Monday, July 22, 2024



[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   

FIREFLY:My bank guy said when the zeros come off the exchange rate it's going to change the value of our currency and then your brother who is in the Untied States of America, they can exchange their notes with the 3-zeros after the RI takes action.

FIREFLY:  We're hearing this man on Chanel one on the TV he's saying to us citizens, he's saying joining the WTO will eventually lead to the rising of the dinar value up.  It's all about global trade...In order to compete we will need a real effective exchange rate to produce anything in the global trading market.

  FRANK:  He's right...It's amazing they are talking to you about the real effective exchange rate...because that is the end result of the float...God willing it comes out at $3.22 as an RI.

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Value Rises to $3.22 🔥 Today IQD Value to Dollar RV News...

Iran Reveals How It Gets Dollars For Gas Exported To Iraq, 22 JULY

 Economy   2,424 views  Alsumaria News – Economy  The Iranian Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee revealed, today, Saturday, the mechanism by which Iran obtains dollars in exchange for gas exported to Iraq, despite the American sanctions.

Iranian parliamentary committee member Ali Akbar Alizadeh   told the newspaper "Ettelaat", followed by Sumaria News, that at the beginning of the 13th government (Raisi's government), gas exports to Iraq reached the lowest possible level, but with the redesign of energy trade, the relationship with Iraq developed, and a contract was signed to export gas to Iraq for 5 years.

He added, "In a settlement with Iraq, we also found a new way to clear with fuel oil, by replacing Iranian gas with Iraqi fuel oil," noting that "due to the activity of our private sector in selling fuel oil, we obtained a high income from foreign currencies, and in this way, we strengthened the clearing settlement system."  LINK


 MarkZ & Militia Man  

 MarkZ:  ...this week there are television ads being run in Iraq about the “delete the zero” project? And they are doing this internationally - I think that is important. Many people left Iraq during the wars and have settled elsewhere in the region. So doing those ads internationally are for those citizens. IO that is huge   

Militia Man:   Obviously Iraq is trying to reach out to the people and share with them some education about how the “delete the zeros” works...I have a translator who reads and writes Arabic fluently…and they say this ad is the real deal… Part of a campaign of awareness and released in several countries...Like Al Alaq said in July of last year.  The project to delete the zeros still exists...the emphasis is that it’s all positive and they are going to do something with their currency. 




MM: To me it’s no coincidence that Iraq has done all their different advancements  and that Sudani is going to launch his development road projects on May 30th. so Sudani was telling the world he was going to do something in the month of April – and he did it. 

MM he said in the past that the dinar was going to be stronger than the dollar. And , we are expecting that. 

MZ: and yesterday Sudani said they were starting the second phase of their economic reforms. 

MM: And at the bottom of an article yesterday he said they were about to strengthen the dinar. 

MZ: To strengthen the dinar is to add more purchasing power and be stronger than the dollar. For it to be stronger than the dollar it has to be worth more than a dollar. 

MM: yes. 

MZ: People want to know if they can drag this out until next year?

MM: We don’t know the timing. But, I don’t think we are even close to go that long. There is way too much going on in the world and this is not only about Iraq. Remember all boats rise with the tide. 

MZ: Things are finally getting tangible enough that I can be excited. 

MM: This is an amazing event that we are watching unfold.

Member: Thank you so much MM and Mark

Be sure to listen to the full replay for all of MilitiaMan’s information and opinions. 

MZ: This one is important. “Increased capacity in Iraq’s refineries “ They are coming up to speed to produce all of their domestic petroleum needs. $25-$30 millions of dollars worth of gas per day . This is gas for pumps and cars. They are ready to be an exporter of gas. This is new for Iraq and key for their economy. 

MZ:” Zimbabwe applies for ISO code for ZIG currency” To be international. I think this is a big one. 

Member: Okay all, Let’s Be Of The Highest Vibrations! The Universe is listening and will give you more of what you say! If you say you’re tired, you get more tired. The Universe Always Says Yes!!!

Member: Julie Green A turn around coming, per God's prophetic word. Says get ready!

Member: Thank you MarkZ for all you do for us to keep us informed and an early Happy Birthday to you

(MarkZ’s Birthday is tomorrow) 

Member: Mark so they tell me it’s your birthday so happy birthday darling May you live may you love May all your dreams come true Happy Birthday to you……God Bless

MZ: Thank you for the pre birthday wishes.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Deleting Zeros Ads Are Being Run Globally!🚩WTO Progressing Fast!🤔Dinar R...

Iraqi Participation In UNCTAD Meetings On World Trade, 22 JULY

 Economy |  07/20/2024   Baghdad - Mawazine News  The Ministry of Trade announced today, Saturday, its participation in the technical meetings of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in Istanbul, regarding the accession of Arab countries to the World Trade Organization.

The ministry stated in a statement that it "participated today in the technical meetings organized by UNCTAD in Istanbul, which will last for two days, to discuss the experiences of Arab countries in joining the World Trade Organization."

The Director General of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations, Riyadh Fakher Al-Hashemi, who represented the Ministry of Trade in these meetings, said, according to the statement, that "the meetings discussed the outcomes of the thirteenth ministerial conference of the World Trade Organization, the process of Arab countries' accession to the organization, and how Iraq can benefit from these experiences in its process of joining.

The statement added, "The importance of trade in services in supporting the economies of Arab countries and enhancing their growth was also reviewed."

Al-Hashemi stressed, according to the statement: “Iraq’s participation in these technical meetings enhances the experience of the Iraqi negotiating team and pushes it to move forward, and in an accelerated manner, towards achieving full accession to the World Trade Organization, as the exchange of knowledge and experiences gained from these meetings will have a significant positive impact on improving Iraq’s negotiating capabilities and achieving its economic goals.”

The statement indicated: “This participation is part of the ongoing efforts made by the Ministry of Trade to strengthen Iraq’s international economic relations and take advantage of available opportunities to enhance economic and commercial development in the country.”



"Removing Zeros from the Iraqi currency: Talk Returns and Possibility of Implementation"  What is nominal value Pimpy?  The nominal value of currency is its current price or face value as printed on the currency by the issuing authority.  It's the number written on the bank note...  This is a re-denomination when they delete the zeros...Once this is done and a new currency is printed, the old one is removed.  If the old ones remain out there for a while they will carry the same value as the new currency, not the old currency.


 Yes, an article came out again about deletion of the zeros... " Removing Zeros from the Iraqi currency: Talk Returns and Possibility of Implementation"  I keep telling everybody when they do the deletion of the zeros this is how it's going to work.  You got a 25,000 dinar.  Right now at the current rate you have .00076.  It equals $19.  The nominal, which is the [three zero] currency, they will remove the three zeros [25]...and it will take the three zeros off [the rate - .76]...That would be 25 dinar times .76 gives you $19.


I keep telling people, the WTO will talk about the Iraqi exchange rate but not in the sense that they're forcing or telling Iraq they have to change their exchange rate.  That's not what they do.  They just talk about trade and any hurdles that are between them and trade members.  They can point something out, they can make recommendations, but it's not up the WTO when it comes to the exchange rate...I know people are telling you it's going to be on July 18th they're going to change the exchange rate.  No they're not.

 It's not the job of the World Trade Organization to handle Iraq's currency exchange rate.  That's not what they're there for.   It's called the World Trade Organization not the World Exchange Rate Organization.