What else is in the news?
😊I want to bring your attention to an article titled “ICC CREATES IRAQ ARBITRATION CMTE TO BOOST FOREIGN INVESTMENT”. I quote from the article- “The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in Iraq has reportedly established a local arbitration committee, aimed at minimizing financial losses from external arbitration and attracting foreign investors.” This action is just yet another link in the series of events that tell us Iraq is going international all the way. If companies are going to function in Iraq there must be a means to settle disputes besides going to the federal courts. Arbitration opportunities first is always a good option and can save companies a ton of money from going to international courts for disputes. Did the WTO want this too. You can bet they did! 😊
😊Where the hell is Azerbaijan? What happened with the Azerbaijan currency?
I want to point out this currency revaluation that happened in 2006 and passed everyone right by… Let’s take a look what happened and how you missed it and why. The title to the recent article today is “AL-ALAQ STRESSES TO AZERBAIJANI AMBASSADOR THE IMPORTANCE OF COOPERATION IN TRANSFERRING MONEY TO FACILITATE TRADE BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTRIES”.
You might want to go read the short article. Oh… boy, oh boy it is such an important article. Important not so much because for our Iraqi dinar investment but more important for understanding how this currency market actually works.
I quote from the article: “The Governor of the Central Bank if Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, stressed today, Wednesday, the importance of cooperation in terms of exchanging expertise and the process of transferring money to facilitate trade between Iraq and Azerbaijan.” Yes, trading partners with yet another country with a currency worth something 1 AZM = 0.59 USD. That almost 60 cents. What the IQD worth 1/6 of a penny? Can you see the cumbersome monetary exchange process between the two countries in converting?
Also the author “pointing out the importance of cooperation at the level of exchanging expertise and the process of transferring money to facilitate trade between the two countries.”
You should know that when Azerbaijan gained independence from the Soviet Union, it substituted the Soviet ruble with the manat, which also went through a period of high inflation in the first years, rendering the coinage obsolete. Didn’t this happen to Iraq too?
The current manat symbol AZM in circulation exists since the redenomination in 2006, when old manats were substituted with lower face values and new design. The currency has mostly been pegged to the US dollar, at what is now the rate of ₼1.70 to US$1 or today 1 AZN = 0.59 USD. Okay so what’s Mnt Goat’s point?
My point in explaining all this to you today and from the article is this: First, do you see how the country of Azerbaijan’s currency evolved over time? Yes, they too went through a redenomination from hyperinflation due to politics.
Second, do you see how it took time for the rate for the AZM to settle down and to be what it is today, the nominal steady rate.
What are the common elements of the AZM RV compared to the IQD RV?
1.Had to de-ruble their economy first, when changing over to the manat.
2.Issuing of the newer lower denominations.
3.First went through a period of higher inflation, once changed over to the manat and de-rubled.
4.The country needed a new face and design on their currency when it gained its independence.
5.The new AZM then had to be stated back on FOREX
Does all this sound familiar to you? Oh.. boy can you see now the process of Dr Shababi with the IQD is nothing new? Its’ the ‘PROCESS”, yes the process of what they usually do to come back with a viable currency. We need to watch the process carefully not some bank stories, bank memos or rumors of exchange centers opening, etc., etc. Get it?
Do you see commonality here to what happened in Iraq? These are the most common elements of these currency revaluations and the processes that go on along with them. Remember a previous article told us that 60 countries went through this process, just like this. So why didn’t you hear about some of these other countries on the news? The fact is you won’t and you wouldn’t even heard about the manat either had it not been for following the Iraqi dinar and this article from Iraq. But Azerbaijan’s currency revaluation is all over now, or is it?
If someone played their cards right in the recent past someone could have made millions off the changeover from the Soviet ruble to the manat. Do you see it now? Okay, so let me explain yet further.
So, this stuff happens in the currency market all the time only you have to follow the politics along with the economics of the country, to see it. Get it? My advice is PAY ATTENTION yourself. I am not telling you what to invest in only my personal beliefs. Get it? Don’t be funneled by some idiot intel guru or anyone else. Learn how to do your own research. If you have half a brain and desire you can do it.This is why I keep telling you that you can’t separate politics from economics. You can get all this kind of information from the IMF and World Bank internet sites. Its all there.
Oh… but this guy TNT Tony and others entirely missed the boat on this one just slipped by them. They missed it because someone in the background is distracting them from paying attention to these other currencies. Get it? They are playing mind games with you investors. They are funneling you to only a small group of currencies. They don’t want to have you making millions from these others and knowing the FACTS about what happens in these other countries. But it’s all public information and out there for the taking. Yes, they created this concept of this stupid global currency reset and the real reset is happening already right in front of your noses only many of you can’t see it because they dwell so much on the dinar as a hinge pin and these this “first basket” of currencies they wait for it. Yes wait on the sidelines for, meanwhile all these other currencies have also been revalued and just passed you by….yes, bye bye! ☹
Lesson learned- I keep telling you not to listen to these intel gurus! When they keep pushing something on you then the red flag should appear. Something is strange. There is another reason why they push it so much. Use your brain. You can think for ourself can’t you?