Monday, July 29, 2024

Iraqi Investments Push The “Med Projects” Index To Rise, 29 JULY

 July 28, 2024 Last updated: July 28, 2024  Independent/- The “Med Projects” index for Gulf projects witnessed an increase of 0.7% during the period from June 7 to July 12, driven mainly by an increase in the value of projects in the Iraqi market.

The Iraqi market achieved significant gains amounting to $26.3 billion, equivalent to an increase of 7%.
This rise is due to the reactivation of plans to establish a national network of high-speed railway lines throughout the country,
reflecting the trend towards improving infrastructure and transportation in Iraq.
In addition to Iraq, project markets in other Gulf countries witnessed remarkable growth, as the
value of the project market in the UAE increased by about $10.6 billion, or by 1.3

Despite this growth, the project market in Saudi Arabia witnessed a contraction of $13.9 billion, which is equivalent to a decrease of 0.7%, returning to the value level it was in mid-May.
In Qatar, the value of the projects market increased by $3.9 billion, or 1.7%, while the projects market in Bahrain added $2 billion, or 2.9%. In Oman, the market witnessed a slight increase of $0.2 billion, equivalent to 0.1%.
The total value of the Gulf projects index
The value of the projects index in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries reached $3.447 trillion, recording an increase of 0.1% over the previous period.
The broader Gulf index, which includes Iraq and Iran, also rose by 0.7% to reach $4.138 trillion.
Thus, the index continues to rise for the sixteenth consecutive month since March 2023, reflecting the continuing upward trend in the regional projects market.
Impact of railway projects
A key factor in the index's recovery is renewed ambitions for rail projects in the region.
These projects are not only a way to improve infrastructure and facilitate transportation, but
they also promote economic development and provide new job opportunities.استثمارات-العراق-تدفع-مؤشر-ميد-بروجكت/   



Israel is getting ready to focus their ire on Iran. Iraq is about to take center stage! The troops start to leave in September. We are seeing the end of corruption worldwide. 

Everyone needs to rise up against evil and finally start working together! 




So Sudani/Abadi have now demanded a timeline for the US troops to start leaving, giving them until the end of next year. This was the edict Israel was waiting for in order to strike. 

Notice in the articles Iraq says they are a part of the new international development bank. That means BRICS, which means they’re part of it now and they just haven’t admitted it yet. 

And they’re telling you in the comms that the timeline for completion is September. Don’t shoot the messenger. We’re just letting you know their true plans so you can prepare accordingly for your new lives. 




Now that Iraq is meeting in Washington and Netanyahu is wanting to go to DC, you have to figure that Israel is involved behind the scenes in these meetings planning their attack on the Iranian proxies. 



Funny how America and Iraq copy each other. Dems and Rino’s going nuts because President Trump is safe and will lead to their exposure and demise. Similarly, Maliki in Iraq is going nuts trying to stop the reforms and ascension into the WTO, because he and his bastard goons know this is the end of them and their corrupt ways forever. 

All Sudani needs to do is go to the border and talk to our military and tell them what’s up and let them go into parliament and pull out all the corrupt goons and this all ends. He is smart and most likely this will be his next course of action. 



The US is giving Iraq one week to pick a new speaker of the house. Next week they’ll finally have one.

 That coupled with the talks to join the WTO brings us another step closer to the RI. Ultimately it’s all a stall tactic until Israel does their part. See you in September. 


Iraqi Dinar Guru News Highlights (7/29/24)

Mahmoud Dagher: Iraq Needs A Sovereign Wealth Fund To Protect Its Economic Future, 29 July

 Mahmoud Dagher: Iraq Needs A Sovereign Wealth Fund To Protect Its Economic Future

July 28, 2024 Last updated: July 28, 2024  Independent/- Veteran financial and banking expert Dr. Mahmoud Dagher confirmed that Iraq , despite being a rentier economy, does not yet possess a sovereign wealth fund that would enable it to enhance its economic growth and ensure its stability in the face of potential crises.
Dagher pointed out in a short video clip followed by Al-Mustaqla on Sunday that most countries that depend on depletable rentier resources and are exposed to price fluctuations have taken proactive steps by establishing sovereign wealth funds whose combined balances exceed more than ten trillion US dollars. Dagher:
Iraq is wasting its resources without a sovereign wealth fund - the future of our generations is in danger Dagher said:
 “All countries with an exhaustible rentier resource, and which are witnessing fluctuations in the prices of these resources, have begun to establish sovereign funds to protect their economy and enhance their growth, away from the general budget and government policy.
These funds play a vital role in achieving economic stability and hedging countries against global and local financial crises.” Dagher added that the
absence of a sovereign wealth fund in Iraq is a major shortcoming in the country's  economic policy, especially in light of the heavy reliance on oil as a main source of revenue. He explained that
establishing such a fund would enable Iraq to secure the future of its generations and avoid economic shocks that may result from falling oil prices or global economic crises.

Dagher called on the executive and legislative authority in Iraq to accelerate the establishment of a sovereign wealth fund. must He said:
“Iraq [must] follow the example of other countries that have established sovereign funds to fortify its economy and ensure its future.
Establishing a sovereign fund will be an important strategic step to protect the Iraqi economy and secure the future of future generations.”  Dagher pointed out that
sovereign funds play an important role in supporting sustainable economic policies, as
they provide the necessary resources for long-term investments away from fluctuations in annual government revenues. He stressed that
benefiting from international experiences in this field could contribute significantly to designing a sovereign wealth fund that meets Iraq's special needs and enhances its economic stability.صندوق-ثروة-سيادي/ 

Coffee with MarkZ. 07/29/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions


Member: Hope everyone had a great weekend….. what is the hold up with the RV???

Member: Did anybody ever think this would take this long

Member: Is it still possible to see the RV in July?

MZ: It is still very possible. And that is an impressive comment as there is only 2 days left in July. Remember though that we do not know the timing…..but is it possible?  Very. 

MZ: Its Monday Morning…The bond market is still quiet.  I never expect any news on that front until mid- afternoon on Mondays. 

MZ: I have heard nothing negative out of Iraq this weekend. There is discussion about the immediate approval of the HCL   We were always told that within hours of possibly days of the HCL being passed we would see that rate change. 

Member: “The Parliamentary Oil and Gas committee expressed today, Sunday it’s optimism about the imminent approval of the Oil and Gas Law which has been suppressed for 19 years.”

MZ: Isn’t that a lovely article! 

MZ: We know Iraq is moving forward and have made their bank reformations. Then Mountain has an article that was pure gold. 


MZ: “ECONOMIST: THE IRAQI BANKING SECTOR HAS ACHIEVED SIGNIFICANT GROWTH.”  He/she dives into some really cool background on the project to delete the 3 zeros. They explain like I have tried to. Well done Mountain Goat!!!!! They did a brilliant job.   This is your required reading for the day. 

MZ: This was a positive weekend for us on the Iraqi dinar front. 

Member: What is the HCL? 

MZ: The hydro carbon law. This is where the Kurdish region of Iraq shares oil profits, government revenues ect …how they handle payments and who gets what. It’s been a huge stickler for 19 years in Iraq. 

Member: US Treasury told Iraq if they didn’t RV their currency per agreements “immediately” the UST would force the issue. Iraq said some banks are doing business with Iran. UST seized those banks into a manageable entity. Iraq is now to release the RV according to the UST. 

MZ: I don’t know who posted that information, but it’s not far off. 

Member: I think Mountain goat said that one? 

Member: Mike Bara posted that as well!

​​Member: it's all over the place -Thursday blackout

Member: new president for happy for them. great timing !!

Member: Wolverine said he has to go away for a couple months so could be good news

Member: I heard He is a bondholder, going overseas to get paid, and will be on nda. Hope it’s true. 

Member: I ran into a guy that lives in Washington DC at the lake this weekend and he said Washington DC is absolutely a ghost town he said it's unbelievable

MZ: “Inflation news From China tells a sorry tale.”  What we are seeing in china right now is what we will soon see in the US.  They have broken the consumers. This is the deflationary stage. It will be far worse in the US than it is in china. The working class cannot afford anything and just stop spending. This is a death spiral and economic collapse. It’s a cycle and you are watching it. 

Member: Keeps seeing posts on telegram about fed now pushing on Iraq to not join BRICS? Would love your input..

Member: Mark Do you think Iraq was really told by us Treasury not to hold RV because of Iran ?

Member: Iraq is likely to take a huge role in the new setup of our 'alliance'. Maybe that is the reason for the delays. Could be so great for Iraq. Iraq; finally able to 'shine' and show it's 'mettle'.

Member: So are we waiting for the unsustainable fiat system to finally crash?

Member: Mark are you still hearing 3.86 as the rate?


Member: Boy was Reno absolutely hopping this past weekend!

Member: Come on white hats pull this plug!!!

Member: I’ve said our whole world is going to change. A better world where we are sovereign, and don’t need a big government to control us!

Member: Thanks Mark, Mods and all for everything you do!!! God Bless All!!!

Stacie Z joins the stream today. Please listen to the replay for her information and opinions. 

Is Bitcoin Replacing The Dollar? Blockchain Co-Inventor W. Scott Stornet...

The Ministry of Commerce discusses with World Bank representatives a strategy to support entrepreneurship and establish local companies., 29 JULY


 The Private Sector Development Department at the Ministry of Trade held a meeting (remotely) with representatives of the World Bank to discuss a strategy to support entrepreneurship, owners of small and medium enterprises and start-ups to advance the local economic reality.

The ministry stated in a statement that "the meeting discussed the basic pillars of the entrepreneurship system that will be evaluated by World Bank experts through surveys and the application of laws specific to these projects, in addition to holding discussion sessions with project owners and presenting recommendations on policies for each pillar."

The statement explained that "the meeting came out with several recommendations aimed at developing the Iraqi private sector to advance the local economic reality," referring to "the pioneering role of the Private Sector Development Department in providing support to owners of small and medium enterprises, which is part of its tasks."

On the other hand, the Investment Committee of the General Company for Central Markets at the Ministry of Trade held its periodic meeting to discuss its investment projects plan, and the circulars received by the company related to investment projects in Baghdad and the governorates, including the recommendations of the Ministerial Council for Social Services regarding the Iraqi Construction Council, as well as the mechanism for compensating contractors.

The statement added that "the meeting urged the follow-up committees to complete the tasks assigned to them and prepare reports and correspondence to the relevant sectoral authorities to ensure the speedy completion and opening of these projects and set a time frame for their completion and submit periodic reports on the completed work."   LINK


  Frank26     [Banks] know better than to keep lying to you... They're not going to admit anything but they're not going to lie to y...