Saturday, March 16, 2024
Lynne: Mar.14th 2024
Hi all, I just wanted to share today that I was signing real estate docs to list my property, and my realtor knows somebody who’s dealing in currencies along with the Dinar.
I talked to this guy named Paul, who happens to be one of the few group left that the Admiral is handling. This guy has direct contact to the treasury and the World bank of China.
The treasury won’t validate or deny anything directly. However, his contacts state they are stating it’s supposed to be done this month.
To me, that was great news as it at least validated this investment from a direct person I got to speak to that has very high up contacts. Thought I would share.
Spring is just 5 days away and with it comes renewal and refresh. Soon follows the warmer weather and hazy, lazy days of summer….. But spring, as you know, just doesn’t bounce in one night and then its over. Rather, its a slow process and if you follow mother nature you can see the changes, gradual at first especially in the month of March and then in April we get some spectacular days, the peepers finally awaken, the earth begins to turn green again and then May with bloomings and sweet-smelling nectar aromas and then June with calm spectacular days.
I am describing the launching of spring to you today to make an analogy. The comparison is to our investment in the dinar. There are many who want to force the reinstatement which is like me telling you that on March 19th (first day of Spring) suddenly overnight everything will change and wamoo we will have spring. But we all know it doesn’t work this way and so we must make this logical analogy / comparison to our investment the RV. Just like mother nature has a plan for spring the CBI too has a plan and it takes time to execute it. Yes, Iraq is slow and that too runs out our patience as we can’t wait for cold winter to end.
So, in today’s news we read three articles all talking about todays, Thursday’s, meeting of the Finance Committee with the proxy director of the CBI. What did they talk about this time, as this is not the first of their recent meetings?
So according to Shafaq News / The Parliamentary Finance Committee discussed, on Thursday, with the Central Bank of Iraq, the monetary policy and banking system in the country and ways to increase the value of the Iraqi dinar. I quote from the article – “to discuss monetary policy, the banking system in the country, and ways to increase the value of the Iraqi dinar.” Folks I don’t know about you but this article was WOW! news to my ears. I know that the CBI previously discussed with the Finance Committee to work together to make the dinar more valuable than the dollar. This was more than a year ago at about this same time in 2023. The Finance Committee is asking the director today – so where is it? Why is the dinar still worth only 1.6 of a penny? What happened to the final reforms you promised us?
Then the Chairman of the Finance Committee stressed, and I quote – “the importance of following up on the economic file and monetary policy, based on the supervisory aspect, and finding appropriate solutions to the obstacles facing the work of the Central Bank.” What they are basically telling the CBI is to follow up and move more aggressively on this issue of increasing the value of the dinar. I certainly don’t want to put words in their mouth, but in this article, backed up by the other two articles, we can read between the lines and see that the people are getting a bit impatient with the CBI. You think this is an important issue? It made the headlines in every major news media channel in Iraq. Take this news from today and add the news we received last week in the news about the dinar and the Project To Delete the Zeros. What do you think? I believe there is enormous pressure to get the dinar revalued and conduct the 3 zero note changeout (The Project to Delete the Zeros). These reforms will not only bring back the wealth to the people but it all will bring back stability and a sense of finalization and normalization from the three decades of the wars are finally over. It will also bring the rebuilding of the country from the war, something that has been delayed also due to all the corruption.
Again I quote from the articles today – “The Finance Committee expressed its aspiration to coordinate with the Central Bank in order to increase the value of the Iraqi dinar” To me this last statement from the committee is reaching out to the CBI in cooperation basically asking if there is anything else you need us to do to support the monetary reforms? Are we the holdup?
Then Ali Alaq answers and says and I quote – “For his part, the Governor of the Central Bank reviewed “the economic and monetary aspect, pointing out” the establishment of basic rules in order to monitor the remittance process and analyze monetary operations, praising “the role played by the Finance Committee in following up on the country’s financial and economic movement.” So what Alaq is saying here is to explain to the Finance Committee again that there is a plan and he is following it. (I believe it is the Dr Shabibi 2011 plan). The use of the phrase “ the establishment of basic rules in order to monitor the remittance process and analyze monetary operations” is this indication.
I encourage everyone to go read the full articles on this subject matter in today’s Articles Section of the Newsletter.
So, what else is in the news of importance to our investment?
A member of the House of Representatives, Mohammed Al-Sayhoud, revealed on Thursday a government move to lift the US sanctions imposed on Iraqi banks, while stressing that the work of the Iraqi committees is continuing with the file of removing the US combat forces from the country. Why is this important news?
I find it quirky how they tie these two issues into one article (lifting sanction on the banks with the removing of US combat forces). Are they trying to tell us something? Could it be that Iraq is pressuring the U.S. to relieve these sanctions and in return let them have a longer military combat presence in Iraq? Sounds like it to me. It’s about time Iraq did some real negotiating for their own benefit. Will they, can they, also negotiate the release of the reinstatement of the dinar as part of a deal to allow the combat troops to stay in Iraq a bit longer?
We know that Ali Alaq is not letting the proverbial “cat out of the bag” when he talks to the Finance Committee either. The CBI must be careful about speculators in the dinar, and he has told us this too already many times.
Remember that the sanctions put on the Iraqi banks, by the CBI, at the request of the US Treasury only prohibit the sale of the dollar by these banks. They can still do business with the dinar and other foreign currencies and are making money anyhow. However, through the sanctions the CBI and Treasury are trying to reverse the reliance of the banks to make money solely off the point spread of the buying the dollar beyond the CBI official rates. Get it? We read many articles on this already too. They must convert/reverse the bank revenues to other sources to get out of the currency auction business and into real banking practices, like all other banks in the world.
So, to comply and take these sanctions off these banks they will have to comply and deal in dollars ONLY at the official rate. They will also have to prove to the CBI that they are engaging in other forms to generate revenues to stay in business. Remember that banks are also a business and, like any other business, must also find ways to make a profit and generate revenues. This is what the CBI and the U.S. wants as part of the financial and banking reforms. They don’t want the banks to crash simply because they are stopping the currency auctions. Get it? This is also why they told us in past articles that the CBI is SLOWLY phasing out the currency auctions and the electronic platform. Go read the White Paper for yourself. That is why I created a special page just for this paper. It’s all in their plan. This plan leads to the reinstatement and, just like the season of Spring, we can’t rush it. It must just evolve and when they are ready, we will then realize over time in retrospect that the successes of each separate part of the plan brings us to the whole and final goal.
Again, I have to say that the CBI cannot turn back from all the progress already made. Also remember that the citizens of Iraq are reading all these articles too about increasing the value of the dinar and so it is way beyond the point of returning to the same old, same old.
I get a kick, or rather I’d like to kick, (lol.. lol.. lol..) people who have dinar and get so discouraged and disenfranchised. Why I ask? You are a millionaire right now only you are listening to idiots telling you that Summer is already here, and so don’t you feel the warm weather and see the green on the trees, they say? But you are not an idiot, and you can see and feel for yourself that this is not yet true and so you know that, like the season of Spring, we must just wait and let the dinar RV process takes its course and bring us to Summer on mother nature’s timing. Whether it is just completing the last parts of the monetary reform plan or whether its political reasons holding up the process, we are trying to figure all this out.
Why do you think I decided to include the Political Section and now even the Foreign News Section in my newsletter? Why do you think I try to give an update on what the prophets are now telling us? All of this information applies to this investment as Iraq does not live in a vacuum. Get it? The ties the US politics is strong and if you have any half brains even, you will listen and watch how it all comes together as the exposure and eventually the prosecution of the corrupt takes place. Just like with the dinar RV we complain too at how long it is taking for justice and to prosecute these bastards for what they have done to OUR great nation of the United States of America. Yes, it belongs to the people, the citizens, not some global entity trying to incorporate us into their global governance plan. “We The People” of the United States govern ourselves through our representative form of government (democracy) guided by our basic principles in our constitution. Just look at the mess they have created. It will take time to unravel it and fix it, just like what they have done to Iraq over these decades of war and post war. But it is all fixable and will be fixed.
Please take the time out every day to pray as God’s Hand is at Work over our nation and of the Iraqi people. God needs to know you are looking for more than just a DATE and a RATE.
Remember two things if nothing else:
1. It’s not IF but WHEN this event is going to happen and;
2. It has to happen and soon.
Remember Speedy Gonzales – nothing is done quickly in Iraq!
🇮🇶 Iraq lawmakers to meet with the CBI to discuss ways to increase the value of the Dinar
🔰It’s obvious they are “discussing” ways and process to do so and this comes from their Economic Reforms…not a flipping of a switch
🇮🇶Iraq is connected to the global event and vice versa
🟢Please stay grounded and watch it unfold
Baghdad / Nina / The Parliamentary Finance Committee held on Thursday a special session to host the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Ali Al-Alaq and officials of the bank’s board of directors, to discuss the files of financing the Central Bank’s sales of currency in the local market, the procedures of the electronic platform for selling dollars, the supervision of private banks, government bonds and follow-up procedures for electronic payment cards.
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Walkingstick All these meetings that the CBI had with all these agencies that were helping them with their monetary reform are done. Al...