Saturday, July 13, 2024
Trade confirms the imminent opening of 3 central markets in Baghdad
The Ministry of Trade confirmed, today, Friday, that the General Company for Central Markets has prepared a well-thought-out plan to resume its activity, noting the imminent opening of 3 markets in Baghdad as part of a comprehensive plan to open 19 sites.
Director General of the Central Markets Company, Zahra Al-Kilani, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "The plan includes concluding partnership contracts and contracts to open marketing outlets with private sector companies specialized in this field, as the focus was on Baghdad Governorate, and there are marketing outlets that will have priority in opening to reach the final stages."
Al-Kilani added that "the central market of Al-Amel neighborhood, Al-Salihiya market, and also Al-Shaab market will be opened very soon, and there will also be some markets with some commercial character, including Al-Rashid Central Market, Al-Khalani Building."
She stressed that "the company has begun concluding contracts in Nineveh, Kirkuk, Kut and Basra, and the rest of the other markets will witness campaigns to rehabilitate them again," noting that "the General Company for Central Markets owns 19 central markets throughout Iraq, in addition to other sites, warehouses, complexes and shares that it owns with other companies of the ministry." link
Fri. 12 July 2024 Wolverine: “The Thurs. 11 July 2024 meeting in Reno released the Global Currency Reset.”
- Yesterday Thurs. 11 July 2024 we had a wonderful talk with Princess Elizabeth Rodriguez Ruiz. She is the real deal, as I have seen the private documentation that is confidential, showing all the proof needed as to her true identity. She has sent me all the proof of her bloodline to the Marcos family which is part of the Chinese Elders/Dynasty.
- Yesterday Thurs. 11 July 2024 there was a 3-hour meeting in Reno. It was successful. I have been told they were approved to release the funds.
- Suddenly, a few hours later, I got information that payments were being released and Reno was paying, from several sources.
- THE SOVEREIGN Committee and the FEDERAL government OF the United States of America just “approved” T4A and B PAYMENTS and this has started in RENO NEVADA, MIAMI, FL AND OTHER EAST COAST STATES.
- Today Fri. 12 July 2024 at noon on the EAST coast payments have been made to groups of small holders.
- RENO is working on Tier 4 payments from half a day. They are releasing funds from the 1% to even out the bond trade balance.
- About two hours ago, I received a call from a huge whale, saying he received his notification. I asked if he was sure, and he let me look at it, and it came from his platform to have ready his CIS papers, his passport to go for his appointment, so he can be blessed.
- Notifications are coming out for bondholders.
- Most of you are currency holders and I have not received any news. However, if bondholders are getting paid, then Tier 4b is right around the corner.
- I received an audio from a high source a good friend, he said, “They are paying Wolvie! Reno has started!”
- Medbeds are just about ready. They are waiting for the green light to get healed.
- A lot of people are going to Area 51. These are the RV people, just RV people, I do not know if they are driving or flying there, or how.
- For Colombia they have to Bogota to the military base. I am sure they will have it all arranged for all of us to go to the proper location.
- I have a friend in a private contact getting paid, he is getting billions and billions, and will use this to help millions of people, and help his family for many years to come, but the rest goes to humanity.
- I just got word that Pentecostal group is about to go!
- Do not get fixed on dates, you will see it on the notifications like thief in the night. For the bonds, it just happened, so it will just happen. All this Intel that just came in, it just happened, and I did not expect things to roll so quickly with Intel, audio and phone calls.
- We are on the cusp of this now. I will be going overseas soon, so I will not be on any calls. I may be gone for two or more days. It is all happening. God Bless all of you, take care guys. Wolverine.
- NOTE: Wolverine asked Elizabeth if Reno is now open and are people getting paid. I am hearing this from a lot of Intel providers. She agrees.
- Summation of chat with Princess Rodriguez: “Hello to all of you. My time is 8:19 in the morning. It is my pleasure to be a guest for all your chosen ones. I am proud and honored to be a part of your group, The Chosen Ones. Everything is happening. This is the 50-year jubilee as it is the right place, right time and the right people. This is also spiritual. We all have a purpose to live on this planet earth. I have a purpose to live. We will make a difference for mankind. I am glad you are part of this journey.
Why Did Iraq Stop Dealing In The Chinese Yuan?
Why Did Iraq Stop Dealing In The Chinese Yuan?
Economy Why did Iraq stop dealing in the Chinese yuan? Doc-P-493658-638563711944282995
1,919 views Alsumaria News – Local The Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed the reasons behind Iraq’s suspension of dealing in the Chinese yuan, while indicating that many of the Central Bank’s procedures are governed by American will.
Committee member Moeen Al-Kazemi said in a statement to Al-Sumaria News, "The US Federal Bank imposed on Iraq to stop dealing in the Chinese yuan, under the pretext that there was manipulation in some transfers or certain problems occurred, indicating that "Iraq's money, as we know, is included in the US Federal Bank as a result of the sale of oil at an amount of 3.5 million barrels per day, and this money enters the Federal Bank and is not transferred to Iraq in cash.
It witnessed a transfer to Iraq through corruption transfers from the Central Bank and the Federal Declaration."
Al-Kadhimi continued, "Many of the central bank's measures are taken by the government with political will, and this will may be explained by administrative and financial reasons, not financing terrorism, and others," and he announced that "the reasons are political with the aim of pressuring the Iraqi government."
Is it possible to deal in Chinese currency?
Al-Kadhimi stressed that "the merchant and the Central Bank must have multiple options and not only deal in dollars, so this suspension is temporary and not permanent," noting that "the committee will ask the Central Bank to address the issue and have a diverse price basket, so that the options are more for the Central Bank and Iraqi merchants."
Al-Kadhimi stated earlier that "China's remittances in the yuan currency have been temporarily suspended until auditing mechanisms are found." He continued, "During the past period, there has been a great deal of manipulation of China's affairs." LINK
If you remember earlier this year, we talked about the WTO stating that they would be working on exchange rates the second half of this year.
Once Iraq is reinstated into the Global Economy and joins the WTO, this will be a part of the process of developing International exchange rate values to level the playing field between countries.
Now, it makes sense to me why our CBI Banker contact that Dee and I speak to stated that Iraqi Dinar will not float. It will be a revalued rate.
Iraq's "system paper" or "regulation paper" should go a long way in formulating a price for the WTO to evaluate.
Watch the water.
© Goldilocks
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