Friday, January 19, 2024


 Entry Submitted by Chow at 10:04 PM ET on January 17, 2024

My Treasury and Admiral Group contact have said the last few days. 

Whales are moving, the answer is yes with a huge “but” — . 

Whales are moving with a select # of people and # of box quantities – 20 -50-100-500-1,000+ . 

Key word select , not by groups / tiers – I have confidence in my contact due to their connection , but even they may be getting wrong info. 

So the currency locomotive appears to be moving but slow , very slow.

All this is not said almost every day on sites 

The good news it appears it might be moving but very slow?

We all must remember the RV date will not be hinted , estimated or told from credible sources. They are fed dates by people for reasons we can debate and it isn’t to tell the world the real time table of the ——-  


All the RV dates have come and gone over the last few weeks and months 1,000 times , it is embarrassing .

It has also been said bonds must move 1st and it appears it has started , Interesting – this was stated months ago – fact or fiction?

Again , Don’t get caught up in date’s , we , you will never , ever know the dates along with Intel Sites. 

The other part is the Puzzle I have mentioned in the past, must happen before the RV and it isn’t Iraq signing papers , rates on the back screen , their assets the biggest ever or must be, must sign major contracts , must have US banks in , the meeting in Washinton or Iraq new players etc . etc

– Current US administration  must be gone or on their way out
– Momentum that justifies a shut down – and it will not be good – it has to be bad to justify a global shutdown
– so much more 

We are close , based on my contacts , not close enough to exchange this week or even next week.

Our Blessing should happen since it is part of the global unified economic , educational , financial , banking and humanitarian change never ever seen before in the history of the world . Think about it , 210 countries systematically unified – all working together at once – this is huge , huge beyond imagination folk.

Saying it again — Are they actually going to tell Intel , the RV date that will start the biggest Global change the World has ever Seen ??

Heck no

Folks don’t get caught up on dates . Yes it will happen maybe the 1,000th time it is predicted 

  • We all know people are hurting
  • May we be more patient
  • Help our friends and neighbors as we wait
  • We must also Remember our humble blessing and humanity’s needs changing man kind as we know it for a 1,000 years to come.

My best – Chow

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