Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Government official reveals the actual date of the start of the implementation of the development road project, 30 APRIL

  Government official reveals the actual date of the start of the implementation of the development road project

 {Local: Euphrates News} The General Company for Iraqi Railways in the Ministry of Transport set early next year 2025 as a date to start the actual implementation of the "Development Road" project, after seven governorates approved its route, confirming the achievement of 66% of railway designs on this road.

The general manager of the company, Younis Khalid Al-Kaabi, said in a press statement that "the project (development road) is large and gigantic, and the Ministry of Transport is the incubator for it, both rail and land," noting that "the project is in the process of progress in the initial designs, as the percentage reached more than 66% of railway designs, and 50% of the land road designs, and the soil investigations exceeded nearly 1,000 kilometers, with a completion rate of 89% for the areas north of Baghdad to the border, and 85% from south Baghdad to Faw."

"The soil investigation and topographic survey teams are continuing their work, and the Italian designer continues to complete this project according to the set time, which is one of the world's leading consulting firms," he added.

"The General Railways Company has all the documents reviewed and approved regarding the (Development Road) project in cooperation with experts and designers in the Italian company, and communication with all the governorates through which the road passes and the ministries concerned with it," al-Kaabi said.


 International Trade Announcement:

"The International Chamber of Commerce’s Digital Standards Initiative (DSI) has completed the mammoth task of attempting to find common digital data standards for a raft of widely used trade documents." 

The Digital Standards Initiative (DSI) is the International Governance Board that is currently setting standards for international trading relationships around the world. 

They are telling us they have completed this all encompassing set of Global Standards. This will be applied to their new digital bills of lading that will determine new price correlations on cargo ships moving products around the world. 

These new price correlations will be tokenized assets that hold a weight of gold in their determining price for movement. 

Credit Valuation Adjustments are now becoming possible in 80% of our trades around the world that determines, through supply and demand, new exchange rates that will be forthcoming. 


© Goldilocks 




Holy shot wow wow owo love it Iqd fixed exchange rate BY NADER FROM MID EAST

Financial inclusion organizes various events in Muthanna Governorate, 30 APRIL

  Financial inclusion organizes various events in Muthanna Governorate


The Financial Inclusion Department at the Central Bank of Iraq and the Association of Private Banks organized the activities of the Arab Financial Inclusion Week at Al-Muthanna University - College of Management and Economics, in cooperation with the International Labor Organization.

The events included a seminar to introduce financial inclusion, a lecture on electronic payment and digital inclusion, as well as various lectures on financial stability, financial education, and the green economy project, in addition to concessional financing services for young entrepreneurs and businessmen.

It is noteworthy that these activities come within the Financial Inclusion Week, which began on April 27 and continues until May 2, with the aim of enhancing financial awareness and promoting financial inclusion in Iraqi society.

Central Bank of Iraq
Information Office
30 - April - 2024



🚨 Dinar On The Move- Al Saleh stated that the 2024 budget is already in full force. Iraq also announced a new platform (SAP) that allows their currency to go international. The parliament is no longer needed to make any amendments to the budget. The exchange rate supposedly ready to come out prior to May 9th. They are now debating whether or not the rate should float or come out at a fixed price. The Parliamentary Integrity Committee confirmed that Iraq can track money laundering crimes, through its supervisory bodies, even outside the country. The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed today, Monday (April 29, 2024), that the positive results of the Prime Minister’s visit to Washington will appear soon. (Rate Change?) The Sudanese signed 18 memorandums of understanding during their visit to Washington 10 days ago. Mastercards are being given to the Iraqi citizens to purchase fuel, merchandise, and online shopping. Al-Awadi pointed out that "Iraq needs investments to exploit its wealth, as well as to develop the industrial and agricultural sectors, so that we can move from a rentier economy to a market economy, support the private sector, and provide more jobs in the private sector.

BREAKING NEWS ARS Currency Increases 25% Against the USD BY SANDY INGRAM, 30 APRIL


Sun. 28 April Iraq, Frank26

 “Eddie said Saleh on TV saying the Budget is in force and active, and there’s no need to send it to Parliament for approval. Tomorrow they will hold a special session to elect a House Speaker, finally. They announced a new electronic platform called SAP, saying this platform allows the currency to go international. And the world wants to communicate with Iraq and do business with them. The budget does not need Parliament anymore. 

Sudani removed Parliament from the monetary reform process, that’s why they’re upset. The budget is waiting for the exchange rate. The budget is prepared, the budget is ready. It does not need laws, or signatures, it’s ready. 
The exchange rate needs to come out as soon as possible to shut Parliament up, and the budget will kick in before Parliament before they can blink an eye.

 Iraq was invited to the big boy party in Saudi Arabia because they have a big boy rate. The budget is an operational budget. When it was voted on a while back it was intended for paying for  operations inside Iraq. Now Sudani can make any kind of change without a vote. Sudani, IMF, World Bank, CBI, US Treasury and the citizens  are all forcing the exchange rate.