Sunday, August 18, 2024


 Thurs. 15 Aug. 2024 Farm Claims liquidity, Ginger’s Liberty Lounge

Reports regarding Farm Claims settlements being paid are accurate; and this is a very nice item which we can happily check off our “non negotiable list”. I was unable to share the exact details from my own confirmed contact, so I am sharing this other news passed along from someone else. 

8.14.24. Lamb: “I just got off the phone with a friend of mine, she told me that her friend that had registered with the farm claim packages … He woke up to $500,000 in their bank account with no explanation, no nothing, he showed her the bank statement and knows this other person had “no pot to piss in” before (per se). So the statement about farm claims being paid is 100%.”


💢 Happy News!! Only worked one hour earlier and got most of the workday approved VTO. Been a productive catch all day, getting things done and even spent time with Mr Ginger. Please pray with me that the last hour and a half gets cleared, too? (My 8 - 930 PM) It's been nice having a bit of time to focus on other stuff at home. 🏡💓🏡💓🏡 Love you GLL family 


Getting some positive news from Triple Cabin Extravaganza Happy Campers - just waiting until there's something solid to tell you other than, "We're waiting". There's no bad news whatsoever - so at least that's a plus. You know me -- tryna vet it b..for read more:



 💢Q & A - EAS & Lockdowns - what to expect.....BY GINGER, 15 AUGUST 


🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 The Iraqis Win 🔥 Today IQD Value to Dollar RV News Guru ...

Attracting investors and limiting currency smuggling.. Specialist explains the importance of "digitizing" Iraqi banks, 18 AUGUST

 Financial and economic expert Nawar Al-Saadi revealed, today, Friday (August 16, 2024), the importance of the benefits of "digitizing" financial transactions for Iraqi banks, while pointing out that digitization can enhance financial inclusion by attracting users who do not deal with traditional banks by providing easy-to-access and easy-to-use services.

Al-Saadi told Baghdad Today that “digitizing financial transactions in Iraqi banks can provide significant benefits, especially in terms of reducing currency smuggling,” indicating that “by adopting digital systems, banks can track all financial transfers with greater accuracy and transparency. This means that each transaction is automatically recorded and saved in a central database that can be reviewed at any time. This allows the relevant authorities to monitor and quickly detect suspicious financial activities, making it difficult for smugglers to exploit the financial system to smuggle currencies.”

“Digitizing the banking system contributes to reducing money laundering cases, as these operations usually depend on exploiting loopholes in traditional systems, but with an advanced digital system, these operations become more complex. Digitization also allows the use of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence to analyze patterns in banking data and identify any abnormal or suspicious transactions,” he added, stressing that “this helps prevent money laundering by early identification of unusual activities and reporting them to the competent authorities.

Al-Saadi explained that “to implement this digital transformation in Iraq, there is a need for investments in technological infrastructure and developing the institutional capabilities of banks,” noting that “this requires providing modern technology, training employees to use it effectively, in addition to developing legislation and laws that protect users and encourage digital transactions. It is also important to enhance customer awareness of the benefits of digital transactions and build their confidence in the new systems.”

He stressed that “digitization in banks contributes to achieving more transparency and credibility in the financial system, as each transaction can be easily tracked and reviewed. It also improves the operational efficiency of banks by completing transactions faster and at a lower cost. In terms of security, digitization provides higher levels of protection against fraud and theft through advanced encryption technologies.”

The financial and economic expert concluded by saying, “Digitization can enhance financial inclusion by attracting users who do not deal with traditional banks by providing easy-to-access and easy-to-use services. Digitizing financial transactions in Iraqi banks also has great potential to enhance economic stability and reduce the risks associated with money laundering and currency smuggling, leading to a safer and more efficient financial system.”  link


 Militia Man  

Article: "Baghdad investigates the region's salaries and sends a monitoring committee to audit the 'spacemen' "

  The corrupt are going to get exposed. Paying double and or to fake people is not going to fly with the new systems in place. Skimming off the top is going to have to stop.  I would suspect it will quickly too...

Militia Man 

 Corruption...At the very last minute you're going to do something that's dramatic and you're going to create value you're going to want to have all the bad folks under the gun and maybe even notified prior to that we got your number..

 What I bring has data behind it.  I'm not just making it up or just getting phone calls.  I'm actually doing the work.  I put it together.  It takes a lot of time to put all the work together.  

I like doing it because it does help so many people...You're not the only ones that are tired.  Everybody in our crews can be tired at times.  We all need to support...

Article quote:  "Federal Integrity Commissioner...says we discussed the development in the integrity file and the government's efforts to recover funds into the Iraqi state treasury."

  There's some people out there that have stolen a lot of money and that money is still floating around the world...If you stole it you're probably going to have a knock on the door...If you're playing by the rules you shouldn't have a problem.  Depends on who writes the rules of course...

Shocking Iraq Dinar Update: Old Notes Extended!| iraq dinar news today

Romanowski confirms that her country is looking forward to deepening its security relations with the Kurdistan Government, 18 AUGUST

 U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Elena Romanowski welcomed the new U.S. Consul in the Kurdistan Region, Steve Bitner.

In a post on platform X, Romanowski stressed that her country is looking forward to deepening its strong security relations with the Kurdistan Regional Government.

She pointed to the desire of the United States "to expand educational ties between it and the Kurdistan Region, and to monitor free and fair elections on October 20 October."

Earlier, the U.S. Ambassador expressed her sincere thanks to former Consul Mark Straw for his services at the Consulate General in Erbil.

Over the past year, your leadership has helped strengthen economic, security, and cultural ties between the United States and the Kurdistan Region. link

Saturday, August 17, 2024



Community Comment: "Seems like there's some good news & some so not good. I have the feeling we aren't close, by a long shot."  

I pointed out a few months ago that Iraq was ending the currency auction at the end of  this year.  Nothing is going to happen with the dinar until after that and they begin to diversify their economy.


  The Iraqi dinar is a currency of a country it's not a lottery ticket. There is no magical RV...Owning dinar is risky, which may strengthen over time, but it's a long-term investment.

 Article:   "Iraq speeds up steps to join WTO"  Those that follow me know that we posted information that stated the Central Bank of Iraq planned to end the currency auctions at the end of this year, joining the WTO sometime next year would also benefit them.


 Seems to be a lot of hype lately that people are getting excited for some Dinar RV.  Not how currencies work. Iraq has a lot of work to do...If and when the dinar goes up in value it will be based on the success and growth of Iraq's economy. 


  Community Comment: "Does this have a negative, positive or neutral effect on our investment?"

  Article: "Mazhar Muhammad Salih: Our cash reserves are the highest and there are no fears of the dollar rising"  This is good news.



   Question: "So the RV tomorrow 3:00? Lol"  You need to change your thinking. There is no RV, never will be one. The only way that dinar can go up in value is 'gradually' over time based on the success and growth of Iraq's own economy.


 Article:  "Establishment of the Commercial Arbitration Center in Iraq"  Article quote: "the importance of commercial communication with various countries around the world and organizing relations in a way that achieves mutual benefit for all parties, especially as Iraq is on the verge of rejoining the World Trade Organization (WTO). He explained

that this project comes as one of the achievements within the file of Iraq's accession to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)."  WTO requirement. Establishment of the Commercial Arbitration Center in Iraq


Article quote: "new pipeline project at an amount estimated at approximately 6.5 billion Iraqi  dinars ($4.9 billion)" Community Comment "The mathematical 'mistake' basically equals 1.32. This seems very very coincidental to  the deletion of the zeros."  Referencing the exchange rate in billions rather than trillions is an easy mistake to make. It happens  all the time and everyone thinks there's something to it.  Wrong.  

 Question: "What happens now that the auctions are soon to be over?

 What does this mean for the  Dinar holders out there Kap?"  It means monetary policy is changing after 20 years to reflect the economic changes in Iraq. We'll  have to wait and see what happens.    


Floating the currency is the best option but only once they have created a diverse economy that is not dependent solely on oil.

...New currencies coming out in Iraq. Not true, the Iraqi dinar is the currency of Iraq. As far as any new smaller denominations, they will be introduced only as needed if and when the value increases and warrants so. There is no significant RV!


...The dinar to float at well over a dollar. Unlikely, the dinar when it floats will be whatever the current exchange rate is and could rise gradually accordingly.

  Community comment: "Today the cbi says there are no new printing of bills"  

That is correct.  The Central Bank does not randomly print currency unless it's to replace damaged or worn out notes. There is no need for a new currency unless it is warranted.  Moving to digital will eventually reduce physical notes.

 Question: ----"They have a very largebudget ,without an increase in rate how do they meet the projects that is lined up?"

  External expenses are paid in dollars since their primary revenue is dollars. Dinar is used to pay salaries, etc. in country.

 CCommunity Comment: "Hopefully in the next 5 yrs we will see an appreciation of the currency  price, based on the last year of progress."  I agree!  Iraq has an excellent opportunity now to diversify their economy and develop  the banking system. 

 Much of the float articles that we have seen have concerns about speculators that is because they are referencing dealers speculating within the country.   That will not happen.

 All of these changes that they're talking about pertain to monetary policy. They have nothing to do with the exchange rate. Whether or not the exchange rate goes up or not is directly related to the economic success thereafter.

By the end of the year when the Central Bank of Iraq ends the currency auction, only transfers  amongst established Iraqi banks and regional or International banks will occur.  In other words, the float of the dinar and  transfer of funds will be institutional.

 What this means for us is the future of the dinar exchange rate is directly tied to the  capital flowing through the CBI, economic growth, and success of Iraq. As Iraq prospers, so will the dinar!  Though we may not see  the dinar exchange rate improve initially. This is a significant change in monetary policy for the Central Bank of Iraq. Some 20  years in the waiting.  

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Parliamentary Finance Committee's Visit to Erbil: A Focus on Non-Oil Revenues, 19 SEPT

  Parliamentary Finance Committee's Visit to Erbil: A Focus on Non-Oil Revenues In September 2024, the Iraqi Parliamentary Finance Commi...