Thursday, June 27, 2024

Iraqi Dinar🎉 New IQD Exchange Rates Announcement From CBI Today 2024🔥ira...

Sudanese and the US ambassador discuss resolving the dialogue to end the coalition’s mission with a timetable. 27 JUNE

Sudanese and the US ambassador discuss resolving the dialogue to end the coalition’s mission with a timetable

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani received, today, Wednesday, the Ambassador of the United States of America to Iraq, Alina Romanowski.

During the meeting, according to a statement by the Prime Minister’s Office, a copy of which {Euphrates News} received, “the dialogue conducted by the Supreme Military Committee, on ending the alliance’s mission, and ways to resolve this dialogue to reach agreement on a timetable for implementation.”

The meeting also witnessed “the discussion of developments of the regional and international situation, the course of events in Gaza, the suffering of our Palestinian people as a result of the continuation of aggression, the dangers of the expansion and spread of the conflict in the region, and the responsibility of major countries, international organizations and international organizations to stop the tragedy of civilians throughout the Palestinian territories.”السوداني-والسفيرة-الامريكية-حسم-حوار-انهاء-مهمة-التحالف-بجدول-زمني


 Militia Man 

 That's what we are waiting for as we speak [seeing what's in the budget].  We haven't seen them expose that rate or that information to us just yet but they're going to.  They don't have much choice because June 12th it [The budget] became law...The court already said... just because they have an appeal doesn't mean they have any weight to them.

 The budget is only at $70 [per barrel], they've been trying to see if they can modify it and kick it up to $80 so they can spend more money...Oil prices are at $80+ and they think it's going to keep moving forward for the next year or year and a half. 

Article quote "...the global energy market sources indicate the current rise in oil prices will continue until the end of the year 2025."

 Everybody should be pumped and ready to go... 

 Article quote:  "Sovereign guarantees to the private sector will contribute to the industrial renaissance" 

 This article right here will blow your socks off...

Iraqi DInar ✅ ! Pimpy Analyzes Currency Revaluation | iraqi dinar news t...

Sudanese and the US ambassador discuss resolving the dialogue to end the coalition’s mission with a timetable. 27 JUNE

Sudanese and the US ambassador discuss resolving the dialogue to end the coalition’s mission with a timetable

 Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani received, today, Wednesday, the Ambassador of the United States of America to Iraq, Alina Romanowski.

During the meeting, according to a statement by the Prime Minister’s Office, a copy of which {Euphrates News} received, “the dialogue conducted by the Supreme Military Committee, on ending the alliance’s mission, and ways to resolve this dialogue to reach agreement on a timetable for implementation.”

The meeting also witnessed “the discussion of developments of the regional and international situation, the course of events in Gaza, the suffering of our Palestinian people as a result of the continuation of aggression, the dangers of the expansion and spread of the conflict in the region, and the responsibility of major countries, international organizations and international organizations to stop the tragedy of civilians throughout the Palestinian territories.”السوداني-والسفيرة-الامريكية-حسم-حوار-انهاء-مهمة-التحالف-بجدول-زمني

"Why haven't we had a new exchange rate?" BY WALKINGSTICK, 27 JUNE


  Question: "Why haven't we had a new exchange rate?" 

 It's always the same answer, it's the corruption from Iran that steals from the auctions from the CBI...government through the political people that they have.

You can stop asking question about the budget.  It's all there.  Concerning the tripartite budget, everything...all the projects...cities, new exchange rate, lower notes, ATM machines, contracts, everything, it is all there...It is a fact...The GOI has the budget and they have the new exchange rate from the CBI.


 The Iraqi citizens are being given their education, not our education.  They are telling the Iraqi citizens what they need to hear at this moment in the monetary reform process...

 $4.9 billion for a pipeline in the budget...Didn't you say it was 6.5 billion dinars

 'Yeah.'  And you're saying it equals $4.9 billion? 'Yeah.'...

They told the world...6.5 billion IQDs is equivalent to $4.9 billion...6.5 divided by 4.9 it comes out to 1.32 or $0.76...You don't have to think anymore after this...That's billions to billions not trillions to millions.  That's a rate change...You're telling the world this.


[Iraqi bank friend]

 Aki in Dearborn...he's got one [new ATM machine like the ones delivered in Iraq].

They put these ATM machines out in order to put out the lower notes...These ATM machines will teach the citizens about the lower denoms and it will teach the bank employees about this as well too...There's going to be a stampede of people that will be rushing into the Iraqi dinars...These ATM machines are now being impregnated...

When they load or if they have loaded them up [new ATMs], the note count has already been determined.  The note count for each individual machine has already been accounted for...

These machines will be the state of the art...State of the art has nothing to do with a program rate.  If it was they would have had the state-or-the-art with the program rate for the last 20 years...The CBI is desperately trying to put out the least amount of currency at the onset before they release the new exchange rate.  Because once they do this, if needed, they will be able to add to this note count as the value is needed.

These ATM machines have the capability to recognize the lower denoms that are soon to be passed out to the citizens in order to add value to their currency and to go hand in hand with a new exchange rate of the lower notes...These ATM machines have the software for the lower notes.  

But does it have the lower notes in these ATM machines

 It is unknown...Since April there have been thousands of these ATMs being put out...FOR READ MORE:

Iraqi dinar | IMF New Statement | Iraqi Dinar News Today 2024 | dinar news


 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]    FIREFLY: They're going to the streets with Sadr on the 25th.   We will hit the streets in millions...