Judy Note: WARNING Scammers are everywhere. It is my understanding that:
(1) If you don’t presently physically hold currency or bonds, you don’t own them. Do not give your bonds or currency to anyone else to redeem. You are the only one who can exchange and redeem them. If you have a problem in doing that, ask the person you talk to when you set your appointment to help work out the problem.
(2) Do not exchange your currency at a bank. They will not give you the higher rates, nor the Contract Rates that a Redemption Center was authorized to give you.
(3) The Zim can only be redeemed at a Redemption Center, not at a bank.
(4) Some Redemption Centers are located in private banks, but make sure it is a Redemption Center where you do your business.
- Fri. 6 Dec. 2024 TNT Intel Summary: Bank meetings today to discuss final aspects of RV. Three Letter Agencies say “IT’S DONE.” US and Canada started paying VIPs on Wed. 4 Dec, Thurs. 5 Dec, and today Fri. 6 Dec. The Iraqi Dinar being paid right now at $3.49 in-country.
- Fri. 6 Dec. 2024: “It’s official folks! Iraq has passed their HCL Law.” : https://dinarevaluation.blogspot.com/2024/12/jon-dowling-its-offical-folks-iraq-has.html?spref=tw
- Sat. 7 Dec. 2024: Rumor was that Vietnam had revalued their Dong in-country.
- Sun. 8 Dec. 2024: Four day Victory Celebration begins in Iraq from Sun. 8 Dec. to Wed. 12th Dec. 2024. …Britt Vibes on Telegram posted by Wolverine
- Tues. 10 Dec. 2024 MarkZ: A number of my contacts from Iraq that very much believe we will cross the finish line in the next three days.
- Tues. 10 Dec. 2024 TNT: Kurdistan was using the Dinar in-country at a $3.28 rate today.
- Tues. 10 Dec. 2024 Texas Snake: A banker and others have contacted me saying Iraq was exchanging the Dinar at a new and higher in-country rate. It is a 24-36 hour window before it reaches Tier4b (us, the Internet Group)