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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query JEFF. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, July 28, 2024



 When they said the rate is going to be 1 to 1, they're not telling you the value is going to be a dollar...They will never tell you what the exchange rate is going to be.  1 to 1 means the purchase power before the rate changes is going to be the same after the rate changes. 

 Before the rate changes a 25,000 dinar note will have the same purchase power as a 25 note after the rate changes...

The exchange rate against the dollar is your multiplier.  Let's say after the rate changes the new exchange rate is $3.00 for easy math...After the rate changes since all the currency has a value of $3...25,000 note times $3.00 would be worth $75,000 and after the rate changes a 25 note is worth $75.  It's that simple.



 President signed off on...the budget on June 27th.  I want to show you a pattern here...Issue number 4781 published in the Gazette on July 1st 2024...then...

they skip issue number 4782 and advance to 4783...published on July  8th.   We believe the Gazette issue number that is missing actually the budget itself.  They just can't publish it in the  Gazette because right now it's being deemed or perceived as an unconstitutional law.   


 The budget is not posted in the Gazette.  The budget hasn't been implemented because it's unconstitutional...

Delete the zeros has nothing to do with the exchange rate.   Deletion of the zeros simple means removing currency notes with multiple zeros on them.

 There was a perception out there that the rate was going to change before the July 18th accession date to the World Trade...This was their 3rd accession World Trade meeting.  There's a 4th meeting coming in Q1 of next year of '25...Many thought Iraq would become a full member as of July 18th.  None of that happened.  


Some of you have said that parliament has nothing to do with this [the budget]...It actually does  because they unconstitutionally approved the budget and the budget's approval has everything to do with it.  That's the piece to the puzzle that is not understood.  

Article "Parliamentary law challenges the 2024 budget tables"  Parliament can only review and approve laws.  It was parliament that did these amendments making their steps or actions of approving the budget unconstitutional.   The courts possibly next week around Wednesday/Thursday declaring the budget itself as unconstitutional and overturning its  approval...  



  Article: "The 2024 budget will be returned to the House of Representatives and the reason is revealed"  

Iraq approved their budget on Monday June 3rd. I've known since June 4th Tuesday that the budget was unconstitutional...

I've stayed quiet since to let the news catch up.  I knew this immediately was unconstitutional.  I knew it was going to get overturned by the court, the whole time.  Now you're witnessing it.  The news is finally, a month and a half later, catching up...That's how far ahead we are...


  I told you guys the court would be overturning the budget because it is unconstitutional...I basically predicted the future for you.  It's getting close to happening.   They're most likely going to do this next week. 

 Article:   "Legal:The Federal Court will vote on the unconstitutionality of the budget table"   I told you the budget is unconstitutional.  I told you nothing was going to happen to the budget.  As you see I'm right.  The budget is getting overturned.  It is going to go back to an unapproved state.

  The central bank announced their 3rd strategic plan... They'll be increasing gold reserves...they also said they're going to offer...FOR READ MORE:

The next big step in this is we want to see when Iraq will be amending their budget...They can amend it before or after the rate changes...

 This weekend coming up would be the historical anniversary date of when Kuwait reinstated their currency - March 24, 1991

 Iraq technically does not need to amend the budget if they're not changing their rate....

Thursday, July 25, 2024



 President signed off on...the budget on June 27th.  I want to show you a pattern here...Issue number 4781 published in the Gazette on July 1st 2024...then...

they skip issue number 4782 and advance to 4783...published on July  8th.  We believe the Gazette issue number that is missing actually the budget itself.  They just can't publish it in the  Gazette because right now it's being deemed or perceived as an unconstitutional law.   


 The budget is not posted in the Gazette.  The budget hasn't been implemented because it's unconstitutional...

Delete the zeros has nothing to do with the exchange rate.  Deletion of the zeros simple means removing currency notes with multiple zeros on them.

  There was a perception out there that the rate was going to change before the July 18th accession date to the World Trade...This was their 3rd accession World Trade meeting.  There's a 4th meeting coming in Q1 of next year of '25...Many thought Iraq would become a full member as of July 18th.  None of that happened.  


Some of you have said that parliament has nothing to do with this [the budget]...It actually does  because they unconstitutionally approved the budget and the budget's approval has everything to do with it.  That's the piece to the puzzle that is not understood.  

Article "Parliamentary law challenges the 2024 budget tables"  Parliament can only review and approve laws.  It was parliament that did these amendments making their steps or actions of approving the budget unconstitutional.   The courts possibly next week around Wednesday/Thursday declaring the budget itself as unconstitutional and overturning its  approval...  



  Article: "The 2024 budget will be returned to the House of Representatives and the reason is revealed"  

Iraq approved their budget on Monday June 3rd. I've known since June 4th Tuesday that the budget was unconstitutional...

I've stayed quiet since to let the news catch up.  I knew this immediately was unconstitutional.  I knew it was going to get overturned by the court, the whole time.  Now you're witnessing it.  The news is finally, a month and a half later, catching up...That's how far ahead we are...


  I told you guys the court would be overturning the budget because it is unconstitutional...I basically predicted the future for you.  It's getting close to happening.   They're most likely going to do this next week. 

 Article:   " Legal:The Federal Court will vote on the unconstitutionality of the budget table"   I told you the budget is unconstitutional.  I told you nothing was going to happen to the budget.  As you see I'm right.  The budget is getting overturned.  It is going to go back to an unapproved state.

  The central bank announced their 3rd strategic plan... They'll be increasing gold reserves...they also said they're going to offer...FOR READ MORE:

The next big step in this is we want to see when Iraq will be amending their budget...They can amend it before or after the rate changes...

 This weekend coming up would be the historical anniversary date of when Kuwait reinstated their currency - March 24, 1991

 Iraq technically does not need to amend the budget if they're not changing their rate....

Wednesday, July 24, 2024



 The budget is not posted in the Gazette.  The budget hasn't been implemented because it's unconstitutional...

Delete the zeros has nothing to do with the exchange rate.  Deletion of the zeros simple means removing currency notes with multiple zeros on them.

 There was a perception out there that the rate was going to change before the July 18th accession date to the World Trade...This was their 3rd accession World Trade meeting.  There's a 4th meeting coming in Q1 of next year of '25...Many thought Iraq would become a full member as of July 18th.  None of that happened.  


Some of you have said that parliament has nothing to do with this [the budget]...It actually does  because they unconstitutionally approved the budget and the budget's approval has everything to do with it.  That's the piece to the puzzle that is not understood.  

Article  "Parliamentary law challenges the 2024 budget tables"  Parliament can only review and approve laws.  It was parliament that did these amendments making their steps or actions of approving the budget unconstitutional.   The courts possibly next week around Wednesday/Thursday declaring the budget itself as unconstitutional and overturning its  approval...  



  Article: "The 2024 budget will be returned to the House of Representatives and the reason is revealed"  

Iraq approved their budget on Monday June 3rd. I've known since June 4th Tuesday that the budget was unconstitutional...

I've stayed quiet since to let the news catch up.  I knew this immediately was unconstitutional.  I knew it was going to get overturned by the court, the whole time.  Now you're witnessing it.  The news is finally, a month and a half later, catching up...That's how far ahead we are...


  I told you guys the court would be overturning the budget because it is unconstitutional...I basically predicted the future for you.  It's getting close to happening.   They're most likely going to do this next week. 

 Article:   "Legal:The Federal Court will vote on the unconstitutionality of the budget table"   I told you the budget is unconstitutional.  I told you nothing was going to happen to the budget.  As you see I'm right.  The budget is getting overturned.  It is going to go back to an unapproved state.

  The central bank announced their 3rd strategic plan... They'll be increasing gold reserves...they also said they're going to offer... FOR READ MORE:

The next big step in this is we want to see when Iraq will be amending their budget...They can amend it before or after the rate changes...

 This weekend coming up would be the historical anniversary date of when Kuwait reinstated their currency - March 24, 1991

 Iraq technically does not need to amend the budget if they're not changing their rate....

Monday, July 15, 2024



Some of you have said that parliament has nothing to do with this [the budget]...It actually does  because they unconstitutionally approved the budget and the budget's approval has everything to do with it.  That's the piece to the puzzle that is not understood.  

Article "Parliamentary law challenges the 2024 budget tables"  Parliament can only review and approve laws.  It was parliament that did these amendments making their steps or actions of approving the budget unconstitutional.   The courts possibly next week around Wednesday/Thursday declaring the budget itself as unconstitutional and overturning its  approval...  



  Article: "The 2024 budget will be returned to the House of Representatives and the reason is revealed"   

Iraq approved their budget on Monday June 3rd. I've known since June 4th Tuesday that the budget was unconstitutional...

I've stayed quiet since to let the news catch up.  I knew this immediately was unconstitutional.  I knew it was going to get overturned by the court, the whole time.  Now you're witnessing it.  The news is finally, a month and a half later, catching up...That's how far ahead we are...


  I told you guys the court would be overturning the budget because it is unconstitutional...I basically predicted the future for you.  It's getting close to happening.   They're most likely going to do this next week. 

 Article:   "Legal:The Federal Court will vote on the unconstitutionality of the budget table"   I told you the budget is unconstitutional.  I told you nothing was going to happen to the budget.  As you see I'm right.   The budget is getting overturned.  It is going to go back to an unapproved state.

  The central bank announced their 3rd strategic plan... They'll be increasing gold reserves...they also said they're going to offer...FOR READ MORE:

The next big step in this is we want to see when Iraq will be amending their budget...They can amend it before or after the rate changes...

 This weekend coming up would be the historical anniversary date of when Kuwait reinstated their currency - March 24, 1991

 Iraq technically does not need to amend the budget if they're not changing their rate....

Monday, December 18, 2023



  Today on Monday Iraq is holding their elections.  What does this mean to us?  According to Iraq's Central Bank removing corruption is the absolute minimum requirement for Iraq to be eligible to revalue their currency...These are the provincial level elections.  It's the second half of the government.  They already completed and held all their federal elections in October of last year...These elections are critical to the country to move it forward...

 You'll be able to go to 53rd Bank on the east coast [to exchange your dinar].   I've already consulted with them.  You'll be able to exchange your foreign currency there and they won't charge you any fees to exchange your foreign currency..

 The reason why there's no news coming out of Iraq is because Iraq is done with everything.  They finished everything needed to revalue.  They're ready to revalue but they can't and they're not going revalue immediately because they have to clean up corruption.  Article:   "Al-Halbousi faces 4 criminal charges after the end of his presidencyBoom!... Halabousi is going to be facing 4 criminal charges.

 In order for the 2023 budget to be implemented Iraq needed to have publicly posted in the Gazette the budget operating instructions.  They never did that.  That step never happened... Iraq has not implemented its '23 budget that's why they have to resort to financing salaries and have done so since July...If they had an active budget they would not need to  finance.

    You're like, why hasn't Iraq revalued?  They've gotten everything done?'  And they do!  Iraq has everything done.  They're ready to revalue but they're not going to revalue till they tackle corruption...They have to remove this corruption.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023



Since October of last year [Iraq's Federal elections] they have been setting the economic stage for the rate change... They're done setting the economic stage. They don't have any more economic steps to do.  That's why they're finishing the very last step of removing and cleaning up corruption at the second half of the government - The provincial level. 

  Today on Monday Iraq is holding their elections.  What does this mean to us?  According to Iraq's Central Bank removing corruption is the absolute minimum requirement for Iraq to be eligible to revalue their currency...These are the provincial level elections.  It's the second half of the government.  They already completed and held all their federal elections in October of last year...These elections are critical to the country to move it forward...

 You'll be able to go to 53rd Bank on the east coast [to exchange your dinar].    I've already consulted with them.  You'll be able to exchange your foreign currency there and they won't charge you any fees to exchange your foreign currency..

 The reason why there's no news coming out of Iraq is because Iraq is done with everything.  They finished everything needed to revalue.  They're ready to revalue but they can't and they're not going revalue immediately because they have to clean up corruption.  Article:   "Al-Halbousi faces 4 criminal charges after the end of his presidencyBoom!... Halabousi is going to be facing 4 criminal charges.

 In order for the 2023 budget to be implemented Iraq needed to have publicly posted in the Gazette the budget operating instructions.  They never did that.  That step never happened... Iraq has not implemented its '23 budget that's why they have to resort to financing salaries and have done so since July...If they had an active budget they would not need to  finance.

    You're like, why hasn't Iraq revalued?  They've gotten everything done?'  And they do!  Iraq has everything done.  They're ready to revalue but they're not going to revalue till they tackle corruption...They have to remove this corruption.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024



 The news is now really starting to ramp up.  Critical steps are coming forward...They're going to fall into place like clockwork.  August through September is going to be the most critical period in this investment that we've ever witnessed. 



  Iraq just competed their 5 year development plan...That's basically the reform plan...They completed the reform plan, that's a required step for their accession to the World Trade.


They haven't implement their budget yet because they're waiting for the rate to change.  Everything in Iraq...the budget, the laws, the overturning the budget, everything out there is being stalled and delayed to be timed with the rate change.

 Article: "Four counties meet in Baghdad to support the development road project

...You have to look at their timing.  They finished the 5-year development plan around the end of July walking into the beginning of August.  Why? Timing.  They're about to revalue.  Their actions strongly suggest to me personally IMO I really feel they're going to be revaluing in August.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024



 The Supreme Judicial Council has decided it's time for the current central bank governor to retire.  Remember this is his second term.  During his first term back in the year of 2018 that's when he printed the new lower smaller category denominations notes with his signature on them.  The only reason they put him back in for a second term was to commission the rate change.  Now they're saying he's going to be forced into retirement.  No retirement date has been provided.


 The news is now really starting to ramp up.  Critical steps are coming forward...They're going to fall into place like clockwork.  August through September is going to be the most critical period in this investment that we've ever witnessed. 



  Iraq just competed their 5 year development plan...That's basically the reform plan... They completed the reform plan, that's a required step for their accession to the World Trade.


They haven't implement their budget yet because they're waiting for the rate to change.  Everything in Iraq...the budget, the laws, the overturning the budget, everything out there is being stalled and delayed to be timed with the rate change.

 Article: "Four counties meet in Baghdad to support the development road project

...You have to look at their timing.  They finished the 5-year development plan around the end of July walking into the beginning of August.  Why? Timing.  They're about to revalue.  Their actions strongly suggest to me personally IMO I really feel they're going to be revaluing in August.


Saturday, July 13, 2024



  Article: "The 2024 budget will be returned to the House of Representatives and the reason is revealed"  

Iraq approved their budget on Monday June 3rd. I've known since June 4th Tuesday that the budget was unconstitutional...

I've stayed quiet since to let the news catch up.  I knew this immediately was unconstitutional.  I knew it was going to get overturned by the court, the whole time.  Now you're witnessing it.  The news is finally, a month and a half later, catching up...That's how far ahead we are...


  I told you guys the court would be overturning the budget because it is unconstitutional. ..I basically predicted the future for you.  It's getting close to happening.   They're most likely going to do this next week. 

 Article:   "Legal:The Federal Court will vote on the unconstitutionality of the budget table"   I told you the budget is unconstitutional.  I told you nothing was going to happen to the budget.  As you see I'm right.  The budget is getting overturned.  It is going to go back to an unapproved state.

  The central bank announced their 3rd strategic plan... They'll be increasing gold reserves...they also said they're going to offer...FOR READ MORE:

The next big step in this is we want to see when Iraq will be amending their budget...They can amend it before or after the rate changes...

 This weekend coming up would be the historical anniversary date of when Kuwait reinstated their currency - March 24, 1991

 Iraq technically does not need to amend the budget if they're not changing their rate....

Tuesday, February 20, 2024



 Article: "Observer: Ending the mission of the Untied Nations office in Iraq takes Iraq out of Chapter Seven".   The UN exiting Iraq and no longer working with them automatically will lift and remove the UN Chapter VII sanctions.  But keep in mind the UN will not be exiting Iraq until after Iraq has already revalued the currency.  Iraq has to revalue before the UN will exit out.

  Today on Monday Iraq is holding their elections.  What does this mean to us?  According to Iraq's Central Bank removing corruption is the absolute minimum requirement for Iraq to be eligible to revalue their currency...These are the provincial level elections.  It's the second half of the government.  They already completed and held all their federal elections in October of last year...These elections are critical to the country to move it forward...

 You'll be able to go to 53rd Bank on the east coast [to exchange your dinar].   I've already consulted with them.  You'll be able to exchange your foreign currency there and they won't charge you any fees to exchange your foreign currency..

 The reason why there's no news coming out of Iraq is because Iraq is done with everything.  They finished everything needed to revalue.  They're ready to revalue but they can't and they're not going revalue immediately because they have to clean up corruption.  Article:   "Al-Halbousi faces 4 criminal charges after the end of his presidencyBoom!... Halabousi is going to be facing 4 criminal charges.

 In order for the 2023 budget to be implemented Iraq needed to have publicly posted in the Gazette the budget operating instructions.  They never did that.  That step never happened... Iraq has not implemented its '23 budget that's why they have to resort to financing salaries and have done so since July...If they had an active budget they would not need to  finance.

    You're like, why hasn't Iraq revalued?  They've gotten everything done?'  And they do!  Iraq has everything done.  They're ready to revalue but they're not going to revalue till they tackle corruption...They have to remove this corruption.