Saturday, December 14, 2024


 ๐Ÿ’ข Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire T: Ginger, thank you for all you do. 

I just saw another truther posted that Reno isn't on high alert.

 Though I'm watching Mark and someone in Vegas is seeing refuelers up, which would mean fighters are up that aren't going to be landing anytime soon. 

They're there guarding something. ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿง๐Ÿค”

๐Ÿ’ข Ginger: Thank you for the add to the conversation. Brilliant. 

My anonymous source got the update straight from those in the inner circle of the admiral's direct team. 

The one who kept telling us "not yet, all the news you're hearing on Telegram is fake news", (historically and for many months).

Then progressing to "ok, on alert that something might happen, but no we're not even in high alert yet" - this was back in September.

 To present day, "absolutely yes" - leadership waiting for next move and high alert now, as of this morning 12.12.24 at 11:30 AM EST (when I personally got the word). 

These contacts have been absolutely the most conservative and honest people all along. The man told my friend, even, "if you don't hear anymore from me, you'll know why...." ๐Ÿค

So whomever is telling people that there's nothing going on in Reno, that's cool -- but they aren't hearing from the Main Admiral's tight inner circle. We are. Plain and simple. 

It was very clear that they Are Waiting and on standby. This is what is meant by High Alert.

 If someone (else) wants to deny and disregard this, they are just being petty, considering all the other dominos which are obviously falling at this juncture in time. 

We can extend them grace to be petty. I don't mind one bit. ๐Ÿ™‚ But the fact is, our inner circle contacts have been spot on every single step of the way.

 It was the same people that were getting info from who called it BS all these months (forever) when certain gurus were insisting "it's hot hot hot in Reno". 

Our contacts countered - "No it's not not not (back then)" ๐Ÿคฃ And they are THERE! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ”ฅ So, yeah, that's the facts - and they have absolutely zero reason to pull any deep fake on us / their good friend whom they've known for over twenty years.

 I have absolutely every confidence in the information we were given and; we're just waiting for their end-job to materialize -- no one knows the exact time.

 But they are surely "primed and ready to go" at this stage.

 Thank you T for your very valuable add to the conversation in helping us better understand what's going on with the refuelers circling the area. You're the best!! ๐Ÿคฉ

๐Ÿ’ข Update: Someone ELSE is saying "Admiral got the Green Light". That's an emphasis beyond what I shared, to be clear.  "High Alert" and "Green light" do not mean the same thing to me. IMHO.

 My report was fact-based with no embellishments. Just food for thought.

~ Keeping It Real In The Love Bubble 

Ginger of the Liberty Lounge ©️

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