Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Iraqi Dinar Update: End of Multi-Currency Practices and What It Means

Iraq, EU discuss combating terrorism, 7 AUGUST

 Today, Monday, the head of the Counter-Terrorism Service, Karim Al-Tamimi, discussed the file of combating terrorism with the European Union Mission.

A statement by the service received by /Al-Youm Al-Akhbariya/ stated that "the head of the Iraqi Counter-Terrorism Service, Lieutenant General Karim Al-Tamimi, received the head of the European Union Mission and his accompanying delegation today, Monday, at the headquarters of the Counter-Terrorism Service in the capital, Baghdad."

The two sides discussed, according to the statement, "security cooperation in combating terrorism with regard to holding workshops and conferences and exchanging expertise and information with the European Union countries."

The statement indicated that "the discussion addressed the Iraqi national strategy to combat terrorism and the mechanisms of cooperation in its implementation in order to achieve the desired goal of reaching a secure and stable Iraq."  link

Tuesday, August 6, 2024



  The Iraqi dinar is a currency of a country it's not a lottery ticket. There is no magical RV...Owning dinar is risky, which may strengthen over time, but it's a long-term investment.

 Article:   "Iraq speeds up steps to join WTO"  Those that follow me know that we posted information that stated the Central Bank of Iraq planned to end the currency auctions at the end of this year, joining the WTO sometime next year would also benefit them.


 Seems to be a lot of hype lately that people are getting excited for some Dinar RV.  Not how currencies work. Iraq has a lot of work to do...If and when the dinar goes up in value it will be based on the success and growth of Iraq's economy.


  Community Comment: "Does this have a negative, positive or neutral effect on our investment?"

  Article: "Mazhar Muhammad Salih: Our cash reserves are the highest and there are no fears of the dollar rising"  This is good news.



   Question: "So the RV tomorrow 3:00? Lol"  You need to change your thinking. There is no RV, never will be one. The only way that dinar can go up in value is 'gradually' over time based on the success and growth of Iraq's own economy.


 Article:  "Establishment of the Commercial Arbitration Center in Iraq"  Article quote: "the importance of commercial communication with various countries around the world and organizing relations in a way that achieves mutual benefit for all parties, especially as Iraq is on the verge of rejoining the World Trade Organization (WTO). He explained

that this project comes as one of the achievements within the file of Iraq's accession to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)."  WTO requirement. Establishment of the Commercial Arbitration Center in Iraq


Article quote: "new pipeline project at an amount estimated at approximately 6.5 billion Iraqi  dinars ($4.9 billion)" Community Comment  "The mathematical 'mistake' basically equals 1.32. This seems very very coincidental to  the deletion of the zeros."  Referencing the exchange rate in billions rather than trillions is an easy mistake to make. It happens  all the time and everyone thinks there's something to it.  Wrong.  

 Question: "What happens now that the auctions are soon to be over?

 What does this mean for the  Dinar holders out there Kap?"  It means monetary policy is changing after 20 years to reflect the economic changes in Iraq. We'll  have to wait and see what happens.    


Floating the currency is the best option but only once they have created a diverse economy that is not dependent solely on oil.

...New currencies coming out in Iraq. Not true, the Iraqi dinar is the currency of Iraq. As far as any new smaller denominations, they will be introduced only as needed if and when the value increases and warrants so. There is no significant RV!


...The dinar to float at well over a dollar. Unlikely, the dinar when it floats will be whatever the current exchange rate is and could rise gradually accordingly.

  Community comment: "Today the cbi says there are no new printing of bills"  

That is correct.  The Central Bank does not randomly print currency unless it's to replace damaged or worn out notes. There is no need for a new currency unless it is warranted.  Moving to digital will eventually reduce physical notes.

 Question: ----"They have a very largebudget ,without an increase in rate how do they meet the projects that is lined up?"

  External expenses are paid in dollars since their primary revenue is dollars. Dinar is used to pay salaries, etc. in country.

 CCommunity Comment: "Hopefully in the next 5 yrs we will see an appreciation of the currency  price, based on the last year of progress."  I agree!  Iraq has an excellent opportunity now to diversify their economy and develop  the banking system. 

 Much of the float articles that we have seen have concerns about speculators that is because they are referencing dealers speculating within the country.   That will not happen.

 All of these changes that they're talking about pertain to monetary policy. They have nothing to do with the exchange rate. Whether or not the exchange rate goes up or not is directly related to the economic success thereafter.

By the end of the year when the Central Bank of Iraq ends the currency auction, only transfers  amongst established Iraqi banks and regional or International banks will occur.  In other words, the float of the dinar and  transfer of funds will be institutional.

 What this means for us is the future of the dinar exchange rate is directly tied to the  capital flowing through the CBI, economic growth, and success of Iraq. As Iraq prospers, so will the dinar!  Though we may not see  the dinar exchange rate improve initially. This is a significant change in monetary policy for the Central Bank of Iraq. Some 20  years in the waiting.  

Staying Neutral on Iraqi Dinar: Smart Investment Strategies Explained

The power of the "Federal Forces"... Iraq is moving to achieve financial autonomy, 7 AUGUST

 The United States of America still dominates the Iraqi economy through economic agreements concluded by Washington according to what primarily serves its interests, as the American administration seeks to block the way for those trying to rid the country of its control over Iraqi oil sales funds. 

The United States of America continues to impose its influence on Iraq in many vital files, including depositing the funds from the sale of Iraqi oil in the US Federal Bank, amid clear blackmail by passing many files, most notably the dollar bill, which puts great pressure on the government.  

Iraq seeks to get rid of this dominance by depositing the money in the Federal Bank and sending it directly to the Central Bank. 

Speaking about this file, Al-Fatah Alliance member Ali Hussein calls on the government to seek to find alternatives and take the step of liberating the country from the dominance of the dollar and the continuing American sanctions, while stressing that Iraq's move towards lifting the restrictions of the US Federal Bank is a must.  

Hussein said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “ It will be a bold step, but it will succeed if the atmosphere is created and contracts are made with alternative international banks,” noting that “it is necessary to bring in companies from international countries.” that do not deal in the US dollar.”  

He continues, “Entering into the Shanghai system and other global organizations will be the first stage of liberation from the dollar,” adding that “the movement to end the dollar’s ​​hegemony over the world, led by major countries, has greatly succeeded.”  

He adds, “Contracting from companies from Eastern countries and bringing them to work inside Iraq will avoid the economic blockade,” pointing out that “the government is required to seek to find alternatives and take the step of liberating the country from the dominance of the dollar and American sanctions."  link



 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   

FIREFLY: Iran has been using some of Iraq's banks to get around the sanctions and to profit off of the dollar.   Now the US Treasury is here and stopping it.  

FRANK:  Yeah, they are extremely angry because they lost their sugar daddy.  They lost the CBI auctions...They will figure out other ways to steal... The power of the corrupt political people in your country is being suffocated.  That power is dying.   It is going from those corrupt people back to you Iraqi citizens through a monetary reform that will give you purchasing power...

FIREFLY: They're saying the US Treasury has taken over the Central Bank of Iraq...They have an entire floor at the CBI headquarters.  It is reference to the CBI not getting the banks that were supposed to be sanctioned to cease and comply...The US Treasury is here to oversee and stop any money laundering that was preventing us from having our monetary reform...

 FRANK:  Not the whole building just the second floor...This is ancient history...

DINAR INVESTOR: Patreon Dinar Investor: Forcing CBI Governor Into Retirement

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Parliamentary Finance Committee's Visit to Erbil: A Focus on Non-Oil Revenues, 19 SEPT

  Parliamentary Finance Committee's Visit to Erbil: A Focus on Non-Oil Revenues In September 2024, the Iraqi Parliamentary Finance Commi...