Saturday, June 29, 2024



 totally agree with Mr Salvage 


• Levels 4A and 4B are ready to receive notifications.

• The United States is under pressure to release NESARA.

• Wells Fargo and HSBC are on high alert

• All transactions are under military supervision.

• All payers are ready and funded

• All notifications will be released globally.

• All funds will be distributed globally

• The RUMOR is that they expect this to happen during the week.

IRAQI DINAR 💥 This Your Chance to Be a Millionaire | IRAQI DINAR NEWS TO...

“National Bank Violations” Put Central Bank Governor in Parliamentary Questioning, 29 JUNE

 “National Bank Violations” Put Central Bank Governor in Parliamentary Questioning

2024-06-28 | 04:09
National Bank Violations Put Central Bank Governor in Parliamentary QuestioningAlsumaria News – Local:
Today, Friday, MP Alia Nassif announced that she will direct a parliamentary question to the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, regarding the violations committed by the National Bank.
Nassif said in a blog post on the X platform that I followed Alsumaria News”We sent a parliamentary question to the Governor of the Central Bank, regarding the National Bank’s violation and breach of Iraqi laws.”
She added, “The question included an inquiry about the number of Iraqi and non-Iraqi employees in the National Bank, the number of executive positions held by non-Iraqis in this bank, and the reasons for not disclosing the salaries of its employees, especially non-Iraqis, to the Social Security Department due to information about tax evasion.”



Frank update by Jody

They put the date wrong on there. It is July 18th. 

On the news in Iraq, they are being told that they will be official, full members of the wto. 

Eddy said that the news was hinting that they were already members of the wto. 

Eddy asked why would they, we don't have a rate. Frank said you will have a rate way before then.

 Frank said he got a Walkingstick report after talking to Eddy They said that they have work meetings tomorrow to discuss the rate in the budget, the new notes, and the timing of the release of the new notes. 

Frank says we are in a serious time. He may have made some super cryptic message at the end, I can't tell. It was hard to hear with all the traffic behind him.

Sounds like he feels that it could happen this week from the way he talks. He said explicitly that it would be way before the 18th. We will see.

iraqi dinar✅"Breaking News Iraqi Dinar RV Announcement Today 2024 / Iraq...

The dollar’s “stubbornness” against the Iraqi dinar widens the “gap” between the official and parallel prices, 29 JUNE

 The dollar’s “stubbornness” against the Iraqi dinar widens the “gap” between the official and parallel prices

The dollars stubbornness against the Iraqi dinar widens the gap between the official and parallel pricesShafaq News/ Iraq has been seeking for two years to end the phenomenon of dealing in dollars in the local market, while economic experts indicate that the Central Bank of Iraq’s measures have achieved “relative” success in controlling hard currency.
The year 2023 witnessed an unprecedented rise in the dollar exchange rate, reaching 1,700 dinars per dollar and continuing for several weeks before gradually declining at the end of the year to reach a level ranging between 1,470 and 1,450 dinars per dollar during the past two months.
The Iraqi currency crisis began after the US Treasury Department banned 14 Iraqi banks from the global banking transfer mechanism known as SWIFT in an attempt to prevent the smuggling of dollars to Iran…


 TNT UPDATE 6/28/24

Tony said that Iraq is ready to party. 🥳

Sudani told the Iraqi people that there is going to be a change in the banks. 

Tier 2 & 3 banks in the US have also now been advised to “get ready.”

Banks have been doing practice runs for the last two days, and the biggest issues that keep occurring, were with people not having their currency separated and organized. 

The budget is expected to be published tomorrow. 

Bankers from Indiana, Chicago, NY, NJ, FL and DC texted Tony during the call and advised that they are ready, and that some of them are staying late tonight, and that some are starting early tomorrow morning.

Tony believes that our window is still any time after 4:00pm Eastern today, through Sunday morning. 

Ray believes that it’s coming tonight, so that’s what we’re all going to pray for. 😁

That’s it for the highlights, have an amazing night and an even better weekend. Much love and abundant blessings to all. 🙏🤗❤️


  Frank26      It is continuing the pattern that no one is saying it's a scam.    If they do say it's a scam it's probably a tel...