Friday, March 15, 2024

iraqi dinar|Market Crush Its Big Impact On Iraqi dinar Revaluation | Ira...

Tehran, Baghdad “Keen to Expand Banking Ties”, 15 MARCH

Tehran, Baghdad “Keen to Expand Banking Ties”

14th March 2024 in Iraq Banking & Finance News

From Tasnim, under a Creative Commonslicence. Any opinions expressed are those of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the views of Iraq Business News.

The chairman of the Iran-Iraq Joint Chamber of Commerce said banking officials from the two countries are keen to expand the monetary and banking relations.

There is not any problem in the field of banking and monetary interactions between Iran and Iraq, Yahya Al-e Es’haq said, adding that the two sides are pursuing the implementation of the agreements previously inked by the two central banks.

Referring to the suspension of the activity of Bank Melli Iran (BMI) in Iraq by the central bank of the Arab country, the official said a number of Iranian banks had been authorized to be active in this Arab country but a recent decision came due to the sanctions imposed by the United States.

Recently, however, the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) has announced that the activity of Bank Melli Iran will continue in this country, Al-e Es’haq added.

He put the current value of the annual trade exchanges between Iran and Iraq at about $10 billion, adding that the two countries have a high potential to enhance bilateral trade.

Iran and Iraq are interested in boosting mutual banking, monetary and trade ties, so the economic officials of the two countries should roll up their sleeves in order to spur trade and economic activities, he stated.



 I've always said that when it would happen IMO it would be from a Saturday night when you're asleep to when you wake up on Sunday morning. Saturday into Sunday is what I've always said.  Sunday into Monday is illogical because that's a second day of the week.  The first day of the week is when you would officially kick the football and start the game.

 The banks are not saying as much that it's a scam.  If you hear someone that says it's a scam it's probably someone at the very front line. 

 But once you get past them we're finding they have JP Morgan representatives at every Chase Bank it seems like.  Perfect timing...Not one bank story has been negative in 8 or 9 days or so...The resistance is getting less and less.  The force field is no longer at 10, it's probably at 1 or 2.

Iraqi Dinar💰Wow Its Messive Iraqi Dinar Going To Be Internationally-Iraq...

Parliamentary Finance hosts the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, 15 MARCH

 Parliamentary Finance hosts the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq

Mawazine News – Baghdad
The Parliamentary Finance Committee announced, today, Thursday, the hosting of the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, to ​​discuss important files.
A statement from the committee received by Mawazine News stated, “The Finance Committee, headed by Atwan Al-Atwani, began a session hosting the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq.”
He continued, “The hosting came to discuss a number of important files.”

Thursday, March 14, 2024


 Mnt Goat  

 Don’t be discouraged, the currency reform and banking process has come a very long way in a short period of time since January 2023 compared to waiting since 2011, when the plan originated with the IMF on how to turn the currency back on.

 So we went 11 years with not much progress then suddenly a huge jump which tells us something is up. This alone is all telling...If Iraq is to progress, as they say is their goal, they will need a globally recognized and traded currency once again and get it VERY SOON!  

 This Saturday I had my normal call to my CBI contact in Iraq and was told they too are waiting for the signal to go ahead with the Project to Delete the Zeros.

 This is the next step. Everything from the Iraqi side has been cleared but the US Treasury has not yet given their assurance of the reinstatement once the process moves to the next step. The CBI now wants this in writing and a formal document stating the approvals. They are waiting for this to come.  ...we know that what has been accomplished in the de-dollarization process is hard to undo at that point...So, there is no turning back and they must move ahead.

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  Frank26      It is continuing the pattern that no one is saying it's a scam.    If they do say it's a scam it's probably a tel...