Monday, July 29, 2024


Manipulating budget tables is a scandal waiting to break out, 29 July

The issue of tampering with the budget schedules sparked great controversy in the House of Representatives, after approximately 2 trillion dinars from the budget were lost in a dramatic manner.

The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers sent a letter to the House of Representatives to inquire about the manipulation occurring in the budget tables, as it was stated in the letter, “After examining the printed tables attached to the Parliament letter signed by the ( acting) Speaker of the House of Representatives, it was revealed that there are fundamental differences in them compared to the sent copy.” From the Council of Ministers and contrary to the text of the parliamentary decision.

Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Representative Jamal Kujar, confirmed that the manipulation occurred after voting on the budget tables in Parliament. 

He pointed out in a press statement that it was not known who was the party that tampered with the schedules, calling for an investigation to be opened into the matter.

The House of Representatives held its twenty-seventh session, headed by Mr. Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, Acting Speaker of the House, today, Monday, and in the presence of 199 deputies. The House of Representatives voted last May 18 on the schedules of the federal general budget law.

It seems that suspicions of losing the amount revolve around the Finance Committee as well as the Presidency of the House of Representatives.

For its part, the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives vacated its space regarding the issue of tampering with the budget tables for the current year.

Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Ahmed Mazhar, told Al-Ma'louma Agency, “The committee is far removed from the issue raised regarding tampering with the budget tables. It discussed the tables according to the CD sent by the government and then submitted it for a vote to the Presidency of the House of Representatives.” 

He added, "The government's raising of the issue of tampering with 2 trillion dinars in the budget tables, as it claims, is very surprising."

He explained, “If there is tampering with the budget tables, then the Presidency of the House of Representatives can be questioned.”

In order to clear its name, Parliamentary Finance formed an investigative committee on the matter, which aroused the ire of the Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives.

For his part, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Moeen Al-Kadhimi, expressed his surprise at the Parliament Presidency's objection to forming an investigative committee regarding the changes that occurred in the budget. 

Al-Kadhimi told Al-Maalouma Agency, “Forming an investigative committee is the prerogative of the Finance Committee, expressing his regret over the objection of the Presidency of Parliament to the formation of the committee that does not require approval.”

He added, "The Finance Committee is in the process of inquiring about the reason for the difference in the budget tables between the parliamentary version and the government version, noting that the committee asked the relevant authorities to reveal the manipulation of the numbers."

In addition, the representative of the State Support Bloc, Muhammad Al-Ziyadi, confirmed that signatures had been collected to include a paragraph discussing the government's claim that the versions of the budget tables were different after voting on them.

Al-Ziyadi told the Maalouma Agency, “The government sent a letter to the House of Representatives claiming that the schedules that were sent to it by Parliament after the House of Representatives voted on them differ from those schedules that it sent to Parliament.”

He added, "This book created a confused atmosphere between Parliament and the government, and parliamentary signatures were collected to include a paragraph to discuss the issue in order to determine the truth of the dispute between Parliament and the government regarding the schedules and who was the party behind it.  link

Awake-in-3D: How Fed’s New Bully Tactics are Blocking Iraq from Joining BRICS, 29 JULY

 How FED’s New Bully Tactics Are Blocking Iraq from Joining BRICS

On July 28, 2024
By Awake-In-3D

Big Banksters increase their stranglehold on Iraq to block participation in the new gold-backed UNIT currency system.

The Banksters at the U.S. Federal Reserve have intensified their bullying tactics against Iraq.

In This Article

  1. The U.S. Federal Reserve’s New Approach
  2. Potential Impact on the Iraqi Banking System
  3. The Federal Reserve’s Three Pillars of Strategy
  4. Consequences for the Iraqi Government and Economy

This escalation seems driven by a clear motive: the FED will not stand idly by and allow Iraq to join the BRICS alliance or participate in the new gold-backed UNIT currency system.

This aggressive stance threatens Iraq’s financial stability and sovereignty, pushing the country towards an economic crisis.

The Iraqi government now faces a pivotal moment. It must rise to the challenge and stand up to the FED’s coercive measures to protect its economy and pursue its independent financial path.

The U.S. Federal Reserve has adopted a new, stricter policy toward Iraq, potentially creating an increase the dollar’s value against the dinar.

Economic researcher Ziad Al-Hashimi warns this shift will place significant pressure on Iraq’s banking system and economy.

Iraq officially expressed interest in joining BRICS in November 2023. The Iraqi Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, during a meeting with representatives of the Iraqi community in Russia. Photo: PMO

The U.S. Federal Reserve’s New Approach

Al-Hashimi reveals that the U.S. Federal Reserve’s latest strategy aims to curb any attempts by Iraq to stabilize its economy without adhering to Federal regulations.

The move is seen as a response to Iraq’s potential alignment with the BRICS alliance and participation in the new gold-backed UNIT currency system.

The Banksters at the US Federal Reserve have escalated their tactics, not wanting Iraq to break free from their influence.

Potential Impact on the Iraqi Banking System

The new strategy involves continued sanctions on certain Iraqi banks, ensuring these institutions remain banned from dollar transactions.

The Iraqi Stock Exchange Building

This action threatens the stability of Iraq’s banking system, limiting its ability to function efficiently and putting additional strain on the national economy. The FED’s bullying tactics aim to prevent Iraq from gaining financial independence and participating in the BRICS alliance.

The Federal Reserve’s Three Pillars of Strategy

The Federal Reserve’s strategy consists of three main pillars:

  • Continuation of Sanctions: Previous sanctions on specific banks will remain, indefinitely banning them from dollar trading.
  • Closure of Non-compliant Banks: Banks violating federal regulations regarding money laundering and dollar smuggling will face closure.
  • Exclusion of Government Intervention: The Iraqi government will be prevented from intervening in dollar-related matters, leaving this responsibility solely to the Central Bank of Iraq.

This strategy aims to tighten control over Iraq’s financial dealings and mitigate political influences from the Iraqi government .

The FED’s actions are a clear attempt to ensure Iraq does not join the BRICS alliance or adopt the gold-backed UNIT currency system.

Consequences for the Iraqi Government and Economy

The Federal Reserve’s new approach places the Central Bank of Iraq in a precarious position, as it struggles to balance internal pressures with the need to comply with U.S. regulations.

This situation will lead to increased demand for the dollar, causing a devaluation of the Iraqi dinar.

The Iraqi government faces a critical decision: to comply with the Federal Reserve’s stringent measures or to challenge these tactics and seek alternative alliances, such as joining the BRICS and adopting the gold-backed UNIT currency system.

It’s time for the Iraqi government to stand up to the FED and assert its financial independence.

The Bottom Line

The U.S. Federal Reserve’s intensified approach toward Iraq threatens to destabilize the country’s economy.

With significant implications for the Iraqi dinar and the banking system, the Iraqi government must navigate these challenges carefully. Whether to stand up to the Federal Reserve or find a way to comply will shape Iraq’s economic future.

The Banksters at the US Federal Reserve will not easily allow Iraq to join the BRICS alliance, but the Iraqi government must take a stand for its sovereignty and economic well-being.

Contributing Source


© GCR Real-Time News

Coffee with MarkZ. 07/29/2024

Iraq discusses with the World Bank financing transport and social development projects, 29 JULY

 Economy News – Baghdad

Finance Minister Taif Sami Mohammed and the World Bank delegation headed by Regional Director of Middle East Administration Jean-Christophe Carré, discussed on Monday the financing of transport and social development projects.

The ministry said in a statement, received by “Economy News”, “an important meeting was held at the headquarters of the Ministry of Finance today between the Minister of Finance Taif Sami Mohammed and the World Bank delegation headed by the Regional Director of the Middle East Department, Jean-Christoph Carré, to discuss ways to enhance cooperation in the field of economic and social development,” noting that “the axes of the meeting focused in particular, on supporting transport, railway and infrastructure projects related to the development route linking Iraq and Turkey to the European continent, in addition to financing the programs of the Social Fund for Development.”

She added that “these projects seek to improve the quality of services for citizens, promote economic growth, and provide new job opportunities, and the expected benefits of these projects are also summarized in the development of the road and transportation network, in addition to supporting small and medium enterprises and reducing poverty and unemployment.”

During the meeting, the two sides expressed, according to the statement, their “optimism that fruitful cooperation agreements can be reached, which will contribute to achieving sustainable development in Iraq.”



What I also noticed today about Nina/Lichtweiser and what I would like to confirm:

There have been major changes in the financial sector in recent weeks and anyone who is unwilling or unable to be in the white hats is considered a top-tier financial tycoon.

(the one with billions at stake) simply sinks or is crushed; the same thing happened with the generals (Staff General Charles BROWN), as we heard today.

To ensure that NO unforeseen events occur, we had many discussions and are now following the path that was negotiated two years ago. Light and darkness intertwine.

Starting today a kind of FINE TUNING will be carried out

(You need to readjust the wheels so that the new multiple entanglement situation can work with ISO certification.)

In fact, gold-backed QFS + GESARA implementations have already been implemented in the viable PRE phase and are already being used sporadically.

(test runs) - Will take a few more days with QFS and then RV, but then surprisingly in public with Iraq. Surprise dinar as always, that is, it appears all over the world.

The transition phase, or part of it, the energetic phase, will last, as I heard today, between 1 and 3 days. Freezer insurers pay attention if voluntary power outages occur.

I think the electrical problem will only cause time cuts. Free energy is already well positioned around the world.



Lo que también he notado hoy sobre Nina/Lichtweiser y lo que me gustaría confirmar:

Ha habido cambios importantes en el sector financiero en las últimas semanas y cualquiera que no quiera o no pueda estar con los sombreros blancos es considerado un magnate financiero de primer nivel.

(el que tiene miles de millones en juego) simplemente se hunde o se aplasta; lo mismo sucedió con los generales (General de Estado Mayor Charles BROWN), como escuchamos hoy.

Para garantizar que NO ocurran imprevistos, tuvimos muchas discusiones y ahora estamos siguiendo el camino que se negoció hace dos años. La luz y la oscuridad se entrelazan.

A partir de hoy se realizará una especie de SINTONIZACIÓN FINA

(Debe reajustar las ruedas para que la nueva situación de enredos múltiples pueda funcionar con certificación ISO).

De hecho, implementaciones QFS + GESARA respaldadas por oro ya se han implementado en la fase PRE viable y ya se están utilizando esporádicamente.

(ejecuciones de prueba) - Tomará algunos días más con QFS y luego RV, pero luego, sorprendentemente, en público con Irak. Dinar sorpresa como siempre, es decir, aparece en todo el mundo.

La fase de transición, o parte de ella, la fase energética, durará, como he oído hoy, entre 1 y 3 días. Las aseguradoras de congeladores prestan atención si se producen cortes voluntarios de energía.

Creo que el problema eléctrico sólo producirá cortes horarios. La energía libre ya está bien posicionada en todo el mundo.

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