Okie had some positive news earlier today, thought we would hear some indication of the new rate when the Premier returned to his country from his visit to the US, the banker is assisting his hospitalized wife in CA so very little news from him so I guess we wait for FOREX to open,
but again sports fans we appear to be very close, so say your prayers tonight.
While it has been awhile since I have posted, this weekend looks very promising for us as banker has all his exchange personnel on standby with the provision to be prepared to work 10 hour days for at least the next 10 days. He will confirm ASAP after he gets final confirmation.
Texas Snake, [04/19/2024, 7:32:01 p. m.]:
I have a call starting in a few minutes so won'tbe open to long.
Well the call pretty much confirmed what I had indicated with one participant from China indicating one small issue might create a one day delay but was hopeful this would be satisfied, we shall see in the next 24 to 48 hours, GOD Bless