Let's take a close look at why that is. There is a strong belief that gold is no longer determined by economic prices on the market. A shift is occurring and China is in the middle of it.
Much of the gold prices as of late have been driven by the China Market buying up this particular precious metal. It is one of the requirements of the BRICS Nations in joining this alliance to trade goods and services with the backing of gold.
In other words, we have new price discoveries taking place attempting to reset the price of gold. The higher the price of gold goes, it has the ability to determine the price of the dollar going forward. When gold is the standard over the dollar, price discoveries on foreign currencies begin to shift.
Gold and the Dollar have a correlated relationship that is currently breaking down because of inflation, de-dollarization, and the purchase of gold by countries overseas.
When the price pressures on gold becomes so great, it will require new formulations of values and a reset in gold will occur. All of our tokenized assets backed by gold, our stablecoins that represents a country's currencies backed by gold, and gold itself will be free to move into a real value.
These new values will be determined by supply and demand, and not, a predetermined price set to parallel a particular World Reserve Asset. This is when we have a reset.
Here is what the final moments look like...
Paper trades in gold and silver on the COMEX Market are stopped.
When trades in paper gold and paper silver in the Futures Market come to a halt, this will enable them to adjust spot prices on physical gold and physical silver.
A slight movement upward (manually done) occurs to encourage trade. This is done over and over again until the market recognizes the new determinations and price correlations.
This is where you see chart gaps happen in the market, and they have to be filled.
Once these gaps are filled and new movement forward on gold and silver are secured, we have a reset. This will reset everything.
Signing a memorandum of understanding between the Trade Bank of Iraq and the Japanese International Development Agency
Today, Monday, the Ministry of Planning announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Trade Bank of Iraq and the Japanese International Development Agency.
The ministry said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “On behalf of the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia al-Sudani, the Minister of Planning, Muhammad Ali Tamim, today sponsored the signing ceremony of a memorandum of understanding between the Iraqi Trade Bank and the Japanese Development Agency (JICA).”
The statement added, "The signing ceremony was attended by the Prime Minister's Advisor, Muhammad al-Daraji, the President of the Trade Bank of Iraq, and a number of officials in the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Finance, while on the Japanese side it was attended by representatives of the Japanese Embassy in Iraq and the JICA Agency." link
Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK
MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim
MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions
Member: Good Morning and welcome to a new week of infinite possibilities!!
Member: Praying maybe this would be our golden week
Member: What is your gut saying Mark?
MZ: I think we will see a lot of macroeconomic factors come into play this week that will push us forward.
Member: Are you still of the mindset that this has begun? Do you know people in different tiers that have received spendable money?
MZ: absolutely to both of those questions. I know people who actually now have dollars.
Member: Wolverine says 1000% today
MZ: I’m not going to rule it out . There was interesting money movement over the weekend according to my best group contacts. It is clearly positioned to go but I am not certain we will see it today.
MZ: There was some very encouraging movement amongst groups this weekend. I am waiting for more updates today.
MZ: There are leading economic indicators for this week that could give us a crash or a rally in the stock market. I am looking for a crash or a correction of a sizable amount. . .
Member: Mark, at this point are all liquid dollars being paid in Fiat or are QFS accounts being utilized?
Member: I think it will have to be spendable fiat, at first at least :-
MZ: “BRICS: Blackrock issues a huge US dollar warning” Blackrock is warning their inside investors that they need to run from cash and grab bonds. As troubled as the bond markets are.- Is Blackrock trying to bail the government out?
Member: Venezuela was accepted as a partner at the BRICS summit held in South Africa in August, and Maduro believes that it will join BRICS+ as a permanent member at the next summit.
Member: glad we own Bolivar
MZ: “Are we destroying the economy on purpose” From the Raven. Featuring Andy Shectman. They mention things he has talked about in depth on this podcast. He talks about them overloading the system to break the system. This could be positive or negative depending on what will replace the current system.. This is a war of the competing resets. Will they win with their CBDC’s or will we win? I firmly believe we will win.
Member: wasn't Iraq supposed to sign their budget on the 6th??
Member: Budget set to head to the HOR for tomorrow. Hopefully this is it
Member: I thought the budget is done a while ago…….its confusing
Member: I saw that over 4 BILLION shares were traded on the Iraq stock echange earlier today. 2. Million shares of a hotel alone. 4 Billion total shares - in one day! let that sink in a moment.....
Member: I am waiting for Iraq to release the REER (Real effective exchange rate)
Member: Maybe a little late but the Minister of Finance and the CBI have been on Iraqi TV as well as in regional banker meetings directly stating they will peg, controlled float to the REER & cap!
Member: Did anyone hear PhilG last night? He said the RV won't happen the way we think it will. ALL currency globally will be one to one right away..
Member: I do not believe anyone knows for sure how it will play out……just be prepared for whatever happens.
MZ: 1 to 1 is where it is headed but they have to adjust the value first. Mr. C has talked in depth about this. ….
Member: Remember: First a revalue then a reset
Member: Bank story: I went in to a Chase in FL last Sat. and asked questions about exchanging currencies. The manager told me to go to J P MORGAN right around the corner. Tuesday there is a meeting to
Member: I am very concerned about the biden Administration getting ready to really increase all of our taxes…….this is horrible
Member: Hopefully they do not raise taxes on our exchange ..if we have any.
Member: Mark, did you have a link to the Dept of State stating the exchange is tax free?
Member: under the Foreign Exchange and Remittance section: “ There are no taxes or subsidies on purchases or sales of foreign exchange.”
Member: I am downright excited today.
Member: I don't get excited about it anymore. too hard on my emotions. I'm just quietly waiting. I'll get excited when the notifications ACTUALLY come out.
Member: What is so cool, all of a sudden there will be an influx of people who are not only wealthy but who are prepared, and going to do such good with it. the changes that will be astounding!
Member: I just pray we all remember how blessed we really are to be here at this time with these blessings getting ready to be given to us. Thank you, God.
Member: Sending love & prayers for all of those who have lost family & friends
Member: Hopefully Mark gets more news from his groups tonight.
StacieZ joins the stream today at the end. Please listen to the replay for her information.
Odysee at: https://odysee.com/@theoriginalmarkz:e OR THE RUMBLE CHANNEL: https://rumble.com/user/theoriginalmarkz
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Mod: MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM
💢 Morning ⭐: From today’s Zorra call, May 5, 2024, Dr Tom says RV payouts are starting May 15 in Asia and moving West towards the US.
Dr.Tom says the RV will be here in about the middle of June. But I’m not sure if that’s for US in 4B or the general public!
One thing I do have to give Phil , he did finally say that there is a contingency plan for the banks to regroup after the fiat goes down, he was not saying that before, he kept telling people they would lose all of their money, but once he got into the depths of research he found out differently and realizes that those accounts will switch over to the new asset backed currency ...
glad he made that correction on what he had been telling people, so he is learning a bit more about the financial system than he knew before..