Saturday, July 13, 2024



Hello All: it’s been quite awhile since I have done a post as I have been asked to be quiet. I wanted to address some things I see going on. 

As time has gone on, it becomes clearer to me that the big picture we are seeing come into play is way more complex and complicated then any of us could have ever imagined. When Biden took office almost 4 years ago, we truthers were led to believe it would be a short term and he would be out relatively quickly. Well, as time has proven us wrong, any truther reporting that he would be gone never saw the bigger picture the white hats had planned

. Remember, this is a 70plus year plan they have been working on this. 

It has been a very painful 3 1/2 years since Biden took office but I can see now the plan has always been to keep us engaged and give us a little hope to believe it would not be so long before change would come. Sadly, the bigger picture was to ride out the 4 year term and have the opportunity to expose how bad Biden has gotten and how unfit he is to hold office. They are self destructing before our eyes and it looks like the election may happen in November. 

Now as far as the RV, no one and I mean no one, no matter what level you are is given the timing of this but a handful. I am under the firm belief there is a date that has been etched in stone for some time and just as the election had us all fooled on the timing so has the RV’s timing. 

They have given us hopium every day for years to keep us believing and strung along. I stopped doing hopium a long time ago as I saw it was destructive to everyone and quite frankly caused depression. I hear all the things that is put out there but to constantly report on it is useless until this actually goes and happens.    We can see how close Iraq is to completing all requirements to become international. We can see how the world is changing before our eyes and all the resignations. 

What I have learned is we need the patience of God to see this through. It’s never in our timing but it’s in God’s timing. God’s timing is always perfect and better then we preconceived. It has become increasingly painful and difficult waiting, and believing but as Q said, it had to be this way. Why, because people had to be shown how bad things would be under Biden and to never, ever allow this to happen again. We the people of the world gave our power away to our government leaders, to pharmaceuticals, to doctors, to bankers to everyone and allowed them to keep taking until there was not much left. We the people of the world need to stand up and take our power back and never allow this to happen again. 

We are waking up. The whole world is waking up and has taken this long to have it all exposed. Even those asleep can see it and  they don’t like what they see. Biden is becoming more incompetent each day and it’s in your faces how blatantly obvious it is to wake up the sleepers. 

So where are we, as I have always said never, ever give up. This is one of those long term, once in a lifetime opportunities and you have to be in it to win it. We will win it, and we don’t have much longer to go imo. Again, no one will know until this goes. Until then keep you plan A until Plan B happens. Get off the mental and emotional roller coaster, it is very harmful to your state of being. Stay emotionally detached from this. I do not get excited with the news I hear or any dates put out until I know the release is real. I let it all come and go and live my life. 

There is a saying the hardest part of the journey is at the end. Why because we are so tired and worn out and don’t think we have it in us to keep going. We need to find it within us to stay in the game and get to the finish line. We are coming to the end and then take a much needed rest. Until then stay the course. 

We are battle weary and bone tired from the endless lies on all of it. As I see the bigger picture being revealed it had to be this way. In a few months we will look back and not think about how long it look us to cross the finish line.

I love you all and hold you dearly to my heart. You are the true champions to keep going and believing. The the true hero’s though are the ones who put this plan together, whose names we will never know and who have lost their lives so future generations would not fall into complete darkness. To the men and women who have fought behind the scenes and risked it all for us, I salute you and honor you. Our time of waiting, our sacrifices are nothing compared to what you all have done. Thank you.

In love and honor, 


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