Friday, January 19, 2024

Sudanese Adviser Speaks Frankly: This Is What Iraq Asked America, 19 JAN

Sudanese Adviser Speaks Frankly: This Is What Iraq Asked America

Sabhan Mulla Giad, the prime minister’s political adviser, said that Iraq told Washington that it wanted to see America’s technological, cultural, cultural and economic face, instead of the military face that accompanied the Iraqis for 20 years, despite the need for five types of military support, stressing the agreement with the US national security adviser to schedule the withdrawal of coalition forces from the country.

Giad added in a televised interview followed by “Earth News” that “in the position of the international coalition, we noticed during a meeting with the US national security adviser, the conversation was exposed and frank, and the agreement to start the work of the joint committee that schedules the exit of the international alliance and replaces it with building bilateral economic, cultural and social relations with the countries of the alliance.”

He continued: “We do not want to harm the countries of the international coalition, but the framework of dealing between Iraq and a country and them, is framed by bilateral agreements between one country and another, as well as with America, we are eager to see the second face of America.”

He pointed out that “in 20 years we have only seen the military and security face of America, and this is a face that is difficult for the peoples to bear, so let us see the second face, which is technological, civilizational, cultural and economic, through bilateral agreements with them, and this matter is strongly discussed with the US national security adviser, and also raised with the Secretary General of NATO strongly and seriously, and the subject is not the result of the recent attacks.”

Jiad stressed that “the matter has been raised since the visit of the Iraqi security delegation headed by the US Secretary of Defense, and they were told that you are an international alliance established to fight ISIS in Iraq, and now let’s estimate the numbers of what is left of ISIS in Iraq and Syria, and they estimated them in Iraq by about 1500 elements, but in Syria they are 10,000, so Iraq said that it can confront these 1500 terrorists, and we do not need combat forces, but we only need intelligence security aid in addition to training, development and logistical support.”

He pointed out that “from the political side these two topics were resolved with the national security adviser and the Secretary General of NATO, and the talks will almost be included on the table and developed into bilateral relations.”

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