Friday, January 3, 2025

MAJEED: The CBI will be back on January 7 after the reevaluation happens !!, 4 JAN


Did you see what I posted this morning?

I did three posts you gotta read it 

The banks are holding it right now until January 7

The CBI will be back  on January 7 after the reevaluation happens …. just to manage liquidity for the currency after being on Forex like India and Egypt.


😎🚀BECAUSE MAJEED SAID SO😎🚀 They are paying the salaries from 2025 budget next week Since 2025 budget doesn’t have a lot of money they have to revalue in order to pay the salaries They will pay Kurdistan and Iraq the delayed salaries from 2025 budget with the new rate 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Let the party begin

AJ :." Wait for the announcement from Al-Sudani & CBI of the Lower Notes and rate" @DINARREVALUATION


In support of Mr. Wise.. Sudanese consultant: Iraq strengthens its sustainable economic partnerships, 3 JAN

 In support of Mr. Wise.. Sudanese consultant: Iraq strengthens its sustainable economic partnerships

 The economic adviser to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, announced that the current government is seeking Iraq to promote sustainable economic partnerships with major countries.

The useful summary.. In the important news, you will find it on the Al-Furat News channel on Telegram.To subscribe, click here

Saleh said {Al-Furat News}: “Iraq has left the legacy of isolation, regional and international conflicts since 2003, and our country is currently experiencing a very high state of stability with the international economic community and building economic relations that achieve the common interests led by openness to an international strategic investment environment – the development path, which is advanced by the central sub-building in improving transport networks, energy and ports.”
“As well as the establishment of free industrial and economic zones to attract real foreign direct investments with high added value,” he added.

Saleh continued, “Continuing the strength of traditional trade tributaries, especially in the crude oil trade and traditional trade, will remain an important factor in building the interests of our country with the world, by dealing with Iraq’s international partners, which are criticized by major friendly countries, namely India, Turkey, China, Korea, the United States, Japan and brotherly and friendly countries such as the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Iran and the rest of the neighboring countries.”

The head of the Alliance of National State Forces, Mr. Ammar Al-Hakim, said during his speech at the Mass Gathering in Najaf Al-Ashraf on the anniversary of the martyrdom of the martyr of the Mihrab Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Baqer Al-Hakim {may his secret} that combating corruption, consolidating security and building a balanced economy is our entrance to building a strong state, while calling for seeking through Iraq to establish long-term economic ties and common interests that our peoples and the peoples of our Arab and Islamic region enjoy.
Mr. Ammar Al-Hakim also stressed the importance of focusing on reconstruction projects, economic development and increasing investments in the country.



Member: Mark, have you heard word from your bond people today?

MZ: I have so many contacts that have arrived back in their positions this morning in banking, groups and bonds. But I am hitting a wall…..getting silence. Several yesterday said they would check in with me and I am getting nothing. Not sure if its good news or bad news.

Member: I am new…. What is the difference between Tier1, Tier2,Tier 3, Tier 4a and Tier 4b re: payment for RV?

Member: This is older- but I believe it’s still accurate. There are 5 Tiers of folks Exchanging. Tier 1-governments and royalty Tier 2-whales-elite with platforms of currency, corporations, etc. Tier 3-Admirals Group, American Indians, CMKX, large church groups (like the Mormons), etc. Tier 4-all the hundreds of thousands paying attention to intel – internet groups(all of us). Tier 5- those who never paid attn – the general public.

MNT GOAT: The CBI is planning to conduct the project VERY SOON!! @DINARREVALUATION #iraqidinar


Foreign Remittance Service, 3 JAN

 Foreign Remittance Service

 January 02, 2025   We would like to inform all licensed banks and all licensed non-banking financial institutions to allow Global Odeme Hizmetleri to provide the foreign remittance service within a credit agreement concluded with this bank, in addition to the companies ( Western Union ) and ( MoneyGram )   For more click here       


 approximate and incomplete translation of   

 All authorized banks

All licensed financial institutions are all authorized

 foreign transfers service /p

 Later on our book No. 456/5/9 in 2021/12/12 and the work controls of the agents of the foreign transfers service providers issued

Under the numbers (353/5/9) on 2021/10/13,

We would like Global Odeme Hizmetleri providing foreign transfers service within an accreditation agreement (Western Union), (Moneygram), 

Above according to the form of the company's contract format approved by this bank: to provide the external transfers service.

With appreciation.      


 Thurs. 2 Jan. 2025 Bruce

  • Iraq had a new in-country rate on New Years Day
  • At midnight tonight EST Iraq will announce the new in-country Dinar Rate and likely will start in-country exchanges this weekend.
  • The Iraqi Dinar Contract Rate is very high.
  • Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) could be notified to call for exchange appointments anywhere from  Friday 3 Jan. to Sunday 5 Jan.
  • The instructions will tell you when to call for your appointment. Please obey that time frame.
  • You can ask for the Contract Rate on the Dinar.
  • The Med Bed appointments: Zim Holders have priority. You can refer up to 6 people for Med Bed appointments.
  • There are well over 6,000 Med Bed Centers in the US.

Al-Nusairi: Explains the new mechanism for external transfers after closing the platform, 10 jan

  Al-Nusairi: Explains the new mechanism for external transfers after closing the platform Economic and banking adviser Samir Al-Nusairi exp...