Expert: The Volume Of Loans Is Approaching The Stage Of Danger, And The Sudanese Must Find Quick Solutions
Economy | 04/06/2024 Mawazine News – Baghdad Crisis affairs expert Ali Jabbar confirmed that there are huge corruption operations within state institutions in planning, construction, and managing state revenues.
Jabbar said, in a televised interview followed by Mawazine News, that “the latest report of the International Monetary Fund stated that there is corruption in planning, construction, and the proper management of state revenues, stressing that there is huge waste and corruption operations within state institutions.”
He added, "Planning for service projects and projects to relieve bottlenecks in Iraq may not be compatible with the budget drowned in debt, indicating that the volume of loans is approaching the danger stage and the government of Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani must find quick solutions."
He pointed out that "if the current government or the next government wants to succeed in overcoming this crisis, it must adopt a single strategy, which is to assign individuals with investment minds and knowledge in the field of investment to get out of this crisis."