Tues. 24 Oct. 2023 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (ibize.com) 667-770-1866, pin123456#
- An Iraqi Source said that Iraq would publish their new Dinar Rate in their Gazette tomorrow Wed. 25 Oct.
- Also on Wed. 25 Oct. Iraq would announce the new Dinar International rate at our 1 am EST.
- The Iraqi HDL oil and gas profits for Iraqi citizens will be received by the Iraqi citizens on Wed. 25 Oct.
- A source with US Space Force said Bond Holders would receive their notifications at 8 pm tonight Tues. 24 Oct.
- Both the Iraqi Source and the US Space Force Source said that Tier4 a,b would receive notifications to set appointments tomorrow morning Wed. 25 Oct.
- Your time at the Redemption Center will be around a half hour. You will have about 5 min. to do your Humanitarian project presentation.
- Rates on currency exchanges are quite high. You might get offered the very high Contract Rate on the Dinar.
- You will be given a Quantum Titanium Card with three chips and your biometric finger print in it that you can use to move your monies from your Quantum Account into your primary or secondary bank accounts.
- >You will be given a Wells Fargo credit/debit card that allows you to have access to funds. You can move up to 1.2 billion dollars for each LLC account.
- You can take cash from the Redemption Center up to $3,500.
- You can get proof of funds letters for the amount of each property individually.
- You would want to ask for a Clear and Clean Certificate of origin on a bank letterhead.
- You will be given a 55 page booklet of who not to give money to.
- You will be given a 1-2 page Non Disclosure Agreement. Make sure you don’t talk about your appointment at all.
- You will get around 2 pages of bank perks.
- Zim Holders will be given a Q phone (that works on the Starlink Satellite System). The phone and the service itself is free.
- You will be given a Certificate worth $1,000 to pick up a new laptop.
- A Political change will take place between now and the end of the week.
- Activation of the Emergency Broadcast System or Emergency Wireless Systemcould happen as early as Wed. 25 Oct.
- https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/10/25/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-october-25-2023/