Tuesday, August 13, 2024




It will provide 5 thousand job opportunities.. 3 central markets will soon open in Baghdad




The Ministry of Trade announced today, Monday, the imminent opening of 3 central markets in the capital, Baghdad, after their rehabilitation work reached advanced completion rates, confirming the provision of no less than 5,000 job opportunities in each central market. 

The Director General of the Central Markets Company at the Ministry, Zahra Al-Kilani, said that “the construction, electrical and mechanical works in the central Al-Amel Market and Al-Salihiya Market are nearing completion, and we are awaiting the arrival of the goods that will be displayed in these markets, followed by the opening of the central Al-Shaab Market,” stressing that “work in the central markets has reached advanced stages.”

 She added, "The company focused on rehabilitating the central markets in Baghdad Governorate as the capital, after which it will move to the governorates, including Nineveh, Kirkuk, Najaf, Diwaniyah, Maysan and Basra."

She explained that "the Iraqi constitution urged the open market, as well as the federal budget laws that were issued after that, which urged participation with the private sector, which is a global system, so the company concluded partnership contracts with companies specialized in the field of central market activity."

She pointed out that "the statistical studies and economic tables prepared by the company in cooperation with accredited consulting offices indicate that each market will accommodate no less than 5,000 job opportunities for young people, distributed among workers, administrators, and accountants, in addition to other jobs."

She pointed out that "there are marketing exhibitions in the governorates of Diyala, Muthanna and Karbala to sell electrical and electronic devices, and the payment method is in cash or in installments."

She noted that "the company's branch building in Babylon Governorate has been transformed into a free market, and is awaiting the issuance of a customs decision from the General Authority of Customs, so that the market can begin its work and enter commercial operation."



 đź’˘PART 1/2 -- MEUSOC Unit is headed to Iraq 8.12.24. 

·2500 Marines, plus accompanying NAVY vessels. 

·Over 4500 personnel plus accompanying ships. 

·Things are getting intense. 

đź’˘Marine Special Operations Capable.  Marine Special Forces ⬇️


~ Ginger's Liberty Lounge


PART 2/2 -- Military Movement -  USA to Iraq. 8.12.24 

➡️ I urge you to please pray for all our military personnel heading into harm's way. 🙏🏻🫡  

đź’˘A Deeper Look: ➡️ Marine expeditionary unit (special operations capable) (MEU(SOC)) is a program created by the United States Marine Corps (USMC) and the United States Navy (USN) in 1985 for Marine expeditionary units (MEU).[1][2] The program enhances MEUs providing them with additional training and equipment to become certified as special operations capable with a Maritime Special Purpose Force (MSPF). The designation special operations capable is unique to the Marine Corps and means in relation to special operations. The role of a MEU(SOC) however is not equivalent to the special operations role of special operations forces. Although considered special operations capable a MEU(SOC) does not form part of the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) established in 1987 or the United States Marine Forces Special Operations Command (MARSOC) later established in 2006

In 2023, the 26th MEU became the first MEU to be certified as MEU(SOC) in over a decade.[3]

The theory behind the MEU(SOC) is to provide continuous and perpetual maritime & amphibious force projection. Such units are expected to be able to respond to a variety of crises, most notably incidents that conventional units may not be able to properly handle. A MEU(SOC) is also expected to be capable of providing various forms of security or a military presence to any region worldwide, within 24–72 hours of receiving orders. Such crises may range from natural disasters to civil or national discord, or total invasion of forces into a hostile area. The term "special operations" in the Non-SOF context, therefore, refers to special taskings of limited duration in support of a combat commander.[4] These operations include:

Amphibious raids

Non-combatant evacuation operations (NEO)

Security operations

Tactical recovery of aircraft and personnel (TRAP)

Direct action

Humanitarian/civic assistance[4]

Therefore, "the primary objective of the MEU(SOC)...is to provide the theater CINC's with an effective means of dealing with the uncertainties of future threats, providing a forward deployed unit that is inherently balanced, sustainable, flexible, responsive, expandable and credible."[4]  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_expeditionary_unit_(special_operations_capable)

How Boosting Exports Can Strengthen a Country's Currency




Government Advisor: Increased Export Capacity Boosts Currency




The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Dr. Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, stated that the global currency rates are determined in two main ways: floating and fixed prices, indicating that there are many local and international factors that control the strength of the currency, such as supply and demand, interest rates, inflation, growth in the local economy, trade balance, and others.

While he pointed out that the strength of the national currency is linked to its external value, specifically the exchange rate, as the external value of money is directly linked to the stability of the current account of the balance of payments, especially in the long term.

Saleh said in an interview with “Al-Sabah” followed by “Al-Eqtisad News”, that “the stability of the external value of the currency requires a balance or surplus in the current account of the balance of payments relative to the gross domestic product, which should indicate a stable state at a minimum of no less than 4 percent annually, and that achieving this goal certainly depends on a sustainable increase in the annual growth rate of the gross domestic product, and exports exceeding imports within the country’s trade balance.”  Dr. Saleh pointed out that if “the country has the capacity to export goods and services more than it imports, this enhances the value of the national currency, especially the external value of the currency itself, (THIS IS TEACHING ABOUT THE FLOAT TO THE IRAQI CITIZENS -F26) and here the economy indicates a positive state, in addition to the availability of supporting foreign reserves that represent the main buffer against potential external factors and their effects on the overall economic situation.”

The government advisor also explained that “foreign reserves express the ability to maintain the stability of the external value of money, i.e. the stability of the exchange rate, including the strength of the commercial efficiency of reserves, which should cover the money supply in the broad sense, and more than 75 percent of that supply, noting at the same time that high sovereign and private debts can weaken the business, unless there is good financial management of debts that always leads to strengthening confidence in the national currency.”

Saleh pointed out that “the other aspect that is linked to the value and stability of the currency is the internal value of the national currency. Just as we talk about the stability of the external value of the currency, i.e. the exchange rate and its exchange power with other currencies, the internal value of the currency is the other aspect of the stability and strength of the currency. Here, the value of the national currency is directly linked to the general level of prices, i.e. the inflation index.” He explained, “If the general level of prices means the strength of goods and services expressed in money, then there is a correlation between price stability and the value of the national currency itself. This requires the availability of a wise monetary policy undertaken by central banks that makes the growth in the money supply commensurate with the growth in the gross domestic product or national income.”

The speaker noted that “the quantity theory of money is based on the principle of the neutrality of money, which holds that the cause of inflation in the long run is money itself, as growth in the money supply that is not proportional to growth in the gross domestic product leads to either inflation or contraction in the growth of the general price level. Therefore, the effect of money on the overall economy, as addressed by the quantity theory of money, means that if the amount of money in the economy increases, and there is no parallel increase in economic output, this will lead to an increase in the general price level.”



Government Advisor: Increased Export Capacity Boosts Currency Value




 Sudani is working with the United States Treasury.  IMO the Untied States Treasury is sitting in the seat of the governor of the CBI where Alaq normally sits...I find this to be a catalyst to see the Untied States Treasury there.  I'm very excited about what's going on...


The United States Treasury, Federal Reserve, they showed up...What do you think that means?  You think they're going to sit there and allow them to be lackadaisical, to be lazy, just to take your timeNo.  The Untied States of America works on a nano second...I find it very encouraging to speed up the monetary reform process.

  Who is the new CBI governor It is the US Treasury IMO that is now the governor of the CBI. 
 Why?  What is the governor of the CBI
 Just a figurehead.  
Does he make any decisions No.  Does he have any authority?  No.   Does he cast a vote for anything?  No. 

 What does the CBI governor do?  He makes announcements to the international world, to the Iraqi citizens, he gives reports to the prime minister.  He's a figurehead.  He's a messenger.

NADER FROM MID EAST: Update on Iraq's Financial Outlook in 2025

How Increased Export Capacity Can Boost a Country's Currency BY DINAR REVALUATION, 13 AUGUST

How Increased Export Capacity Can Boost a Country's Currency

In a recent statement by Dr. Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, the financial advisor to the Prime Minister of Baghdad, it was highlighted that increasing export capacity can have a significant impact on a country's currency value in the global market. This insight sheds light on the intricate relationship between a nation's economic performance and the strength of its currency.

Understanding the Connection

When a country enhances its export capacity, it essentially means that it is able to sell more goods and services to other nations. This influx of exports generates revenue in foreign currencies, which in turn increases the demand for the country's currency. As demand for the currency rises, its value appreciates in the global market.

Implications for the Economy

A stronger currency has several positive implications for a country's economy. Firstly, it makes imports cheaper as the country's currency can buy more foreign goods and services. This can help in reducing the cost of living for the citizens and businesses, leading to increased purchasing power.

Secondly, a stronger currency can attract foreign investment as investors seek to capitalize on the appreciation of the currency. This influx of foreign investment can stimulate economic growth, create job opportunities, and drive innovation in various sectors.

Boosting Economic Stability

Moreover, a robust currency can enhance a country's economic stability by reducing inflationary pressures. A strong currency makes imports cheaper, which can help in stabilizing prices of goods and services within the country. This, in turn, can lead to a more stable economic environment and boost investor confidence.

Strategies for Increasing Export Capacity

To enhance export capacity, governments can implement various strategies such as investing in infrastructure, promoting trade agreements with other nations, providing incentives to exporters, and focusing on the development of key industries with high export potential.


Iraqi Central Bank: The low price of oil has nothing to do with the high dollar exchange rates, 19 SEPT

 Mawazine News – Economy The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alak, announced on Wednesday that all remittances would be subject...