Friday, December 22, 2023

PM Al-Sudani's Clear Message Strengthening the and Adding Value to the I...



 So, below is proof of what I am talking about when it comes to Iraq. The CBI already stated back in March of this year and I quote from the article below – “it was decided to prevent the use of electronic cards and wallets for the purpose of speculation and trading in digital currencies of all kinds.”

To me it can not be any clearer that Iraq is NOT moving towards the CBDC saga. Some idiot intel gurus even say that this is holding up the RV as they want to digitize the dinar first. How stupid can you get? Also these same idiots tell us the Project to Delete the Zeros has been cancelled as they no longer will need the newer lower denominations once they digitize the dinar. So there is no longer a need to look for the project to be conducted even. How stupid is stupid? This of course is all just nonsense and I am proving it to you today.

Here is the full article below from March 29, 2023:


We affirm what was stated in our circular No. (125/5/9) on 3/29/2022, in which it was decided to prevent the use of electronic cards and wallets for the purpose of speculation and trading in digital currencies of all kinds, with the necessity of the commitment of all licensed banks and all licensed non-bank financial institutions and all electronic payment companies with the following:

Take all necessary administrative, legal and technical measures to prevent and track such types of transactions and trades.

Educate your customers about the risks and procedures that will be taken against them according to the laws and instructions in force related to these transactions and trades.

Otherwise, all strict legal measures will be taken against your institutions and customers in accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Law No. (39) of 2015 and the instructions issued thereunder in the event of non-compliance with the above.

Below are yet more articles also from the past as to why they have to delete the zeroes from the dinar. Remember also that months ago the CBI did come out with an announcement that the Project to Delete the Zeros is still on the table. These articles below are the type of articles we would now expect to see, if in fact, they were getting ready to conduct the project now. But we are NOT seeing them why? I do not think they intend to do the project in the coming period. In fact I was told by the CBI they are not!


Omar Al-Fateh 16/11/12 economy

The reasons for deleting three zeros from the Iraqi dinar and what it means to delete the three zeroes from the Iraqi currency, the fact deleting three zeros from the Iraqi dinar, the official source at the Central Bank of Iraq, said that the beginning of the beginning of 2017, will the central Bey Iraqi deleting three zeros from the currency of Iraq, Finance Committee also announced in parliament that the central bank will start at the beginning of 2017 by deleting three zeros from the local currency, in other words, that the unity of the coin in 1000 dinars from the old currency will be replaced by only one denarius of the new currency, and so on.



Going on in the minds of many Iraqis that the important question of whether to raise (the zeros from the Iraqi dinar) harm or benefit? Thus why do not we raise the zeros, the official source in the Iraqi Central Bank stressed that the purpose of deleting three zeros from the currency of Iraq is to lift the economy and prosperity to raise support for the dinar, which will be a key reason for the return of Iraq’s economy again in January 2017, the step by Iraq intended to reform the local currency system based on the use of the currency too high denominations, which leads to difficulties in handling and in private transactions accounts, as well as higher prices resulting from the use of monetary units higher categories, which leads to a decline in the currency and declining purchasing power exchange rate the dinar in a big way.

CBI decision to remove three zeros from the Iraqi dinar

Iraqi Central Bank chairman said that the deletion of three zeros from the Iraqi dinar will help in flourishing once again the Iraqi economy and the return of the Iraqi currency traded in international stock markets, the deletion of zeros restore Iraqi currency mind in periods of monetary turmoil and declining public revenues of the state at a time when the expenses increase, resort states often to print more of the local currency, leading to price hikes and the occurrence of high inflation, the need to cross categories with high currencies such as the one thousand and one million one hundred thousand … etc., and with every raise in the denomination as the economy enters the furnace of inflation.

Why delete the three zeroes from the Iraqi dinar

The aim of deleting three zeros from the currency of Iraq is one of the means to control the high inflation is monetary reform, coupled with a change in monetary policy by the old currency high Pfiadtha replacement of a new currency with lower categories so prices tend to decline, but does he have on inflation? The answer is no, because the elimination of inflation is required to follow state moderate monetary policy, an official at the Central Bank of Iraq and stressed that the Iraqi dinar will be the vital currency in global stock markets and the central bank is currently discussing the principles of starting the project and its laws on the beginning of the project of the year 2017 and stressed that the new currency will not have a significant impact on the major currencies, but will raise the Iraqi economy.

From an Egyptian news site …. remember all the trips to and from ….and talks ….with Egypt in articles earlier this year … IMO

Having said all this today there is HOPE is all area of prosperity and abundance. It is all coming be patient.

Parliamentary Services: 9 countries are preparing to enter the world of investment in Iraq, 22 DEC

 Parliamentary Services: 9 countries are preparing to enter the world of investment in Iraq

Parliamentary Services - 9 countries are preparing to enter the world of investment in IraqInformation / Baghdad..
Representative Baqir Al-Saadi confirmed on Thursday that there is a desire among nine countries to enter into vital investments in Iraq.
Al-Saadi said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, “Security stability has stimulated investment activity and attracted capital in most of the country’s governorates, which increases the chances of economic recovery and the creation of vital sectors that contribute to crystallizing objective solutions to many crises, including housing.”
He added, “The Sudanese government has actually called on 9 countries, including Arab ones, to invest in 3 vital sectors, most notably housing, while providing a safe environment and a climate that contributes to attracting capital,” stressing that “the investment rate during 2023 is the highest after 2003.”
He pointed out that “Iraq is focusing on strategic investments, especially with the launch of large development projects, most notably the Iraqi Development Road, and achieving great completion rates in the large Al-Faw port, which will create a greater investment climate in the coming years.”
Iraq is distinguished by the diversity of investment opportunities available, especially housing, agriculture, industry and other industries.



 I need you to remember the CBI just months ago did tell us the Project to Delete the Zeros in still on the table, meaning it still has to be conducted prior to any reinstatement. Get it? This is their words not mine.

Yes, I could have talked lies in my Newsletter to you and made everyone “fell good” for Christmas thinking they would see it in early January and then have their heart broken when it did not happen. Yes, riding the roller coaster. I never liked roller coasters anyhow… especially this kind.

But I refuse to lie to you as these other idiots do. I respect all my readers and bloggers too much to lie. This is not a blog of lies and deception but of TRUTH and REALITY. If you want the lies please follow idiots like Bruce on the Big Stupid Call, TNT Tony or MarkZ or a number of the other idiots. They are all the same. They are just chasing rainbows every day, any day. They put catchy titles on their YouTube presentations then you click on it and find out they lied to you. Some even just gather all the rumors and package them as their intel. What the hell? They have no real intel and many don’t even know what the hell is actually going on in Iraq nor they care. Their objective – to make $$$ of the clicky clicks to their site or sponsors. This is the real scam in this investment. Get it?  

As you may know, I try to listen to many of the so-called intel guru conference calls. I do this so I can correct the nonsense and confusion they create and there is lots of it. I hope you appreciate all my efforts. I am so sick and tired of all the recent rumors and bank stories. Most of which are all made up or over exaggerated.

It was stated by many of the gurus that Iraq is moving towards the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). They told their listeners this was the holdup. Really? How stupid to tell you listeners this. I believe that they are telling you this because they read recent articles about Iraq moving to electronic payment cards. Don’t they even know the difference between electronic banking and issues related with the CBDC. Two VERY much different banking practices. Folks, how many times must I say it. We all experience electronic banking already, yes right now, by using our DEBIT cards. We tie these debit cards to money in our bank accounts or we may choose to delay payment using CREDIT cards. But eventually even the credit cards are paid off by taking money from our accounts to pay the bill. Hello… is this so hard to believe and understand. This is NOT the CBDC and please don’t tell me we already have it or Iraq will have it. If you say this you are VERY, VERY ignorant of just what the CBDC really is. You need to go back and do your homework and study the CBDC before you come on your calls or websites and shoot off your big stinking mouths. Are you trying to convince people the CBDC is all so ordinary and okay? Really?

But that the Central Banking cartel system wants to do in the US is issue Central Bank digitized tokens as money using something very similar as with BITCOIN algorithms. It is NOT going to be backed by GOLD. Get it. Don’t lie and tell people this. This way they fully intend to claim they own your funds and can audit you at any time (without a warrant or court order. This is called lack of “due-cause”). Also they will be able to turn on or shut off your funds at a whim. They would not even need court orders to do so. They also plan to tax directly from your account, tracking every single purchase and income. This information will be sold to marketers without you even knowing it until you get inundated with emails, mail, texts, phone calls. You think is bad now.  

You will be FORCED to use the digital system and so they will know everything about you through the computer. There is already artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to be put in place that will monitor and decide the fate of your money. Yes, AI will control your wealth.

It is the AI that will decide how your wealth is managed. You have to understand the seriousness of the impact of all this. Most just refuse to believe that any government would allow such a horrific control over a free enterprise capitalistic system of wealth generation to occur especially in a FREE SOCIETY. Guess what? If they implement this fully you are no longer free. Let me repeat this – YOU ARE NO LONGER FREE!!! ☹

Remember it is the Biden administration that welcomed this research and paid for it out of your tax money. Also, to do the Beta test which is now underway. They plan to roll this out to all banks in 2024. Is it too late t stop it. You see they are pushing this so much to get it before the next elections because they already know the fate of the elections and they haven’t a change in hell of winning unless the cheat again and fraud the election which we already see the signs that they have a massive plan underway to do just that. So this is not far off. Who are you going to vote for in November 2024?

In light of all the Biden corruption in this current administration how can anyone in their right mind think this is a good thing to do. So, Iraq like in the US ,will fight this Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) as they too see the negative ramifications for freedom of wealth generation and holding on to your own personal wealth. Your wealth is yours to keep and should never be politicized and used to force you to do certain things, like for instance get a vaccine or think or vote a certain way. Oh by the way this is also all going to be tied to you “social credit score” crap they are also implementing.

RV/RI on XMAS or New Year?!💣Monetary Sovereignty🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates |...

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 12/22/2023

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Welcome to the biggest 3 day weekend of the year!!!!!!

Member: Praying this is finally the weekend we have been waiting for!!!!!


Member:  IMO-We are extremely close to the finish line!

MZ: So far this morning- very quiet… real changes since last night. Mr. C will be with us momentarily to find out if he has heard any changes. 

MZ: There is nothing negative…Just no news saying anyone is spending any money yet this morning. Maybe we will get more news throughout the day today. 

Member: TNT Tony Renfro believes ReValue goes down tonight after COB at 1600 Eastern, or tomorrow, or Sunday, December 24. Done by th 24th.

Member: I heard Holly say someone close to her has signed their NDA

Member: All I want for Christmas is a new rate posted! (Sung to the my two front teeth tune) 

Member: I am thinking it will go Christmas morning and then appointments through the new year. 

Member: Why would they make Redemption Center folks work on Christmas?

MZ: I don’t think they would make the redemption people work on Christmas …..but I could see them have a smaller crew of people setting appointments working  on Christmas. To me it would make more sense to announce it and have the phone lines open on the 26th or something like that. 

Member: That would be awesome if the RV hit where we could go for appointments yes in between Christmas and New Year’s oh my gosh what would that ever be a blessing and prayers answered!

Member: Nader was straight up with his thoughts. He doesn’t think redemption centers are real but just banks will exchange at Forex rates. Thinking beginning of the year for RV

Member: if this is a private exchange wouldn't it make more sense that the forex doesn't show new rates until after we go?

Member: That’s what I think. 

Member: How will people in Canada exchange?

MZ: There will be nothing different from Canada and  US exchanges….or the UK and the US….We expect notifications to go out from the dinar news sites ….When you contact the centers they will use your computers IP address to direct you to the right number for your area and region to the banks or center with the trained staff to handle your exchange. 

MZ: “ China, Saudi drive BRICS push to erase dollar in global economy”  You are seeing this in main stream news all over the world. This is the fall of the petrodollar. 

MZ: “Former Swiss banker admits helping wealthy US taxpayers hide assets in Singapore and elsewhere” This is a tale as old as time. 


Member: Merry Christmas Everyone! It’s going to be a season of Miracles.

Member: In yuletide's glow, hopes ascend, RV Jubilee whispers, hearts suspend. Christmas dreams, like snowflakes fall, Peace and joy, embracing all.


Mr. Cottrell and CBD Guru’s join the stream today. Please listen to the replay for their opinions and information. 



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )






In a very interesting article today they tell us that it took longer than expected to get the parallel black market under control but it is in its last stages in their plan and will be under control soon. The article says and I quote –

 “technical and negotiating steps with the US Federal Bank and the US Department of the Treasury and the understandings related to regulating foreign trade financing by approving the opening of accounts for Iraqi banks in American, Chinese, Emirati and Turkish correspondent banks to deal directly with them for foreign transfers in the currencies of these countries, which… It includes the dollar, the euro, the Chinese yuan, the Indian rupee, the Emirati dirham, and the Turkish lira, leaving the electronic platform in the year 2024, and importing the dollar and foreign currencies into Iraq from Iraqi bank accounts at correspondent banks or abroad.” 

So, there was another weird recent article that said the currency auctions would NOT end in 20204. This was wrong and this article today proves it. The electronic platform is the new currency auctions and so now we see this other article was NOT correct and they are ending. Their words not mine! 😊) What are they going to replace the currency auctions with? How will merchants pay for imports if not solely with the mandated previous US Dollars?

The article says and I quote – “f oreign trade financing by approving the opening of accounts for Iraqi banks in American, Chinese, Emirati and Turkish correspondent banks to deal directly with them for foreign transfers in the currencies of these countries, which… It includes the dollar, the euro, the Chinese yuan, the Indian rupee, the Emirati dirham, and the Turkish lira”   “importing the dollar and foreign currencies into Iraq from Iraqi bank accounts at correspondent banks or abroad.”

Okay…. so this all is a major change but its REAL and SOLID. It’s not bank rumors, bank stories, hype or just plain lies. We can clearly see that Iraq is moving to the normalization of how to do business with other countries and moving out of the sanctioned way of doing business with the world. They are already doing ITNERNATIONAL. It is happening right now and this article is proof of it. Folks, I can not emphasize enough just how good all this news is today. WOW, WOW WOW! 😊 😊 😊

Maybe Iraq will have to wait a bit longer for the reinstatement due to the delay in managing the parallel black market and getting it under control but I assure you with the WTO accession just around the corner, we all must just be patient, the reinstatement is coming and I firmly believe from what we now know there is a very strong likelihood we NOT are going to be at the banks in early 2024 but there is still strong indication for the early part of the new year. God, through his prophets also told us this would happen and it would come suddenly. Kim Clement says and I quote – “nothing, nothing and then suddenly something”.

There are no guarantees and so no one really knows a date when the event will occur. Let’s just follow the FACTS and see where they lead us…okay? Iraq is full of surprises and so anything is possible. Everything is still all very good. Remember what my CBI contact told us and I quote – “first things first”. So we know there is a process and they are following it. I know the plan as it was widely published in 2011. Too bad these other intel gurus were probably not around then or they just don’t care to talk about the TRUTH of just what is actually happening.

I know I had some disappointing news to tell today. Believe me it is NOT what I wanted to hear either. I am also sad, but I know that the currency swap-out has to take place before the reinstatement and the committee member in the CBI told me they needed two (2) weeks to complete this item on the rollout scheme. This is not me saying this but the CBI itself. It is Christmas week already and so there is no more time for early January to do this tasks.



  Frank26      It is continuing the pattern that no one is saying it's a scam.    If they do say it's a scam it's probably a tel...