Sunday, December 17, 2023

French report: Dollar restrictions confuse the lives of Iraqis due to “monetary sovereignty”, 17 DEC

 French report: Dollar restrictions confuse the lives of Iraqis due to “monetary sovereignty”

Shafaq News/ A French report shed light On the deficit occurring in the withdrawal of Iraqi citizens’ funds transferred to them from abroad The country, months ago, because it was sent to them in US dollars, after the authorities imposed restrictions New complications complicate the use of hard currencies, in its attempt to control the black market exchange rate, in A procedure considered paradoxical in an oil-rich country that has huge reserves of hard currency More than 100 billion.

According to a report published by Agence France-Presse Press”, and viewed by Shafaq News Agency, the emergence of a parallel market for exchange, and the imposition of the authorities Restrictions within the framework of strengthening banking supervision in compliance with international rules imposed by them Washington, has complicated the daily lives of residents.

The official exchange rate is 1,320 dinars For one dollar, but at money changers, the price of one dollar equals 1,500 dinars Up to 1,600, and currency exchange offices have begun to deal with customers with extreme caution Dozens of money changers accused of price manipulation were arrested, according to the report.

The Central Bank of Iraq announced in a statement Previously, he decided, as of January, “to restrict all commercial and other transactions.” In Iraqi dinar instead of dollar. in the country.

“Monetary Sovereignty”

While the dollar can be withdrawn in cash from… Deposits previously held in hard currency, naturally, will become mandatory as of this year 2024, withdrawing every money transfer from abroad exclusively in dinars, and according to the official exchange rate.

The Prime Minister’s Advisor for Affairs confirms Finance, Mazhar Saleh, said that “this is the rule that is part of monetary sovereignty, But there are exceptions, especially embassies.

He adds: “We strengthen what is called sovereignty “Cash…it is not possible to deal in two currencies within the national economy.” However, these restrictions apply It raises controversy and disrupts the daily life of Iraqis, according to Agence France-Presse.

Direct transfers have become outside the framework Banking is not possible with dollars, and is limited to dinars at the official rate, as the sector has adopted Banking in Iraq is an electronic platform, the aim of which is to monitor the uses of the dollar and tighten Control of a booming informal economy, while tax evasion attracts some Importers and traders.

The Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa, approved this Sudanese, that with the new procedures, the cash supply in hard currency is available The market declined from “200 to $300 million” per day to “30.” And 40 and 50 million dollars.”

Last September, he said Al-Sudani said that merchants who deal with Iran are forced to turn to the market Parallel to obtaining currency, given that Iran is a country “that has sanctions, and is not allowed Conducting financial transfers.

At the same time, he confirmed that the two banks The central authorities in Iraq and Iran discuss a “mechanism” In order to “organize.” Trade”, which would “split the back of the parallel market”.

“Suspicious trade”

The government announced in late November Last second, for facilities to pay importers of cigarettes, cars, gold and telephones Portable, to obtain foreign currency through official channels.

As for bilateral exchanges, Authorities encourage banks and importers to use currencies other than the dollar, such as the euro Or the UAE dirham or the Chinese yuan.

The prime minister’s advisor, Mazhar, defended Saleh, about banking restrictions aimed at “verifying these transfers,” With the aim of reassuring the “international financial community, and also for reasons related to Iraqi society: Is it… These transfers actually go to finance Iraq’s trade?

Saleh added: “What is happening is irrelevant With a strong Iraqi economy, Iraq today has the highest levels of foreign reserves in “His financial history,” but “structural changes occurred in matters of dealing with the currency Foreign”.

He also stated that it was to protect the country With a population of 43 million people of inflation, importers have access to Dollar, and buy it at the official rate, which is more beneficial.

This is especially true of materials Food, medicines and building materials. Saleh believes that this “creates an atmosphere of stability. “This is against the parallel market.”





  Fri. 15 Dec. TNT RayRen98: 

The expected RV is now scheduled. Good news. This morning Iraq citizens were told in the next couple days. Sudani told ppl the rate is going to change in the next couple of days. I also go this from Tish she was watching in Iraqi tv.  The RV was supposed to occur last night Thurs. 14 Dec.  

Supposedly, the reason it didn’t is the U.N. filed a motion to take over the entire process. The judge denied the U.N. motion.  It didn’t make any sense b/c the IMF already released it to the counties. Every country has money, reserved currency, and is waiting to go live. Our window of time is 4:30pm Eastern Fri. 15 evening until 5:00 pm Eastern Sun 17 Dec. of when this could go through. In Iraq today the Kurdistan region was told that today was the last day they can turn in three zero notes and actually get 25,000 dinar for a 25,000 note.

Sudani was telling ppl this morning in a town hall type of meeting that the rate is going to change in the next couple of days. The last day the rate changed was the 20th of December.  If Iraq says today is last day, 4:30 EST is the next day Iraq time ~ a few minutes past midnight. They wanted to do it at 1:00 am eastern. This is how they want it to go down. In Iraq everyone is off Monday and Tuesday so they can go vote and the budget will be released on Tuesday. All the money. 

Always said they wouldn’t do that until the rate was changed. This hopefully will be our weekend. People who had bank appointments this weekend were told that there would be no fees during the exchange.  If you go to the teller window, there will be fees. There is no turning back. US has released it. IMF released to each country so when it goes, they can start exchanging. The money is in place so they can operate with it. They can’t wait. Sudani saying in a couple of days.

Fri. 8 Dec. TNT:  It was supposed to go Thurs. night 7 Dec. Everyone was waiting on the IMF to release it. After a meeting earlier today Fri. 8 Dec, contacts said it will happen by Mon. 11 Dec. Sun. 10 Dec. is Iraq’s Victory Day, so Tony thinks it might happen then. 

People that have already contacted their banks are being called in to go over the procedures for the exchange, interest rates they would pay them, debit and credit cards that will be available to them, etc. Banks are acknowledging that it is happening and that they want people to choose them.

SPECIAL REPORT Treason in Iraq +Provincial Elections BY SANDY INGRAM



  The head of the armed forces  coming out and saying the whole of the armed forces from Wednesday to Wednesday starting the day before yesterday through Wednesday of next week are on the highest level of alert in the whole of the armed forces.  Level C...It's like a bloody call for a war, reservists and so on.  It's saying it's because of the election on the Monday the 18th...

That makes no sense.  Most countries like here in the UK and the US we don't have a day off for an election.  Last time they had council elections they only had 40% turn out.  Pretty apathetic.  It's Iraq, they give them a day off.  Now Sudani says they have two days off, Monday and Tuesday.   Now we hear the whole bloody army's been called up on massive stay of alert. 

  I'm thinking these are council elections, no body give a fiddles fig about these things.  Very strange. I thought, hmmm, new small category notes, ATMs, a lot of people trying to get into a bank to change their notes...Thinking about it, they may want the army involved to protect movements of new notes and coins...The 20th they've got 5 days to spend the big chunk of the budget that's been sitting there waiting for over 11 months.  Why?  Because they don't want to spend it at 1300.  It's too expensive....It would seem perfect timing perhaps they mask these elections with something else which may or may not be the rate change and new small category notes.  That's my eye on the prize today.  Could be wrong.  Just my opinion.

It is not available in other countries.. What do you know about Iraq’s sulfur reserves?, 17 DEC

 It is not available in other countries.. What do you know about Iraq’s sulfur reserves?, 17 DEC

The Committee on Economy, Industry and Trade in the House of Representatives revealed that Iraq possesses a strategic reserve of sulfur estimated at 350 million tons.
The committee’s rapporteur, Yasser Al-Husseini, said that Iraq has a strategic reserve of raw materials that are not available in other countries, such as sulfur, phosphate, and silica, and that it is almost the first to have them, noting that these minerals can be benefited from to be the country’s second resource after oil, by investing them in a real way with solid companies specialized in this. The matter, according to the official Al-Sabah newspaper.

He pointed out that government resources must be in purely national hands, and therefore the contracts in the Ministry of Industry and the Border Ports Authority, which are an important resource for the country, must be reviewed, indicating that investment projects were limiting the state’s resources and not enhancing them in a real way.

Al-Husseini stressed that the government must pay attention to the issue of migration from the countryside to the city and pay attention to the agricultural sector by benefiting from every drop of water from the time it enters Iraq until it reaches the root, warning of a demographic change that will cost the government more than the amounts it currently provides to care for the reality of the villages and countryside, explaining Supporting agriculture will cast a shadow over the stability of the local market and reduce imports in hard currency from countries, in addition to reducing unemployment.

Iraq also confirmed last year, 2022, that the sedimentary sulfur reserve in the Mishraq fields south of the city of Mosul (north of the country) is the first in the world and exceeds 400 million tons.



 Iraq has completed all of their banking competencies required by the CBI in Iraq to meet International Banking Standards. And tomorrow, they are expected to finish their banking reforms with their managers per a recent article.

Fri. 15 Dec: Iraq has completed all of their banking competencies required of the CBI in Iraq to meet International Banking Standards. And tomorrow Sat. 16 Dec, they are expected to finish their banking reforms with their managers per a recent article. At this time, they will have two weeks to do logistics training with their employees to prepare them for working with International Exchange going forward and only using the Iraqi Dinar locally. 

Iraq has signed a number of agreements around the world to begin trading beyond their borders, and they have exchanged currencies with several countries to enable them to move forward with exports and imports. The article below is a confirmation regarding a completion of a year-long set of economic reforms. It celebrates the work that they have done to achieve International standing in the banking system. … Goldilocks

 Look for XRP and XLM to be one of the first movers in the new digital asset based trading system.

Iraqi Dinar🔥Introducing New Exchange Rates And Adding Their Value🔥iraqi ...