an increase in the production of electrical energy, as the combined cycle of the Karbala gas station contributes to adding (132) megawatts to the currently operating station, with a total design capacity of (250) megawatts, while the Karbala solar energy investment station project is one of several important contracts concluded by the government in the field of renewable energy projects with a number of specialized international companies, including signing a contract to implement a solar energy station with a private sector company with a capacity of (300) megawatts.

As for the Karbala Banks Secondary Station 400 KV, with a capacity of (1500) megawatts, it is being implemented within the second phase of the electrical energy transmission projects, under the contract with the German company Siemens, and is the first transformer station of its kind in Karbala, and will contribute to relieving bottlenecks in the network, thus raising the level of stability and meeting the needs of the various sectors in the Middle Euphrates region.



  Militia Man

   Article: "US Treasury takes control of Iraq's Central Bank to combat money laundering"

  They said that on August 3rd.  It's confirming the US Treasury Department has taken permanent headquarters in the Central Bank of Iraq building.  Why in the world would they do that if there wasn't something important...They're going to put the fire under them...

 Quote: "The central bank was forced to allocate..." Those are pretty heavy words.  Powerful. 

Militia Man 

 Corruption...At the very last minute you're going to do something that's dramatic and you're going to create valueyou're going to want to have all the bad folks under the gun and maybe even notified prior to that we got your number..

 What I bring has data behind it.  I'm not just making it up or just getting phone calls.  I'm actually doing the work.  I put it together.  It takes a lot of time to put all the work together.  

I like doing it because it does help so many people...You're not the only ones that are tired.  Everybody in our crews can be tired at times.  We all need to support...

Article quote:  "Federal Integrity Commissioner...says we discussed the development in the integrity file and the government's efforts to recover funds into the Iraqi state treasury."

  There's some people out there that have stolen a lot of money and that money is still floating around the world...If you stole it you're probably going to have a knock on the door...If you're playing by the rules you shouldn't have a problem.  Depends on who writes the rules of course...

Iraqi Dinar Float 2024: What You Need to Know!