Sunday, June 9, 2024

Iraqi Dinar Is Real Investment Al Sudani Said Today 2024🔥iraqi dinar new...

Al-Sudani: The government has provided a safe investment environment and financial and banking facilities that are attractive to experienced companies, 9 JUNE

 Al-Sudani: The government has provided a safe investment environment and financial and banking facilities that are attractive to experienced companies

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed that the government has provided a safe investment environment, and financial and banking facilities that are attractive to experienced companies, which opens horizons for continuous cooperation, reflects positively on the local economy, creates job opportunities, and maximizes Iraq’s oil resources, in light of The goal of converting at least 40% of Iraq's oil exports into derivatives and refining products, in addition to gas investment.

A statement from his media office said that today, Sunday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al Hilal Companies, Mr. Hamid Jaafar, and his accompanying delegation, indicating that the meeting witnessed a review of the progress of work in the projects undertaken by the company in Iraq, especially the company’s project within the fifth round of licensing. In addition to confirming the government’s vision to expand productive partnerships with companies and regional and international economic groups, in cooperation with the Iraqi private sector, within the government’s platform for economic reform.

For his part, Hamid Jaafar expressed his appreciation for the government’s steps in facilitating all aspects of fruitful work, and the Prime Minister’s directives to remove obstacles and impediments that hinder the work of investment companies, and to prepare everything that would raise levels of cooperation.   link



  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]

   FIREFLY:  Alaq  said Iraq returning to the glory days and it will surpass those days.

 FRANK:  This caught me off guard.  They're talking to them a lot.  We told you they would...They're releasing the videos, we told you they would. 

 Alaq is telling the people, look I got a mechanism, you know what it is, it's a new exchange rate... 'Iraq is returning to the glory day...and will surpass those glory days.'  I told you, you would never see 1 to 1.  There's a reason they kept it at 1310 and they're going to return back to the glory days which was $3.22 because this is an RI, reinstatement...IMO this is happening.

URGENT: Article & Link For APPEALED 2024 BUDGET

Iraq: We seek to achieve self-sufficiency in the refining industry and export its surplus abroad, 9 JUNE

 Iraq: We seek to achieve self-sufficiency in the refining industry and export its surplus abroad


Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani opened, on Saturday, the Al-Azmara unit project for producing improved gasoline in the Basra Refinery with a capacity of (11) thousand barrels per day.

During his speech, Al-Sudani pointed out the importance of opening the Azmara unit in the refinery, and the provision it represents for the country’s need for high-octane gasoline, stressing that these projects will stop the process of wasting wealth and put an end to the import of petroleum products, which has continued for many years, stressing that the optimal investment for oil wealth is Gas and maximizing resources are among the top priorities of the government programme.

The Prime Minister explained that a series of measures and steps were being taken to expand the production of petroleum derivatives, stressing that the increase in filtering and refining capacities at daily rates, with every opening of a new oil unit, makes us close to achieving self-sufficiency.

He indicated the existence of a new indicator for the export of some derivatives, such as gas oil, naphtha, sulfur, and jet fuel, stressing the continuation of this program during the period of the government’s work, and that the goal is to increase production capacity and improve product specifications. He explained that gasoline production in 2022 was (15 One thousand cubic meters per day, while production today reached (24.8) thousand cubic meters per day.

The project, which was implemented by the National Effort at the South Refineries Company in cooperation with supporting companies, is considered one of the important projects in increasing the production of improved gasoline, with a production capacity of (11) thousand barrels per day, and it will contribute to reducing the quantities of imported gasoline, which will save more than 200 million dollars annually.

This project, which is considered one of the lagging projects, comes in addition to a number of projects that are being implemented, to contribute to increasing the refining capacity of petroleum products, upgrading the specifications and improving the quality, within the plans of the Ministry of Oil, and in harmony with the government program, to achieve self-sufficiency.

In turn, Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs and Minister of Oil, Hayan Abdul Ghani, said in his speech on this occasion, “Today we celebrate the opening and completion of the (Al-Zamra Unit) project with a capacity of eleven thousand barrels per day. This project is considered one of the important projects in increasing the production of improved gasoline fuel.” With a capacity of one thousand three hundred cubic meters per day, which is equivalent to one million three hundred thousand liters per day,” indicating that this project “contributes to reducing the import of gasoline by a rate of one thousand three hundred cubic meters per day, and saves the state treasury approximately three hundred and fifty million dollars per year.”

Abdul Ghani pointed out that “the project comes within the ministry’s plans to increase refining capacity, improve the specifications of petroleum products, and improve their quality, after the completion of the fourth refining unit project with a capacity of seventy thousand barrels per day, which entered into operation and production a short while ago,” considering that “the most important thing that distinguishes These projects came about as a result of the national effort of the Southern Refineries Company and its supporting bodies, after foreign companies hesitated to implement them.”

The Minister of Oil continued to say: “The government and the ministry have given great attention to the refining industry sector, with the aim of increasing national production to reach self-sufficiency, and gradually shifting to exporting its surplus outside Iraq.”

He noted that “the period of the year and a half of the government’s life witnessed the realization and completion of a number of projects in the refining industry sector, including the North Refinery with a capacity of one hundred and fifty thousand barrels per day, the Karbala Refinery with a capacity of one hundred and forty thousand barrels per day, and the Azmara unit in each of the Refineries Company.” The Central and North Refineries Company, in addition to what was achieved in the South Refineries with the completion of the fourth unit with a capacity of seventy thousand barrels per day.”

For his part, Undersecretary for Liquidation Affairs, Hamid Younis, said in his statement, “This project comes within the plans of the government and the ministry to maximize national production and improve its specifications.”

He stressed that the coming period will witness the announcement of the completion of a number of projects in the north, center and south that will add production capacities and enhance the plans of the government and the ministry in producing petroleum derivatives, including the cofactor cracking project, which is one of the promising projects that converts oil waste into white products with Euro 5 specifications and a refining card. Its capacity is 55 thousand barrels per day, which is implemented by the Japanese company “JGC”. All of these projects represent an important addition to the refining industry sector.

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani also opened the steam boiler unit in the Basra Refinery, with a production capacity of 300 tons/hour, to supply the production expansions in the refinery’s units and facilities with the steam necessary for operation.   LINK


 Judy Note:

 On Sun. 9 June 2024 Federal Reserve’s fiat dollar went down as the Petrodollar collapsed; the US Inc. ran out of money making 63 US Banks fail.

Meanwhile the US and other countries’ debt was paid off by the Chinese Elders as they released the Global Currency Reset for 209 countries currencies that were now gold/asset-backed.

  • Sat. 8 June 2024: The US and other countries’ debt has just been paid off by the Chinese Elders.
  • Sat. 8 June 2024 Utah Senator from Utah Mike Lee has introduced legislation to ‘End the Fed.’


  • As of Thurs. 30 May 2024 any US State could legally obtain their own gold backed currency and bypass the Federal Reserve.
  • As of Sat. 1 June 2024 International World Trade was using the new Iraqi Dinar Rate in the trade of international goods.
  • On Mon. Evening 3 June 2024 the Iraqi Parliament finally passed their budget with the new Iraqi Dinar International Rate in it.
  • On Tues. 4 June large bondholder paymasters were in Reno to begin exchanging their bond portfolios over the next 24 to 48 hour window. 
  • On Wed. 5 June 2024 the shotgun was fired, authorizing liquidity of the bond payments of CMKX that opened the RV/GCR; the General of Brazil authorized release of funds to Brazil and San Paulo started to release funds.The Iraqi Parliament sent the budget with the new Iraqi Dinar Rate in it to the Gazette to be published presumably by Sat. 8 June.
  • On Thurs. 6 June 2024 the Chinese Elders authorized start of the payment process for Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group). The International Beneficiary Commission authorized some in Tier4b to receive notification. Brazil began sending out notification and setting exchange appointments. A group in Zurich and another group in Brazil went liquid. The BRICS Alliance began Summit meetings in Russia.
  • On Fri. 7 June 2024 the US Government ran out of money and declared 63 banks insolvent according to Janet Yellen. Bonds started becoming liquid.
  • On Sat. 8 June 2024 the new International Dinar Rate will be official as it is published in the Iraqi Gazette and announced in the Mosques – which will officially begin the Global Currency Reset of 209 countries.
  • On Sun. 9 June 2024 RV funds for Bond Holders and Tier4b will be moving into their positions for payout. On that same Sun. 9 June  look for a Black Swan Event as the Petrodollar ends = collapse of the Global Financial System. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) and JFK Jr. Official on Telegram
  • On Sun. night or Mon. morning 10 June 2024 notifications for Tier4b could possibly come out.
  • On Mon. morning 10 June 2024 Bond Holders and Tier4b should have access to their funds with Tier4b appointments starting soon thereafter.
  • On Tues. or Wed. 11, 12 June 2024 a Worldwide Economic Collapse was expected to begin.
  • On Sat. 15 June 15 any bank not Basel 3 compliant would be closed.

Iraq: Urgent Budget Update