Saturday, December 14, 2024

Direction to distribute the salaries of the months of October and November in one payment, 15 DEC

 Direction to distribute the salaries of the months of October and November in one payment

A source from the Kurdistan Regional Government Council of Ministers reported on Friday that Finance Minister Awat Sheikh Janab expressed his ministry's readiness to distribute the salaries of the 10th and 11th months if Baghdad sends additional funds.

Voice of America radio quoted the source as saying, “Finance Minister Awat Sheikh Janab spoke during the meeting about the Iraqi government sending 761 billion dinars to distribute the salaries of the tenth month and also decided to send an additional amount of 430 billion dinars to cover the deficit,” indicating that “the minister confirmed in his speech that his ministry is ready to distribute the salaries of the tenth and eleventh months if Baghdad sends 761 billion dinars for the salaries of the eleventh month.”

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