Iraqi Dinar Holders
Iraqi Dinar Holders
Publishes the text of Al-Sudani’s request to Guterres to end UNAMI’s work in Iraq
Our agency publishes the text of the request of the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, to permanently end the work of the United Nations mission in Iraq.
Al-Sudani indicated in his letter, a copy of which was obtained by {Al-Furat News}, that "the justifications for the presence of a political mission in Iraq are no longer available, especially after more than 20 years have passed since the democratic transition and overcoming great and diverse challenges."
To view the text of Al-Sudani’s letter to Guterres, click here link
💢Below is the First Basket of currencies for respective countries involved in the First Private revaluation as we know for now.
1. USA
2. Afghanistan
3. Brazil
4. Canada
5. China
6. India
7. Indonesia
8. Iran
9. Iraq
10. Japan
11. Kuwait
12. Libya
13. Malaysia
14. Mexico
15. Qatar
16. Russia
17. Saudi Arabia
18. Turkey
19. U. K.
20. United Arab Emirates
21. Venezuela
22. Vietnam
23. Zimbabwe
All Countries will eventually Revalue their currencies over time.
The Global Digital Currency Market is currently in pilot programs that will transition us and our currencies into real values.
This is a digital process and not a date. Stay tuned as new information develops.
© Goldilocks
"A federal-covered security can be legally sold in a state once the proper documents and filing fee are submitted . Sales may occur on the day SEC registration is effective or when the notice filing was filed, whichever occurred last."
In other words, the Iraqi Dinar can be bought and sold as a "registered security" close to the end of May.
This article is a continuation of the first one printed today. I just simply wanted to be clear about a particular point that is of interest to all of us who hold the Iraqi Dinar.
It does not mean that we are going to exchange any foreign currencies at the end of this month especially the Iraqi Dinar, but it will become possible.
© Goldilocks
BRICS Gold Revaluation Underway
The BRICS gold revaluation I believe is already underway.
In response to U.S. sanctions on China, China is going to raise the gold price to break the Dollar. Gold could close above $2,400 going into the weekend…
David Dierking
The Bank of Japan has to be pissed off this morning. The yen is right back to where it was pre-intervention. Untold billions spent to lift the yen and all for nothing.
Japan will be forced to sell, all G7’s will be forced to sell. The ESF will buy it all!
Lyn Alden
Replying to @profstonge
We’re bailing out ourselves by making it so Japan doesn’t have to sell their massive hoard of US Treasuries.
The U.S. Dollar is no longer the collateral to be held as reserve in the oil trade. When the JPY was at negative real rates, the BoJ could print yen and buy dollars when the Fed funds rate was 1.2% And investors could make the spread on behalf of Japanese tax payers, because Japan had real negative rates. The Fed funds rate is now 5.5% And the JPY is out from negative real rates, Which means Japan can’t fund the their Dollar bond market on the backs of the Japanese tax payers. Because the dollar is no longer the collateral in the oil trade, the liability that trades the debt.
The BoJ prints yen to buy dollars to service their Dollar collateral (interest payment) to the U.S. Treasury. Because the Dollar is no longer the collateral in the oil trade, the BoJ needs to sell their dollar bonds back to the U.S. Treasury and buy back the yen the U.S. Treasury holds. Then the BoJ can retire those yen in the carry trade unwind. Because the U.S. Dollar is no longer the collateral that trades the debt via oil, The world is dumping dollars.
All those dollars the U.S. Treasury exported was used to fund the U.S. stock market. When the USD carry trade gets unwound, So does the unwinding of the stock market. Gold is now the liability that settles the oil trade to service the debt via RMB internationalization. Japan is one of many central banks that must sell their dollar collateral back to the U.S. Treasury. This is why Janet Yellen is freaking out!
Tomorrow.. End of the US “exemption” for exporting Iranian gas to Iraq, and Baghdad faces a difficult test Shafaq News/ The American websi...