Monday, April 29, 2024



Banker is stll out even though he thought he was flying back yesterday so it was shortly after 8:00 AM when he called me this morning.  He indicated he would have more to discuss later today.

Folks Salty and I have talked and we remain committed to being of assistance in helping folks gain the reward they deserve once we RV relative to some financial considerations on how not to go broke like a lottery winner.  Please stay connected....


  • Fri. 26 April Texas Snake
  •  “A banker was advised to have his appointment/exchange personnel available on Sunday the 28th just in case they decide to activate the rate increase so appointments can be scheduled.”

I am as tired of sharing intel that doesn't materialize as you folks are of receiving it so all I will say is the banker was advised to have his appointment/exchange personnel available on Sunday the 28th just in case they decide to activate the rate increase so appointments can be scheduled.

Everything I am receiving is we are right there so just pray it in and prepare for what you will do in God's name .

  • Mon. 22 April Texas Snake: “The Iraqi Prime Minister returned to his country this past Monday and turned over to the head of the CBI to announce the pending revaluation of his nations currency.  The CBI provided the new rate to the IMF who in turn provided this rate to the FOREX which by policy has 72 hours from receipt to post for universal recognition for sometime Wed. 24 April.

Okie had some positive news earlier today, thought we would hear some indication of the new rate when the Premier returned to his country from his visit to the US, the banker is assisting his hospitalized wife in CA so very little news from him so I guess we wait for FOREX to open, but again sports fans we appear to be very close, so say your prayers tonight.  

This may be a little longer post than usual as the powers that be do not wish to get anyone''s hopes up only to be disappointed when the RV does not come in.  Well I spent 40 years in the investment banking and financial planning industry which allows for a slight advantage in researching certain areas of the acknowledged resources regarding money and securities.  Those areas being the IMF, FOREX, WTO, etc, etc.  

The Prime Minister returned to his country on this past Monday, he turned over to the head of the CBI to announce the pending revaluation of his nations currency.  The CBI provided the new rate to the IMF who in turn provided this rate to the FOREX which by policy has 72 hours from receipt to post for universal recognition which will be sometime between now and Wednesday 4/24/2024 by 7:00 PM.  

Since both the Gazette and the IMF rate schedules are published on Wednesday each week we can assume should there be a revaluation we should receive that news during this window.  Don't get excited or make any serious decisions but please stay calm and watch the next few days as we seem to be this close.  GOD Bless

Texas Snake, [04/22/2024, 10:25:30 p. m.]:

About 10 more minutes then I need to close

Will try to illistrate that tomorrow

Yes he uses a CBI Debit card to purchase items in Beeville and he discovered the exchange rate on a recent purchase equaled $3.90 US for his Dinar value up substantially from before the in country RV

Well folks will come back with anything new GOD Bless


Parliamentary Finance: The positive results of Sudanese’s visit to Washington will appear soon - Urgent , 29 APRIL

 Parliamentary Finance: The positive results of Sudanese’s visit to Washington will appear soon - Urgent

4/29/2024 Baghdad

The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed today, Monday (April 29, 2024), that the positive results of the Prime Minister’s visit to Washington will appear soon.

Committee member Moeen Al-Kazemi told “Baghdad Today” that “the visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani to the United States of America achieved great and important success at the level of various economic and investment files, and these results will soon appear on the ground, especially with regard to the strength of the Iraqi economy.” And the dollar file and its complete control.”

Al-Kadhimi stated, “The government has made great progress in controlling the dollar and preventing any manipulation of the currency in the local market by some merchants and others. This is why we see a noticeable decline in the exchange rate in the parallel market, and the coming days will see a greater decline, as well as the implementation of the economic agreements with Washington.” "It takes time."

The dollar exchange rates are still high and declining from time to time, while observers expect Iraq to witness greater development in the economic sector in various related fields, in addition to the energy sector, with the Sudanese visit focusing on creating a shift in the relationship between the two countries and not being limited to the security aspect.

Especially with the Sudanese signing 18 memorandums of understanding during his visit to Washington 10 days ago.   LINK



  • Tues. 30 April: According to Goldilocks a market reset will now happen across all sectors, including Forex.
  • Wed. 1 May Day – A new Beginning.
  • On Thurs. 2 May if a bank was not Basel 3 Compliant, they would either be closed, or absorbed by another bank. The Central Bank of Brazil would launch their new “international banking” system. EBS Test?
  • Sun. 5 May Orthodox Easter

Effective April 30, 2024, the Depository Trust Company is giving us a notice. They’re telling us that their coverage for settlement risks in assets or securities that are not collateralized could be at risk in a market moving into real values.

  • Corporate notes or bonds are moving from 50% to 70% haircut value. Cryptocurrencies have a haircut value potential of 100%, and this includes Bitcoin.
  • In other words, any asset going forward that is not backed by a commodity has a haircut value risk when the market resets into a new set of values based on Real World Assets.
  • What are we being told could happen after April 30th, 2024? A market reset across all sectors of the market including Forex.

Global Currency Reset:



  [via PDK] 

  In Iraq “Iraq’s Federal Board of Supreme Audit exposes US $600 million corruption scandal involving “ghost travelers”  Iraq allowed people to get US cash when they said they were going to travel abroad. People were getting cash and were not traveling at all…and the money went to the parallel markets….  The US claims this is “corruption”  This is more proof positive they need to change that dinar rate as soon as possible.

There is some anticipation from one of my redemption center contacts who is expecting to work this weekend….  I take that as positive... 

...a little more news out of Vietnam...they continue to crackdown on corruption: “Vietnam jails soft drink tycoon for eight years in $40M fraud case”  ...I am leaning toward they are cleaning the system to change the value of the VND.




The next big step in this is we want to see when Iraq will be amending their budget...They can amend it before or after the rate changes...

 This weekend coming up would be the historical anniversary date of when Kuwait reinstated their currency - March 24, 1991

 Iraq technically does not need to amend the budget if they're not changing their rate.  

The budget already covers their operating expenses.  But they would need surplus funds to cover the reforms.  The reforms are contingent upon the rate changing.  They can't bring these reform package forward if the rate does not change.  The only reason they're amending the budget is because the rate is changing...The step of amending the budget can happen either before or after the rate changes  ... They will probably announce Thursday or Friday as to when they plan to amend the budget, which they'll probably do around this weekend...

 [Response to Guru Jeff's budget/ exchange rate posts 3-19-2024 below]  

They are going to amend the budget with or without a rate change....Does it make sense for you to release the budget before they increase the exchange rate because then you have to turn around and redo the budget and make all the changes to the budget using the new exchange rate.

  So no, it doesn't make sense to release the budget before you change the exchange rate.  You would change the exchange rate then go through and amend all of your budget because the money you've allocated obviously has changed...

The suspension of the funds has to do with corruption.  The reforms can be activated without changing the rate.  They're going to reallocate revenue from oil to help fund all these reforms..

Tomorrow.. End of the US “exemption” for exporting Iranian gas to Iraq, and Baghdad faces a difficult test, 6 MARCH

  Tomorrow.. End of the US “exemption” for exporting Iranian gas to Iraq, and Baghdad faces a difficult test Shafaq News/ The American websi...