Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Trade discusses the mechanism for Iraq's accession to the World Trade Points Federation, 20 AUGUST

 Tishwash:  This is NOT the WTO   

Trade discusses the mechanism for Iraq's accession to the World Trade Points Federation

 The Private Sector Development Department discussed with the Departments of Foreign Economic Relations and Administrative and Financial Affairs at the Ministry of Trade, the mechanism for Iraq's accession to the Federal Union of World Trade Points, the legal procedures for joining, and the benefits that the Iraqi sectors will obtain.

The Director General of the Department, Ibtihal Hashem, stated in a statement: "The meeting discussed an explanation of the union as an international non-profit organization, which was established under Swiss laws in 2000 and is concerned with managing and developing international trade points in order to activate electronic commerce, in addition to its capabilities to provide small and medium-sized companies with commercial information for member states located in developing and least developed countries."

The meeting also discussed the issue of transforming the electronic trade systems currently operating within the international arena in order to raise the export level of the Iraqi private sector and introduce the outside world to the comparative advantage of Iraqi industries.

The union includes more than 74 countries in its membership, including 6 Arab countries.link 

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