I know what my readers are thinking today in reading this RV Status today. You are asking when will this next move occur. I wish I had a crystal ball and could tell you.
All I can do is pass on the events that make it make sense for the CBI to finally begin the process. However, I will tell you this. Again, FOREX is not just going to happen unless they first conduct the initial stages of the process which begins with the three zero note swap out.
Intel gurus like TNT Tony keep telling their listeners that the RV is just going to pop out on FOREX any day without us having any solid indication when it will occur. Sure we will never pin point exactly but we can come to a realistic timeframe.
I mean “realistic” timeframe. Folks a realistic timeframe is not every day / any day for the last ten years. Get it? This does not even make any sense to say such things.
So, we are coming very close to the switch over from the currency auctions to the international process of currency exchanges to operate in Iraq. You must remember what they are going to do.
They are just going to change over and operate once again like they were doing operating prior to the two wars. These wars and the sanctions also brought a stigma to the dinar, which they have been trying to overcome since.
But there is some good news too and I laugh at how they news first is so harsh then they try to soften the blow with a nice, hopeful news. Let’s take a look at the article titled “UN MISSION: IRAQ HAS PROVEN TO THE WORLD THAT IT IS CAPABLE OF OVERCOMING CHALLENGES AND BUILDING THE FUTURE”
The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) confirmed today, Monday, that Iraq has proven to the world that it is capable of overcoming challenges and creating the future. The mission stated in a statement issued on the occasion of Victory Day in Iraq, and received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “On December 10, Iraq celebrates Victory Day, in commemoration of the liberation of its lands from the control of the terrorist organization ISIS.
This day represents an important national milestone in which the country recalls the great sacrifices made by the Iraqis to restore their land and establish security and stability throughout the homeland.”
Opps there’s the restored security and stability announcement once again!!! Speaking now to Iraq – please don’t any longer use the excuse you need security and stability when how many articles have we read recently that they have restored security and stability to their country.
Yes, please stop it! We know better now and so stop lying to us CBI. Why not just tell us the real reason for the delay. It is the shameful corruption of the currency auctions. Is the inability of your organization to control the money policy due the currency auctions imposed upon you due to the sanctions.
Now the fiasco and the ability to shut them down is even greater since your organization let them continue as long as you have. You have let corruption get deeply rooted into the process and now it is like unwinding a spider web of corruption to undo it all.