Monday, September 30, 2024



Let’s start with an interesting article titled “IRAQ PLANS CURRENCY REDENOMINATION AMID ECONOMIC CHALLENGES“. My goal today is to show you that this is just not another article about the Project to Delete the Zeros but much, much more. I also want to show you that I believe this project is going to move forward this fall, and I am told not until after the US election. 

In this article they state, and I quote – “The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) has announced that discussions regarding the project to remove zeros from the Iraqi dinar are ongoing,” Oh…. 

but we already knew that, didn’t we? But here is the important part. It is the timing of all these articles yes, there were many articles on this topic this period of news.

 It is September and if you recall my CBI contact told us the committee was planning to begin the roll out of the currency swap out in November. 

Then the article went on to say and I quote – “To address these issues, it has amended some monetary policies in line with the international situation, aiming to increase confidence in the Iraqi dinar and prevent a significant decline in its value.” Is this not one of the main reasons for the Project to Delete the Zeros? 

Okay, so here are the real goodies in this article. I quote again – “Earlier this year, the Iraqi federal government decided to postpone a plan to remove three zeros from the nominal value of its currency notes, citing that the current economic climate was not suitable.” 

Earlier this year?

 Is it suitable now? Is this what they are telling us? Did you read it? All I can now say is “I told you so”. 

Yes, just as I was telling you that they planned to do it in June but for reasons they postponed the process. The US Treasury decided to stop it and we know the rest about the banks and the corruption that we read.

 Now the CBI has decided to do it this fall. This is why they occupy an entire floor in the CBI. The reasons are really two-fold:

 1. One is to help reform their banking system to allow them to do it and 

2. the other is to be onboard to assist in the actual swap out. You will not see the US Treasury leave the CBI until this is done and the Project to Delete the Zeros (swap out) is completed. 

Another piece of the puzzle also surfaced in this article and I quote -“Last year, the central bank indicated plans to redenominate the Iraqi dinar to simplify financial transactions in an economy that remains heavily centralized and oil-dominated, where deals are often conducted in cash.

So, what the CBI is saying is that they reminded us that last year they indicated plans to do it and this year they are going forward with it. This is what I get out of this article. You can go read it in the Articles Section of today’s Newsletter.

 What do you think? But I also have to add what my CBI contact told us and so there is also another verification too of this article that what I think most likely is the correct thinking. You see, I don’t go by rumors, bullshit bank memos or someone being put on alert in an exchange center… bla, bla, bla …. as all these so-called intel gurus will tell you. I go by FACTS and only the FACTS. Get it?

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   Kaperoni     This is a good quote from that article " The expected path of the Iraqi economy "   Quote: " The most importa...