Tuesday, June 11, 2024


  • Mon. 10 June 2024 MarkZ: “Many of my Bond people are expecting payment Tues or Wed. 11,12 June. Most sources say we will go within three days of when the Bonds go.”
  • ----

 “The United Nations development program has issued a 49 page report on investment opportunities in line with Iraq’s sustainable goals”  These are things to develop a very robust Iraq economy.  

 “The  UN sees progress in Iraq’s anti corruption  efforts and lists recommendations..”   The UN seems pretty happy with all the efforts you have made Iraq …here’s you “atta boy”...This is actually important to see all the sanctions going away and Iraq being free and clear to change values on the world stage.

 ... Sudani signed a cooperation agreement  with the trade bank of Iraq and the German export credit corporation.  If everybody thought nothing was going to happen in Iraq -then they would not be signing these extremely high level deals. You are watching them become a major player on the international stage. 

 I found this one encouraging. One of the things they are going to need to be taken seriously on the world stage is the value of their currency. Vietnam is also running into that problem right now. They need to revalue up.

...there is contention as to whether the president has signed it [the budget] yet or not...And attempts by Maliki to delay things. Don’t panic- they are not allowing a delay and will push forward with the printing of the budget…and execution. Maybe we will see the printed budget by Saturday now...I’m still hearing positive things for the 7th through the 9th.


  • Sun. 9 June 2024 Anon: “We learned from our call this afternoon that the PM of Iraq has announced that Iraq has revalued their currency and the rate is over $4.00. 

  • We expect to be at the bank by Mon. or Tues. – which may be too early because we have to wait 10 days after they announced the HCL (on June 3) according to today’s info. (which would take it to Thurs. 13 June).”

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