I hold millions of dinar and people act like I don't want the $3.22 exchange rate with the current currency, 'No, Pimpy doesn't like it. He doesn't believe in it.' What the hell are you talking about? I own millions of dinars. Nothing would make me more happier than them to jump up to a $3.22 rate and keep the same bank notes that we got now.
Can the Iraqi dinar get as valuable as a Kuwait dinar? Of course it could. There's a lot of hurdles there. Are they [Iraq] going to be reinstated? No. Two different stories. The invasion and occupation [of Kuwait] was about 7 months...The Kuwait government was still able to do business as usual outside of Kuwait, use the money they had in their reserve fund. Iraq did not have that, not to mention the fact that Saddam Hussein... printed the hell out of the Iraqi dinar causing the value of the Iraqi dinar to drop...You can't compare Iraq to Kuwait because there's no comparisons...