Monday, February 26, 2024

Very good news Iqd decreasing Woow

The end of the second round of Baghdad and Washington negotiations for the withdrawal of the coalition. And Iraqi hopes for another, 26 FEB

The end of the second round of Baghdad and Washington negotiations for the withdrawal of the coalition. And Iraqi hopes for another

 Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein announced on Sunday the end of the second round of Baghdad and Washington negotiations on the presence of international coalition forces in Iraq.

Hussein said, in a press statement, that “negotiations are continuing and the second round is over and we hope to have other rounds,” without disclosing the results of the past two rounds.
There is also likely to be a round of discussions in Washington during Prime Minister Mohammad Shia’ al-Sudani’s visit to the United States, Hussein said.
On January 25, the State Department announced the success of the negotiations between the Iraqi and US governments that began in August 2023, to formulate a timetable that determines the duration of the presence of international coalition advisers in Iraq and end the military mission of the coalition against ISIS.انتهاء-ثاني-جولات-تفاوض-بغداد-وواشنطن-لانسحاب-التحالف-وآمال-عراقية-بأخرى



👆I'm aware that a lot of rumors will begin to surface on this March the 2nd date, I can hear the keystrokes of our gurus already typing out new stories surrounding this date from around the world. 

Assumptions are made, but no one knows for sure until we get to that date exactly what they're going to do say. No one person can predict the future, the RV date will be revealed through new Market support patterns. Bretton Woods will make an announcement when everything has moved into new values.

A lot of people have been brainwashed into the constant beating into their heads of looking at the markets through the eyes of a date and rate. It doesn't happen that way. 

Believe me, the revaluation process will be a part of that meeting. Meetings like these are always about creating new values that can benefit the Global Economy. 

Just sit tight, and enjoy the process. Europe still needs to bring out their MICA regulations for stablecoins and cryptocurrencies. My understanding is that these are mandated to be done by the end of May - just before their elections.

If you have your money in iso digital tokens, you are sitting in a good place. For those who have their investments only in paper money, you are going to have to wait until those tokenized assets begin to show reasons to change your currencies' values.


Iraqi Dinar🔥Iraqi Dinar Holders Your Time Will Near To Come Don't Be Neg...

Foreign Ministry: Sudan will raise the file of withdrawal of US forces during his visit to Washington, 26 FEB

 Foreign Ministry: Sudan will raise the file of withdrawal of US forces during his visit to Washington

Mawazine News – Baghdad
Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein confirmed the continuation of negotiations with the American side on the presence of international coalition forces in Iraq.

The negotiations are continuing and the second round is over and we hope to have other rounds,” Hussein said.

There will also likely be a round of discussions in Washington during Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammad Shia’ al-Sudani’s visit to the United States, Hussein said.

Last January 25, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry announced the success of negotiations between the Iraqi and US governments that began in August 2023, to formulate a timetable setting the duration of the presence of the international coalition advisers in Iraq and the end of the military mission of the coalition against ISIS.



Question:  Are we waiting for 5 pm...For Forex?  yada:  Not necessarily for the FOREX but for the markets to open. The lower denoms will be released after the rate change, almost seeming simultaneously. All the contracts from Davos, Baghdad forum, and now the OTC that closed on the 22nd, are all activated with the rate change.

Nader From The Mid East 

  Did you see the article...?  Sudani visiting the United States Soon.

Interesting information.!!! 


Monday, February 12, 2024 


Nader of the Middle East This is what I can tell you. When the dinar changes, everyone will know. Everybody in the whole world, everybody knows it. It will be all over the news. When Iraq is sovereign again, when someone declares the end of the war and all that, that's what's going to happen... Many people compare Iraq to Kuwait. Kuwait has only 4,400,000 inhabitants...

 they have 104 billion barrels of oil. Iraq has 140 billion barrels of oil, with only 4 or 5 manufacturers. The others still don't work. By 2025, Iraq will have almost 300 billion barrels of oil... 

Algeria is big and has many assets, but it has many fewer than Iraq and its dinar is stronger than the Iraqi dinar. If you look at Tunisian dinars, Tunisia has nothing... and their dinars are 3 to 1: three dinars for 1 dollar. My point is that these people have nothing. A revolution is coming out. They are a disaster. It's completely a disaster.

 They lost a lot. The private sector is a disaster and its [its dinar] is still strong. Iraq, this rate is still a punishment rate... They have to reevaluate it. If they revalue they will revalue it 1 to 1. We are coming out of the war. We are coming out of the worst of our lives. We started walking... We started growing... It almost collapsed, but it didn't collapse. 

It remained and remained stable... The only thing that destabilizes Iraq's economy is the war... Iraq is a very strong country... In a couple of years Iraq will be one of the strongest countries in the world. world... Iraq is very strong. Iraq survived the worst of its life. We survived 3 or 4 wars in the last 50 years. We survived and each time we came back and came back strong.

 This time we are going to come back very strong... The Iraqi economy will never collapse on its own. The Iraqi economy is always stable unless someone else shuts it down for them. 

Iraq's economy is one of the best economies in the world and will again be the best economy in the world. The negative things about Iraq will never be revalued, it's a scam, all that is nonsense. Iraq is going to come back someday and it will come back soon.


lunes, 12 de febrero de 2024
Nader del Medio Oriente
Esto es lo que puedo decirte. Cuando el dinar cambie, todo el mundo lo sabrá. Todo el mundo en todo el mundo, todo el mundo lo sabe. Estará en todas las noticias. Cuando Irak vuelva a ser soberano, cuando alguien declare el fin de la guerra y todo eso, eso es lo que va a pasar...
Mucha gente compara a Irak con Kuwait. Kuwait tiene sólo 4.400.000 habitantes... tienen 104 mil millones de barriles de petróleo. Iraq tiene 140 mil millones de barriles de petróleo, sólo con 4 o 5 fabricantes. Los demás aún no funcionan. De aquí al 2025, Iraq tendrá casi 300 mil millones de barriles de petróleo...
Argelia es grande y tiene muchos activos, pero tiene muchos menos que Iraq y su dinar es más fuerte que el dinar iraquí. Si nos fijamos en los dinares tunecinos, Túnez no tiene nada... y sus dinares son 3 a 1: tres dinares por 1 dólar. Mi punto es que esta gente no tiene nada. Están saliendo una revolución. Son un desastre. Es completamente un desastre. Perdieron mucho. El sector privado es un desastre y su [su dinar] sigue siendo fuerte. Iraq, esta tasa sigue siendo una tasa de castigo... Tienen que revaluarla. Si se revalorizan lo van a revalorizar 1 a 1.
Estamos saliendo de la guerra. Estamos saliendo de lo peor de nuestra vida. Empezamos a caminar... Empezamos a crecer... Casi se derrumbó, pero no se derrumbó. Se mantuvo y se mantuvo estable... Lo único que desestabiliza la economía de Irak es la guerra... Irak es un país muy fuerte... En un par de años Irak será uno de los países más fuertes del mundo. mundo... Irak es muy fuerte.
Irak sobrevivió a lo peor de su vida. Sobrevivimos a 3 o 4 guerras en los últimos 50 años. Sobrevivimos y cada vez volvimos y volvimos fuertes. Esta vez vamos a volver muy fuertes... La economía iraquí nunca colapsará por sí sola. La economía iraquí siempre es estable a menos que alguien más la desactive por ellos. La economía de Irak es una de las mejores economías del mundo y volverá a ser la mejor economía del mundo. Las cosas negativas de Irak nunca se revalorizarán, es una estafa, todo eso es una tontería. Irak va a regresar algún día y regresará pronto.

Great News RV Processing Approved 24 Hours Only | Iraqi dinar Latest new...


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