Wednesday, December 18, 2024




The wait is over, patriots. The storm has arrived and the gears of history turn faster than ever. 

The oil-backed Iraqi dinar has revalued in the country, with confirmed rates of $3.49 in Iraq and $3.28 in Kurdistan. 

Rumors are swirling that the Vietnamese dong has followed suit, with classified rates already circulating.

Level 4b (that's us!) is on high alert. 

Reno has been given the green light and the reimbursement centers are up and running. Trusted insiders confirm that the Quantum Financial System (QFS) is fully operational, available 24/7 to bypass corrupt banking systems. The trigger could be pulled at any time, weekday, weekend, it doesn't matter.

GLOBAL CELEBRATION UNDERWAY: Iraq is making waves with a global investment summit in Basra, hosting ambassadors from 140 nations, along with major players such as the World Bank and UNICEF. Experts reveal that these meetings mark the beginning of a new financial era. Meanwhile, rumors suggest that Syria's currency has been revalued, indicating a domino effect across the Middle East.

BOOM: Florida goes to gold and silver currency! As the Federal Reserve wavers, Florida takes a bold stance, igniting a movement in favor of state-backed currencies. Add to that the Trump administration's explosive plans to make XRP, ADA, ALGO, and HBAR tax-free, and it's clear that the old systems are crumbling. 

Medical beds are arriving. These revolutionary healing technologies will be implemented after the rescue, offering futuristic solutions to health challenges. Ask about them during your appointment: your future depends on it. 

This is not just a moment; It's THE moment. Faithful sources insist that progress is imminent, with Christmas or January 25 as key markers. Redemption, revaluation, liberation: the world as we know it is transforming before our eyes. 

Stay alert, patriots. Keep the faith and prepare for the greatest change in human history. Notifications could arrive in your inbox at any time. Eyes open, hearts prepared. The storm is real and we are living it.




La espera ha terminado, patriotas. La tormenta ha llegado y los engranajes de la historia giran más rápido que nunca. El dinar iraquí, respaldado por el petróleo, se ha revaluado en el país, con tasas confirmadas de $3,49 en Irak y $3,28 en Kurdistán. Corren rumores de que el dong vietnamita ha seguido su ejemplo, con tasas clasificadas que ya circulan.

El nivel 4b (¡somos nosotros!) está en alerta máxima. Reno ha recibido luz verde y los centros de reembolso están listos y preparados. Personas con información privilegiada de confianza confirman que el Sistema Financiero Cuántico (QFS) está en pleno funcionamiento, disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana para eludir los sistemas bancarios corruptos. El gatillo podría apretarse en cualquier momento, día laborable, fin de semana, no importa.

CELEBRACIÓN GLOBAL EN MARCHA: Irak está causando revuelo con una cumbre mundial de inversiones en Basora, que acoge a embajadores de 140 naciones, junto con actores importantes como el Banco Mundial y UNICEF. Los expertos revelan que estas reuniones marcan el comienzo de una nueva era financiera. Mientras tanto, los rumores sugieren que la moneda de Siria se ha revaluado, lo que indica un efecto dominó en todo Oriente Medio. 

BOOM: ¡Florida pasa a la moneda de oro y plata! Mientras la Reserva Federal vacila, Florida toma una postura audaz, encendiendo un movimiento a favor de las monedas respaldadas por el estado. Si a eso le sumamos los explosivos planes de la administración Trump de hacer que XRP, ADA, ALGO y HBAR estén libres de impuestos, está claro que los viejos sistemas se están desmoronando. 

Las camas médicas están llegando. Estas tecnologías curativas revolucionarias se implementarán después del rescate, ofreciendo soluciones futuristas a los desafíos de salud. Pregunte por ellas durante su cita: su futuro depende de ello. 

Este no es solo un momento; es EL momento. Fuentes fieles insisten en que los avances son inminentes, con la Navidad o el 25 de enero como marcadores clave. Redención, revaluación, liberación: el mundo tal como lo conocemos se está transformando ante nuestros ojos. 

Manténganse alerta, patriotas. Mantén la fe y prepárate para el mayor cambio en la historia de la humanidad. Las notificaciones podrían llegar a tu bandeja de entrada en cualquier momento. Ojos abiertos, corazones preparados. La tormenta es real y la estamos viviendo.

DINAR REVALUATION RV UPDATE: It’ll be harder to get dollar, Look at how close we are !!!! WOW!! #iqd


For quick response.. Central Bank launches citizens' complaints platform, 18 DEC

For quick response.. Central Bank launches citizens' complaints platform

Today, Tuesday, the Central Bank of Iraq alerted citizens to the possibility of submitting complaints, starting from Sunday, January 5, 2025, through the bank’s official website in the complaints platform window, or through the government’s Ur platform.
The Central Bank indicated in a statement that it “launched an electronic platform to receive, process and resolve complaints submitted by the public,” indicating its keenness to respond quickly to their complaints.
He said, “In line with the bank’s tireless efforts in the digital transformation process to receive complaints submitted by the public regarding their dealings with the banking sector, providing services, reporting negative cases, and enhancing the bank’s supervisory role



 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] 

  FIREFLY:We are hearing another gazette is missing from the publication.  They say it's number 485.  They say it was completed but it is not published publicly yet.  We thinking it's because it has the article 12 items related to it ...

 FRANK:  Article 12 is the introduction of a restricted free currency with no sanction to the international world.  It does not mean it has to have value but it means that it can leave your borders and gain value in an international basket.  Everything is set up so perfect. 

DINAR REVALUATION: How Iraq's New Leasing Company Could Impact the Potential Value of the Dinar!#IQD


Increase in pensioners' salaries, 18 DEC

 Increase in pensioners' salaries

Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Moeen Al-Kadhimi, confirmed that “the problem of Kurdistan’s salary employees has ended, as duplicate names and fictitious employees have been removed.”
He said in a statement seen by (Al-Masry - Tuesday), "The Federal Ministry of Finance now has a clear picture of the number of employees, which turned out to be 700,000, out of 4.2 million employees in all of Iraq."
He pointed out that "there is a possibility of raising the salaries of the lower categories of retirees starting next year in line with inflation, in accordance with Article 36 of the Retirement Law."
Al-Kadhimi continued, "The government withdrew the retirement law from Parliament to make some amendments, including the Cabinet's vision to fix the retirement age at 60 years, which would allow for more appointments, while Parliament sees the need to raise it to 63 to ease financial burdens


 Militia Man  

[Budget]  Article 12-c...hasn't been exposed to us quite yet.  That's what we're looking for I hope...

Item 4805 was published in The Gazette and yet to be opened to the public to see.  

All of this is looking to be a part of the mechanism that is likely to have already established that 'mechanism' for the suitable basis for pricing. 

 That would be an exchange rate.  That is what we're waiting to see..


 DINAR GURUS UPDATES Summary In the recent Dinar Guru updates, key discussions revolve around the potential changes in the Iraqi dinar’s val...