Saturday, August 17, 2024

Evening News with MarkZ. 08/16/2024

Friday Evening News With MarkZ 

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

​​Member: Good Evening everyone

Member: Mark, it's Friday night... don't you think it's a perfect time for an EVENT

Member: So Mark could RV happen tomorrow night?

MZ: We don’t know, but there certainly is a tremendous amount of chatter. 

Member: Chief Fast Horse on Fearless Floyd today said the RV has started

MZ: I have heard the same rumors…that it has started and things are moving. I reached out to redemption people and banking folks …and they are on “stand-by” and have not been notified….yet.  They have not yet been told “this is it”

MZ: I spoke to one in Reno who is involved with a large group there and they have not been activated and told to come in yet. 

MZ: I am not saying it hasn’t started…I believe the overall process has started. Maybe just not getting to the redemption part yet-even for the whales. 

MZ: Have I heard that they are hopeful they can do it before the first part of the week- yes I have heard that. . 

Member: Are call centers to schedule appointments different than redemption centers? If yes, could be why they are not “scheduled” to work this weekend.

Member: If the redemption centers are the same that set appointments? Could it be possible notifications over the weekend and actual appointments next week? Hypothetically of course!!!!

MZ: I have heard fantastic things from the bond side – that they want a large portion of them to have spendable funds before the 20th. I am hearing fun stuff but staying grounded .

MZ: Don’t be too disappointed if the rumors are off by a day or two. 

​​Member: Three banks in my local area, today all three had a full staff parking lot.

Member: If it does go early next week….how long will we have to exchange?

MZ: I am hearing a bare minimum of 30 days for the preferred rates. You will need to set appointments within the first 10 days. I am told that is how it is going to work. 

Member: hearing about a substantially higher rate being offered if ALL funds are kept with 1 institution and NDA for rate. Will the rate for wise acct be different from rv rate?

MZ: The Wise rate should be exactly what the street rate is…..whatever that is. And whatever rate they post on forex. The international rate is what you should get for Wise. 

Member: Do you think the rate is going to float?

MZ: I do not. But if there is – I was told the float would be very managed and slow. If you hold foreign currency in a foreign currency/multi currency  wise account – it will float along with the currency…. 

Member: With all our SS numbers being stolen …..Maybe this how they release everyone’s debt, all at once! Since every Social Security number has now been stolen, when they release Nasara, they issue everyone a New ID number or sovereign #

Member: 8-17-2024 = 8-8-8

MZ: Having a stem cell treatment next week so you will be in Zesters capable hands on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I will pop in when I can .I will be in communication though and will share with him. 

Member: Zester always said it would happen when you are gone

Member: May the Lord hold Mark in his loving and healing arms for comfort after his procedure. May he have a speedy recovery with the most excellent outcome! I ask in Jesus name! Let it be!

Member: Safe travels Mark, and praying your procedure goes well. 


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